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Majestic Messages Of Disclosure

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I personally have never had any ill effects from any drug use, including never even having had a hangover despite getting incredibly drunk on a fairly regular basis. So take my experiences and view with a grain of salt of course.

The best way I can sum it up regarding cannabis, is it seems to significantly increase your visibility to any beings more perceptive to higher dimensions. In hippie speak it "opens your third eye" which really doesn't describe anything accurately. I imagine it as flashing your high beams at anyone in the room who is looking. This is actually incredibly dangerous for some people, and generally a bad thing for most. It has all the fun physical effects too of course, that's just biology and the other side of the coin. For many people who use pot to "just chill" they're basically just calling attention to themselves as a free buffet of energy, and thanks to the drug they can't even do anything about it until they come down if they are even aware of what is happening to them. But wherever there is risk, there might be opportunity (or at least so says the fool), and so I went exploring while stuck inside my small apartment this past year. Using cannabis essentially bootstrapped me to being a significantly better "meditator" than should be expected for any newbie, especially one coming from my background (I spent a number of years working for a non-profit dedicated to skepticism and scientific thought). I don't rely on it in any way, but I find in any habit variety is important. And I meditate quite a bit as it is directly tied to all of my best success in life of late.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@ultan-mcg I think you are spot on with a lot of what you say, however, here is my take.

Up until very VERY recently - like before WWI the people that lived in the Western world, even  children, had alcohol in their diet. The archeological record on that stands on its own. Go drink out of the river versus this fermented stuff and see who lives. So being an evolutionary dead end - there is where we disagree. It’s an evolutionary dead end for those who abuse it, but an evolutionary necessity for those who don’t.

Cannabis attracts all kinds. ALL kinds. Some who use it to check out, those who use it for medicinal purposes and those who use it to connect to their spirituality. If that appears as an oxymoron that cannabis can be linked to spirituality, then I ask you keep an open mind and just “suppose” it can.

Personally, I have always been on the hunt to alter my consciousness. Be it “illegal drug” kind of psychedelic or a plant that grows as natural as a tree, but it’s never to chase a high. Ever. I used Hallucinogenics literally figure out how to put into words what I always knew to be true. Now, I never could put it into words but it was more of a coherent thought.

I do not think everyone should be treating everything - but this experience on earth - sometimes the answers come from elsewhere. The receiving medium may have its consequences in Korea or China or Anywhere else for that matter. Those are HUMAN judgements. My serious personal belief is that cannabis was given to humans to be used as a medium. As I believe peyote was given to humans to communicate. Not everyone CAN communicate with their spirituality with these mediums but those who can - it means a lot.

Something being illegal is based solely on human judgement to control or sometimes protect a citizenry.

And Vegas... Vegas is Vegas. Cannabis or not, it’s a city of zombies. If you ever make it to the states stop by Florida and I’ll show you how life was meant to be lived!


After a number of conversations over the years with shamans, monks, priests and other assorted psychonauts, I've gleaned enough to convince me that the realms opened up by drugs and other hallucinogens, just aren't where we belong-- and a lot of the 'psychological' danger lies in readjusting back to this 'reality' after the trip. That's the realm of demons, sprites and other pretty dangerous entities, and unless one is pretty fawking good at dealing with those guys, best beware.

I did try mushroom tea once, but got a mild hit while the people around me all turned into giggling little girls jabbering away like monkeys. Frankly, they looked ridiculous. But then again, I've always prided myself on being able to stay in control-- somebody's gotta do it!

If ya wanna connect with your innerself, try an ice cold sea swim mid-January, or work with horses and cows for a while-- those guys will teach you some shit you'd never have thought possible!

But as always, each to his own. And the dudes who deal and profit off drugs? Their psychic energy tells me all I need to know, I'm afraid. And I've had dealings with quite the few.

And heyyy, I know Florida! Fort Myers is where it's at!

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

I love Ft. Meyers! But I know a small bar in Clearwater- right on the beach - just a bit away from the Scientology! I live even north of there but I still make it weekly! Anytime you are in town-I’m telling you - beer and seafood on the beach is on me.

And you can drive!

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Cheers, my man-- I'll keep that in mind, although who the fawk is gonna be travelling, these days. Hopefully things'll get better in future.

Soon. it will be over one way or the other soon enough. Enjoying it while we are here is the name of the game.

And I want to say that in NO WAY do I want to come across as glorifying drug use of any kind. This place is too good for that and if it came across that way at all - please let me know. I do not want some kid who just visits this board to think any drug use is “good” drug use. I am not saying that and do not want to come across that way. My path is just that. My path. Good and bad.

But please let me know if I crossed any lines. Remembering where this board is based out of - I am done talking about that stuff.


No way, man! We're all long in the tooth enough at this stage to know what's good for us, or not. And as we also know from the MWI revelations, we're very much on our own solo journeys of discovery.

And I'm certainly no expert on the mind whereas you most definitely are-- and have put in the study to know enough of what you're talking about, too. My experiences of drug-land usually involved freaks and miscreants of every description, you've obviously been approaching things from a completely different perspective. And your points are well noted, the others above, too.

You can cross my world line any day.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Oh and I'll bet your friends are not impressed with all those hot rock burns on your nice leather car seats!

That's a big discount come trade-in time, dontcha know.

My car smells of manky dog and cigarettes-- my wife wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole! 😂

I just do not want to violate any Chinese laws or anything that can possibly reflect badly on MM. he is a guest in that country and we are guests on his board. The topic of altered states of consciousness I am willing to talk about - just not getting there in any other way that meditation or MMs advice. Things can quickly devolve into conversations that are better not written on line about.

And I am no expert on the mind. I am just as much a student as everyone else, just a different vantage point is all.


I am an advocate of smoking, drinking and womanizing.  However, the world of drugs is a no-no. These are very powerful substances, and you should use them when other holistic techniques fail. One thing about China, is how the doctors look at the entire body and then slowly move it back towards center. I really like that.

Be good to yourself; your body. Be good to those around you. Be good to the animals and creatures you meet. Eat food food, drink good drink, and make good friends.

Well, that's my opinion anyways.

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