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Something going on with Non MAJ Participants

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@ memory loss  lol yes, Danger Mouse is fine.  i agree entirely with you. I have had many experiences where extremely negative things have happened while in SP. This wasn't like that. I am aware that I am "intentionally blocked" from accessing certain things to do with my astral assignments at certain times. This wasn't a negative experience and felt more like they were catching that thought because it was not something they wanted "read" by other psychic operatives. I could be wrong, but this was the impression I got. Maybe they were working on that particular assignment where that particular thought was located, or maybe I just came off assignment and was remembering it. It was extremely odd. I usually expect things to be harsher with me whilst in these states. I actually regret waking myself up from it.

There was something that happened last week as well where i think i did actually catch something that had me under a "holographic" dream state.
It was like I was in this house and we were having a party. Then there was this random suspicious noise like a knock or something at the door, but more of a crash. Me and this other guy started creeping towards it to try and catch whatever it was. We opened the door and looked outside but couldn't see anything. The guy I was with decided to go back in and check another part of the house. I decided to go back out and have a quick look. I stepped out the door and moved to my immediate left. Suddenly this figure materialised out of nowhere right in front of me; I had evidentally stumbled upon him. he was {invisibility} cloaked and decided to show himself when he realised I'd found him despite his cloaking. with lightening speed, as soon as he materialised he pricked me on the hand between my thumb and forefinger, and suddenly everything went into slow motion. it was at that point I was like "what the actual fuck" and realised I was dreaming. The weird thing was as soon as he pricked me, everything went into slo mo and I could see the dream dismantling as I woke up. I am damned sure this was a holographic dreamscape he was monitoring me in. I think me finding him really made his reputation take a hit.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Berkant have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardBerkant
Daegon Magus

Throughout my life I've always had vivid dreams. Not lucid dreaming that I'm aware of, as I almost never had control, but lots of vivid imagery that is memorable and sticks with me. The frequency comes and goes, but I've always had them. I had been going through a short lull this summer. The lull ended two nights ago.

I think the dreams mentioned in the first Q&A have might have started for me. But I'm not 100% sure. Two nights ago it was kind of medical based though with a deliberate mention of a future date as part of the dream. Last night it was first about a school that was inspired by a movie from years back, I woke up to use the restroom, and then a work dream that had some impossible aspects, primarily a dog that could feather fall 🙂 I decided to start keeping track in a journal to see if they are "just dreams" or if they end up being more.

@ daegonmagus - Have you ever had dream travel that were not lucid dreams, you had no control, but were truly visiting other places anyway? Is that even a thing? Asking you as our resident expert 😀

congjing yu, pissedlizard and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardperolator

@goldleaf know EXACTLY what you are talking about. It can happen shortly after you close your eyes, right? But I get taken places. It’s vivid. Not earth, but has earth features and have been having it happen since my earliest memories.

I never ever new how to describe it, and I never ever mentioned it to anyone.

But it’s like I lock in and just get “taken”. I can feel the acceleration - the ups and downs - the whole bit.

Is that what you mean?

congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

My dreams would start after arrival at whereever or rarely by going through a portal. I could feel movement after that, walking/running/flying/etc. Sometimes it would be viewed from above, sometimes through "my" eyes first person. I remember exploring ruins frequently and they'd have strange writing on the walls and what not.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Mine are the same way, but I would not describe them as dreams - even though they are “dreams” in a way. For example - I used to travel - A LOT. Always on the road. I NEVER sleep in airports or on a plane, yet if I am sitting in an airport relaxed, but awake - it happens. But it’s much more vivid than a dream. And there are always caves. In a deep deep forest. Sometimes I would imagine it would look like Germany - where there are dense forests and cliffs and caves - but it’s always alien - or not planet earth. And I am always always flying. Mostly first person, sometimes not but mostly first person. Always strange writing on even the smallest cave wall. If that makes sense.

congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

@goldleaf yes definitely have had these dreams. these were what a lot of my assignments were like, though I also had a lot of assignments where I could control them. My autobiography goes into detail about these experiences. It seems they "catch" you when you fall asleep and and use consciousness doping drugs to "upload" the hypnotism. Many of my assignments were that I had to extract my wife from the brainwashing schools the Commander mentioned. We have shared memories of many of our experiences and of the different worlds we've been to. In one of these shared experiences we were both killed in one world with a bunch of other people and woke up in another one another one with memory of the world we were just killed in - it was the same place for both of us. Our friends didn't remember that everyone had just been killed until we told them; this new world we were in was in itself a prison. I can still remember everythign that happened to my consciousness when i died in that LD; it just deatches from the body and sort of falls through the earth then goes into a sort of wormhole thing and you pop out in the new world in the new body

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Daegon Magus

Remembering Death:

One of the most memorable of these {sychronised dreams} was a dream where I was able to “remember” my consciousness detaching from the body exactly as I have experienced it during the transition phase into the void space, which has been the main inspiration behind my philosophies on death. Both of us were lucid in this dream.

