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Understanding Magnetics for when the SHTF

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Here are a couple Videos that will help to understand the use of Magnets and the treating of water. Please ask any questions that arise from these vids. This is what Joe has made publicly available and were made by Peter Stevens. This is his youtube channel.

Do understand this, Joe has told or educated Peter about 5% of what he has shown me.

More later

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I wrote the following points and then decided to post the above 3 videos instead.

But each and every point in the followings is inherently part of any Magnetic Cell I talk about or Joe has.

We are entering a SHTF period as we cusp the end of an "Age". This Discourse on Magnetics will tend to focus on the Healing aspects of Magnetics. The Magnetic Forces of Motive Energy for "free from the Aether Energy" is actually beyond and completely unattainable for the average Joe WITHOUT an understanding of our Magnetic Universe. The understanding of the role of Magnetics in our Universe has purposely been kept from the average Joe.


So to begin there are certain Principles of Magnetics that must be 'grasped' or learned or at least ‘known’ to your spirit, in order to comprehend the Universal Energy of Light and Life.


  1. "Everything is the Light" said Tesla and virtually no-one has elaborated or figured out what he meant. In a "nutshell". A Particle of Light from the sun, a candle flame, an electrical spark or a light bulb has "magnetic properties". Mass being defined as a magnetically charged physical form that has an effect on other magnetically charged physical forms. Weight is a ‘measure’ of Magnetic attractiveness to another Magnetic Form. Everything is Magnetic and every mass effects every other mass Magnetically. Actions and opposite and equal re-actions are not a chemical reaction but a Magnetic interaction. Light is a tiny match stick shaped Bar or Structure with a North Pole and a South Pole and an equatorial Polarity as well. In Keshe's book "The Structure of Light" the preview says similar. Six Singular Structures of Light come together to form the Tetrahedron Water Crystal and these ‘Crystals’ make ALL of Creation. On Earth the natural harmonic resonance of Light gives us liquid Water at room temp. Earth is a Liquid Water Planet. (apparently water planets are rare) Water is Liquid Light. EVERYTHING IS THE LIGHT (let that sink in goodly) Thales said some 2600 years ago "Everything is Water" and "Life is in EVERYTHING".


  1. To understand the nature of our Universe "Think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration" said Tesla. If a Structure of Light is 'magnetic' then everything Light makes will be Magnetic. In essence it’s actually a Magnetic Universe of Light. Light and Water will 'exhibit' Life. Sunlight and water and a seed will "grow". Life ‘springs’ from Water energy. Light has a frequency as does water and so does all the so called 'elements'. We measure this frequency as Vibration. A Mass spectrometer that 'detects' elements' in the Lab looks for VIBRATION and plots the many frequencies and through a trial and error process, these 'frequencies' have been given the name 'elements'. Its PURE speculation that an 'element' is composed of ‘particles’ of differing ‘charges’. "Elements" are Frequencies of Water. To make "CARBON" from Water, one uses the flow of Natural Magnetic Current with a South Pole Bias (the kind you get from Life like 2 nails in a Tomato or activating plates in a battery to "harvest" this energy)
  2. For Every Action there is an Opposite and Equal Reaction. While they ‘teach’ this they don’t practice it. (where’s the Opposite and Equal of “gravity”?) There is a TWO WAY FLOW of Energy in every ‘electrical’ wire. As a metal rod or wire, is extruded from the furnace, the end exiting the furnace first will be Negative or North Pole. As the Rod cools, the outside of the rod cools first making the metal rod Negative on the outside and Positive on the inside. Thus the ‘flow of magnetic current’ travels along the outside of the Rod or wire AND there’s an opposite and equal flow through the centre Field of the Rod.
  3. All Iron is made by organics. Iron is a product of Life. Hematite, the source of Iron Ore is petrified dead sea microbes. Our bodies ‘make’ iron for our Blood. Therefore, Ferrite Magnetics are more “tuned” to Life. Rare Earth additives like Neodymium are not tuned or harmonious to Life.
  4. A Magnetic Field in motion or rotation, generates a Magnetic Current, DC or ‘electricity’. A clockwise spin generates a Positive South Pole Bias Field whilst an Anti-Clockwise rotation generates a North Pole Negative Field.
  5. All Magnetic Fields have a Neutral Centre. A human body is a Bio Magnetic Field. The Earth is a Bio Magnetic Field (Life is in everything) This Neutral Centre is the “link” if you will, that Physical Matter “receives” Aether Energy from the Grid or the 5th Element, The Other 4 “Elements” being the 4 States of Physical Matter that Light Energy exhibits in the Physical Universe as we know it. Solid, Liquid, Gaseous and Fire (Light Plasma). There are no “elements” only Memories of Water exhibiting their own Unique Frequency and Vibrations.
  6. A Rotating Magnetic Field will CREATE a Neutral Centre from where Aether Energy can enter the Physical world. Its akin to Electricity needing a Circuit board to flow where Physical Energy (the 4 elementals states of matter) require the Aether Energy Grid to exist upon or travel through with an attachment point called the Neutral Centre.
  7. The ‘properties’ of the Aether Energy Grid gives rise to Inertia or ‘resistance’ to change of movement upon or through the Grid. The Aether Grid governs how the Magnetic Fields of the 4 States Matter interact.