My perspective:
We were attending some sort of party at this double story log cabin that sat overlooking a lake lined with pine trees; it was very European. The layout of this house was very peculiar, in that as you entered the front door you’d find yourself in a sort of sitting room that had a kitchen counter at the back but set back from the wall by about a metre. To the left at the kitchen end was a door that led to a bedroom. There were several families in attendance and they were all playing with their children in this room; there wasn’t the typical social divisions of all the woman in one group while all the men were in another; there was a group of both men and women playing with the kids in the bedroom, and a group of both men and women helping to fix lunch on the kitchen counter that had awkwardly been placed right next to the door to the bedroom. The other odd thing about this house was that the living room – which was basically just the space in front of the kitchen – was lined with carpet all the way up to the kitchen.
To the right of the kitchen was a window that overlooked a side of the lake which had a tree growing right next to it.
All of a sudden we heard shouting and the front door broke open , and we found ourselves  watching a group of soldiers going through the house and massacring everyone with fully automatic weapons.
I remember there was a brief opportunity to pile the women into the room next to the kitchen, as the men tried to fight the soldiers off with whatever weapons they could find – which was usually a knife – but it was no use; the soldiers’ weapons were simply too powerful.
The soldiers eventually apprehended those who weren’t yet shot, and broke open the door to the room where the rest of the woman and children were hiding. I watched as they lined them up and executed them, before I myself was shot in the head. Immediately I felt my consciousness detach from that body, “fall” through the floor and earth and go through a sort of weird wormhole thing that was very similar to the void space; it was a very similar experience to when I had consciously projected through the transition stage into the void space.
The next thing I knew was that I was in the body of another man in a bush setting and it was night time. This part of the bush seemed to be set up as a kind of prison camp with fences lined with razor wire around its extremities; it was a good few acres worth of prison area, which had some brick buildings littered here and there.
I immediately noticed that some of the prisoners in this camp were the very same friends that had just been massacred with me back in the other world, though none of them recognized me; I was the only one who remembered that we had all just been shot. They were being utilized as slave labour.
Storme was nowhere to be found.
I tried asking where she was, but they just looked at me very suspiciously and wouldn’t give me a straight answer, clearly scared they would be reprimanded by the guards if they were caught.
I said to one of them “you guys remember what just happened don’t you? We were all just killed in the other place”. I was met with a sense of confusion by them as they slowly began to remember what had just happened. At first they disbelieved me, then I pointed out to each one of them the circumstances of their death, and they just stood there dumbfounded as the memories of the house came flooding back to them.
As everyone stood around clearly upset and disturbed about the revelation I just gave them, I once again asked where Storme was, as I knew I was supposed to find her; I had this knowing that I needed to remind her of the other world we’d just come from.
One of the women, remembering everything of the life she had just come from, decided she remembered me after all and told me Storme had been taken to the “isolation” section of the camp due to her resisting the guards and getting into a fight with one of them. I walked off to find her, not worried about any of the guards I was going to be coming into contact with, knowing that I was much more powerful than them because of my knowledge of my past life.
I remember walking over a pipeline similar to the one down the road, and came into a clearing where Storme was being kept under guard by two personnel each side of her. I pretended to be one of the other guards until I could get close enough to take the two of them out. I told Storme I was there to get her out, which is when I realized she too could remember the whole ordeal from the other world.