pissedlizard, fifth.eschaton and Alice have reacted to this post.

Hey @merlynn !! I didn't know you were here too! I think we've talked before on /x/. Howdy. Been following Joe for years, but I wish he would give us some reproducible experiments... I'm game to try, I just don't want to kill myself with a car battery.

Great intro to the topic.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Quote from fifth.eschaton on September 21, 2021, 1:13 pm

Been following Joe for years, but I wish he would give us some reproducible experiments... I'm game to try, I just don't want to kill myself with a car battery.

Who is "Joe"? Joe Lives in a 'hippy' town NSW OZ. His father had 2 wives and he is a younger son of the 2nd wife. His father had the Gift of Healer and carried a bible with him, Joe follows in his fathers footsteps, but none of the rest of his family does. They are poor white folk. Joe was ran over by a truck when his second child was new born 40 years ago. Hardly a bone wasnt broken. He woke up on the operating table just as they switched on the buzz saw to amputate his left leg and arm and told them not to cut anything. Today he is fitter and healthier then me!!!!. His wife left him before he was discharged from the Hospital. His oldest daughter has worked most of her life in the DUMBS of the World. She's presently in Pine Gap. From an early age he could just look at an engine and know whats wrong. Joe can also see how to 'improve' anything. Some say this Gift of TOTAL KNOWING came about from the near death experience of the truck but I believe he was always possessed by the Holy Spirit. He SEES the energy fields around EVERY object. God literally speaks to him and tells him anything you care to ask. He reads minds and Ive witnessed this many times. He can pick the outcome of any game of chance before the dice is rolled or the card turned or the marble stops. I dont know of anyone else besides his wife that knows he can do these things.

All his inventions come about because he can See the outcome of each and every way a device is assembled before assembling it. Very little is "reproducible" because they all require to be "programmed" with Memory. For Example.... with the IN-LINE MAGNETIC CELL that will turn ANY Liquid into fresh portable water, including Sea Water, (see here. ) the parts list is as follows  4 ferrite ring magnets. 2 mild steel washers, one stainless steel water pipe and a housing to encapsulate these 7 parts plus cam-lock fittings and valves. As he picks up each component he PRAYS or WISHES or casts a SPELL and thinks of PURE FRESH WATER as he assembles each piece. When assembled correctly, and dimensions of magnets and washers and spacing are critical, I've seen, raw sewerage, acid mine waste, sea water and muddy river water exit as pure fresh clean potable water from the Cell. All inventions he calls Cells. So its neigh on impossible to reverse engineer any of his Cells. Its also nigh on impossible to teach you to operate ANY of his cells if you dont know the MEMORY OF WATER. A subject no one believes in. You were programmed to think HHO and thats it, so failure it is. See point 2.

With the very first Cell he made in 1992, that ran a car with no fuel in the tank and one actually has to disconnect the fuel line to remove that frequency from the motor before it will create a Vacuum and suck the piston up with IMPLOSION Force. No water or Gas is used by the motor from the Cell. The Cell imparts a MEMORY to the Motor only.

What Joe learned is everyone steals his inventions. Peter Stevens "borrowed" the very first Cell in 1992 at 2 am some 4 hours after he witnessed it working. Peter NEVER got it to work on another car. Ive spent 25 years being taught how to build JoeCells and everyone thinks they are just some bits of Stainless with rubber insulators or some ring magnets around a pipe. So you negotiate with Joe for anything You can IMAGINE and if you kick the can he will build it for you. Last week at Joe's I witnessed a New Battery the size of your thumb. A Small Stainless Steel bush with end caps 'primed' with the IMPLOSION GAS (seen made here ) and when 'sparked' the Vacuum created inside opens the Neutral Centre for the flow of electricity from the Aether and this Thumb sized 'battery' powered a 2000 watt space heater and 2 banks of Truck Led Driving Lights. Some amazing Healing stories also go with this 'battery'.

If you have a NEED for a JoeCell, he will GIVE you one. If you want a JoeCell, no amount of money will buy one from Joe. I have several. The only way to Learn is to make all the mistakes. If you assemble something and it doesnt work the way you intended it, experiment and see just what it does. You CANNOT pull it apart and make something from the second hand bits as they already have Memory. You can remove Memory by sparking it with a car battery.

Car batteries have MORE Healing potential than any Medical Facility. You just need to know how to hook yourself up to one. I do have the hour long tutorial for Point Activation on the human body with up to 4 car batteries. To touch the Nose or Chin in a VERY Special procedure (do not even try to do this without instructions) will see every Cell in the human body produce Ozone and this potentially could Inert the Graphene from the Vaxx amongst other healing qualities. Kathy, my partner, was over the moon with the Thyroid Activation she had 2 years ago. I saw a young lady instantly regain the Feelings in her numb foot. Another lady had the sight restored in one of her eyes that was blind since a knock on the head decades ago.

So, is that a practical explanation for Car Batteries and the 'elements' as Memory of Water for Point 2?

Yes I did hold court on 4chan /x  for a week or 2.  Here at MM it must be understood to get the Theory right before attempting any practical replication. Can you imagine the 100's of people who spent 1000's of $$ on JoeCells and they were all under the DELUSION that it was an "orgone" Accumulator and virtually none of them had any sort of meaningful results. Now you know why, orgone is Heresy and is NON Existent. The Cell simply couldn't make it.

pissedlizard, Memory Loss and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardMemory LossGoldleaf



Here's a thought for you.


Is it possible for you or Joe to come up with a Disruptor Gadget for the Amnesia Fields that the Old Empire uses? Stuff like that. It's a crazy thought but thought experiments are cool, right?

Just thinking that you ending up here on MM is quite a bit of Synchronicity.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I read the Alien Interview in '08.  Joe does have a few quirks of behavior. He wont discuss reincarnation or aliens or the Age of the Earth except for reiterating whats in the Bible. Or as he puts it... "God tells me what I need to know when I need to know it".  When I use my vast knowledge on these subjects the debate ends in 'stalemate'. But you can see the glint in his eye that all is not as it seems. Getting a Disruptor Circuit for an Alien prison planet would simply be out of the question. The Moon plays a big part, as does the very Frequency of the Planet. The big question would be, what else would it disrupt and just who would object and hunt you down. When I play with Atlantean Fire Crystals, the whole universe knows I am. Careful what you ask for.

pissedlizard, fifth.eschaton and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardfifth.eschatonMemory LossAlice
Quote from Memory Loss on September 21, 2021, 3:17 pm


Stuff like that. It's a crazy thought but thought experiments are cool, right?

Just thinking that you ending up here on MM is quite a bit of Synchronicity.

Stuff like this?

Fluoride is a Rat Poison and "calcifies" the Pineal Gland taking away your 'spiritual awareness'. Makes one docile and easily programmable believing we evolved from an electrified swamp. Its in EVERYTHING as its in the water they make food with. You dam well don't want to eat at restaurants ever. So lets make a Magnetic Water device that mimics Life Force Energy so it 'detoxes' that which isnt "of Life" within the body and de-calcifies the 3rd Eye and generally eliminates the toxins for all diseases of stupidity.

Wouldn't it be cool to learn how to have 6th Senses more easily? But if you 'gamble', you will always lose your sense. Spirit is like that.

Here is such a device that gives you back some of what the Old Empire has taken away. Made by a guy who stole my ideas and went to the USA and has sold some 15,000 of them there in the last 20 years.

Why Wait?


pissedlizard and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.

Lots of information to absorb. Thanks for this @merlynn!

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@merlynn - Thank you for this trove of information!

One interesting thing on a personal note. You wrote “Fluoride is a Rat Poison and "calcifies" the Pineal Gland taking away your 'spiritual awareness'”.

I believe there are other parts of the brain it calicifies as well. Long ago I was in a car accident and got a CT. Being a doc, of course I wanted a copy. When I looked I noticed these bright white spots in my ventricles. It wasn’t mentioned on the verbal report so I took it to the radiologist (who was a friend-we literally did this over beers in a bar down the street from the hospital-I ruined my computer that night) but he said that they were benign and appeared in about 15% of the population, so nobody reports them.

Calcifications. In the brain..... benign??? 15% of the WHAT????

So God knows what else Flouride is calcifying.

fifth.eschaton, Goldleaf and Chromacat have reacted to this post.
Quote from pissedlizard on September 22, 2021, 1:13 am

Calcifications. In the brain..... benign??? 15% of the WHAT????

Yeah. Because our medical system is soooo trustworthy. /sarcasm

Ok. So any other alternative ways to start decalcifying the pineal gland in the mean time?

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