Storme’s Perspective:
To begin with it was like a family member’s house or something along those lines. There was a bunch of cousins and other family there. There were heaps of people. It was night time or almost about to be night time, when I went into this house. There was a lounge room at the front and kitchen right at the back with an island bench type thing which came out about a metre form the back wall.
The back right of house was the kitchen, and then the left hand side was a dining area and then past that was a hallway with bedrooms. That whole area had no lights on so I couldn’t see any detail of it. The kitchen didn’t have a light on either, but the light from the lounge room towards the front of the house was illuminating just enough of the kitchen for me to see the island bench.
Everyone went weird for a minute; I can’t remember the specific details but someone said “they are here” or something along those lines.
So I went and hid behind the bench. Some people went down the hall way bit to the bedrooms to hide, but I am pretty sure most of them were still in the living room all sitting on the couches talking.
I don’t know if it was you or someone else but whoever it was in the dining area. Suddenly there was like urgency and someone said “get down or get to the back or hide”. It all happened really quickly; people in the living room didn’t really seem to register what was going on. I had a better understanding of what was happening than the others which is why I went and hid behind the bench.
Then suddenly a bunch of men stormed the front door and just started shooting everyone; they went through the whole house, room to room and shot everyone they found. I was hiding there behind the counter and I must have got shot because all of a sudden it was just blankness, before I woke up in what was like a room or a town hall or something with a bunch of other people there; a completely different place.
I was really confused as I could remember the house where the men had just stormed in and thought I was still there, but then realised I wasn’t – I knew what had just happened with everyone getting shot.
A bunch of people were just talking casually, and one of them said “oh you’ve woken up”, and I vaguely remember saying “how did we get here”?
The people – some of them from the house – didn’t seem to register the question. They just replied “oh you fell asleep” like they were really dumb about everything.
Then I kind of registered that obviously something had happened because I was there and now suddenly in this different place and I think I asked one of the people – who was from the house – “do you remember how we got here?” and she didn’t really seem to understand the question. I said “do you actually remember how we got here?”
She kind of just stood there for a bit smiling and her face kind of dropped as she started thinking about the question which she didn’t actually answer. She just sort of looked at me for a bit. I said “don’t you remember the house?”. Someone whispered “you can’t say that stuff”. The woman didn’t really respond, she just gave me a sort of really confused and scared look.
Someone else came and said “you can’t say that”. I asked “why the hell not, it’s the truth”. He then told me I was going to regret it, really sternly. I was really bewildered by that because I thought that particular guy was my friend, but he intentionally said it loud enough to draw a nearby guard’s attention.
Then some person or dude who I hadn’t noticed prior just sort of came up to me really abruptly and said “you can’t be asking those questions. I said “what do you mean it’s just a question?” he replied that I was behaving quite inappropriately and getting very rowdy.
There was some other stuff going on as well in the background where a bunch of guys were harassing a woman.
When the guard came over after my friend had drawn his attention, I blatantly just said “are you going to do something about that” and pointed to the poor woman. I said “because if you don’t I will”. He just repeated that I was being very rowdy.
I just sort of looked around at all these people in this room and it hit me; everyone was just being really quiet with their head down not talking and all doing exactly what they were told. They were prisoners.
So the guard took me away out of the hall. It reminded me like a school set up; a school gymnasium with the corridor to all the classrooms; I just remember it had a very similar sort of setup to a school. The guard walked me out of that area down this school corridor, on one side was all rooms and other side just open to all the greenery and patch of grass. We went down this hallway then down this other hallway bit to these solitary confinement type rooms.
They stuck me in one of the rooms, and I can’t remember the details past that point though I have another recollection of being tied to a bed in the same room where they drugged me, electrocuted me and poked me with sharp things.

congjing yu and fifth.eschaton have reacted to this post.
congjing yufifth.eschaton
Daegon Magus

Another dream, or series of dreams on Saturday night, early Sunday morning. They weren’t me, or anyone I knew, and places I had never been. It might have been 5 different situations back to back. Honestly, I don’t remember. (I don’t dream often, or if I do I don’t remember.) I wish I would have written them down now but it startled me because we were camping, and I woke up suddenly and could see inside the tent but it was night and there was no lights on. I just remember opening my eyes and a voice saying: ‘ok, now change them.’
I don’t really like being told what to do in my right mind…. So I responded, ‘yeah right’ turned over and went back to sleep. That was all I remember.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Here's a fun one--not a true lucid dream, but very close to one where the veil between dreams and wakefulness was very thin. In fact, I woke up suddenly, and spent the rest of the night tinkering with the same dream, returning to test it and trying to figure it out while alternating between sleep and wakefulness. It was a restless night.

So basically I was in some kind of government building, with what appeared to be a metal detector. There was a small crowd of people, being directed by some officials in uniform. The main thing I remember was that I was nervous of being scanned, even though I didn't have anything weaponlike on me.

When I stepped up to the metal frame, it suddenly blared out in a robotic voice, "NOT HUMAN."

I'm standing there, thinking what the fuck? And in the back of my mind there's a Dominion officer saying, "This is what you should try to avoid."

And then I woke up, instantly, with the instructions still trailing off about not allowing myself to be revealed. But all I can think is wait, what? What do you mean I'm not human?!!

I tried getting more clarification, like was this an actual scanning that would happen, and did they mean a physical scanner, or something in the non-physical? But I didn't get anything else. And I definitely don't think I'm anything special even if  it turns out I'm not actually an 'earthling'; I'm one of those deplorable creative types. (Writer, artist, actor, you name it)

Since this wasn't a truly lucid dream, I'm not sure what to make of it, but I wanted to share.  Maybe it's nothing. But maybe it was to prepare me for some really, really strange memories, should they surface. I have some memories of my life before this one. But this is....nothing I would have conceived of before.

At the very least, this dream made me consider the possibility.


congjing yu and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yuAlice

Interesting. Seeing that inmate bodies are not actually human bodies, but human bodies that are feature-deleted versions.

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