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Understanding Magnetics for when the SHTF

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There are calcifications that can’t (conventionally) be decalcified because of the ionic state it drops to when there is tissue damage-and calcification is a normal physiologic state. That’s why scar tissue or keloids “stick” so well to the area  of injury. When the cell dies, it’s calcium is released - THEN the newer, scar tissue is laid down.

Why the hell they pop up in that high of the population is beyond me - BUT  I can only imagine those calcifications in me have some effect or effects hemi-sync - because that’s how it works. The frequency in the sounds move the spinal fluid in your ventricles of your brain - causing a resonation.

If you have 2 big bricks in the lake - it’s gotta do something different, right?

But yeah -calcifications. I’d rather have found implants.

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congjing yuxzianchowChromacat
Quote from Goldleaf on September 22, 2021, 3:03 am

Ok. So any other alternative ways to start decalcifying the pineal gland in the mean time?

Fluoride is a Memory of Water. You cannot 'filter' out magnetic Memories with a water filter. Carbon is what you have left after all the other frequencies have been removed by Fire. This makes carbon 'hungry' for energy and frequencies. So carbon does have an 'effect' on water memories. In Russellian Science Carbon is at the Centre of the Octaves.

But Fluoride is in the Cellular Memory of your entire body, just like a drop of food color eventually colors the entire glass of water. Just like the Mercury in a Vaxx goes into the cellular memory of the entire body causing a Lifetime of Adverse reactions health wise.

Back in 2000, we organised a public lecture for the Bio Electric Field Enhancement device (aqua chi) where this Mexican couple in Los Angeles purchased a unit for the mother who had arthritis so bad she could not do housework or look after her 6 yr old VAXX induced Autistic boy. This perfectly healthy boy at aged 4 required his Vaxx to go to kindergarten and the very next day he ended up on the floor unable to eat or speak or dress himself. After a month the mother was feeling so invigorated they looked at the boy and said why not try it on him? In 4 months of Bath Treatments, this boy suddenly began singing in English and Spanish at the kitchen table where he hadnt uttered a word in a couple years. When I met the family who were presenting at the conference, he looked as right as rain. When Modern Medicine denies the causative reasons for disease like Mercury in vaxx or Fungi in cancers, there isnt a chance in Hell they can reverse the damage. (but that's the Plan to make you Medically dependent upon Trusting their Science)

What you are asking "any other alternative ways to start decalcifying the pineal gland" is how do you remove The FREQUENCY of Fluoride from the Body by traditional means. Some say Zeolite minerals will do it. We call this "Hyper-charging by Mineralisation". It needs to be done in conjunction with a "natural" whole foods, UN-Cooked raw food diet where Life force energies are consumed without burning them first. Eat everything Raw, sounds appetizing yes? If the body has enough pure unadulterated Life force energy from the food you eat and drink, then the body will naturally detox itself. Its what the Immune system was designed for.

Or you take baths.  I've taken over 1000 baths, I know people who have taken over 200o baths. Most only need less than a 100 to fix what ails them.

Or you hook yourself up to a car battery. Sit with your back to the North Pole of the Earth. Place a car battery in front of you. Have the battery orientated so the Neg terminal is on the left side in front of you. Grab the Negative terminal in the right hand, hold for 15 seconds. then reach underneath your right arm and grab the positive terminal with your Left hand, hold for no more than 5 minutes. Then let go of the Left hand first, wait 5 seconds and let go of the right hand.

Or just connect jumper leads to a car battery and grab the Negative Lead in the right hand making sure all 5 FINGER PRINTS are touching the alligator clip, hold for 15 seconds (this connects you to the AETHER) and then grab the positive Alligator clip with the left hand and hold for up to 5 minutes and then let go of the left hand first and then the right hand. The flow of Magnetic Current or pure Fire through the body will slowly begin to change the Frequencies of that which is NOT OF LIFE in your body, as well as Charging up your Battery (brain).

Failure to observe the 'polarity' and Attachment sequence will see all kinds of problems. Its like connecting your car battery to the battery charger the wrong polarity. Can destroy the battery if done repeatedly. You are a Battery. The flow of Magnetic Iron Cells through your vascular system generates a Magnetic Field. Charging your battery correctly has many benefits.

This procedure was practiced by the Biblical Magi to cure with Batteries back in the Persian days. You can use up to 48 Volts but we're not up to the Advanced Usage procedures yet as one has to Progress Slowly and charge up to this level correctly.

Pic is my Traveling Battery Charger kit.

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congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardMemory LossGoldleaf

@merlynn - I wish you were my next door neighbor!

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Quote from pissedlizard on September 22, 2021, 9:42 am

@merlynn - I wish you were my next door neighbor!

PL I second that!

Dang I actually have a car battery lying around, whatever should I do with it lol.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Memory Loss on September 22, 2021, 10:31 am

Dang I actually have a car battery lying around, whatever should I do with it lol.

Buy a couple Alligator clips off eBay where mine came from and charge yourself up for a good 5 times over the next couple days and I'll give you the next step on how to "See The Light". And there's more. It can be done with a motorcycle battery. Lead Acid Sealed I use. Cheap 20 odd bucks each and get 4 of them. Learn The Ways of Magnetic Current and become wise like the Owl.

congjing yu, Memory Loss and Chromacat have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory LossChromacat
Quote from MerLynn on September 22, 2021, 5:50 pm
Quote from Memory Loss on September 22, 2021, 10:31 am

Dang I actually have a car battery lying around, whatever should I do with it lol.

Buy a couple Alligator clips off eBay where mine came from and charge yourself up for a good 5 times over the next couple days and I'll give you the next step on how to "See The Light". And there's more. It can be done with a motorcycle battery. Lead Acid Sealed I use. Cheap 20 odd bucks each and get 4 of them. Learn The Ways of Magnetic Current and become wise like the Owl.

Thanks merlynn! The battery is flat tho, I probably need to get it charged up first. I suspect you really are a modern day sorcerer 🤔. Your bag of tricks must be incredible.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Memory Loss, if you give that a try you have to report back.

I admit I'm equal parts intrigued and terrified by the idea. Not sure I'd want to try that alone my first time.

Raw food diet was big in the states several years back. I wonder if this is partly why, though it was never put into these exact words. This is likely difficult to answer due to so many variables by individual but I'm asking anyway. At your best guess, how long do you think the minimum to go all raw foods to see an effect?

congjing yu, Memory Loss and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory Lossxzianchow


this is supposed to help detoxify the pineal gland …of course I don’t know if it actually works. I went through a bottle of it a few months back and I was definitely detoxing from something for the first few days.

I’m generally skeptical of supplements but I think global healing is legit. The only supplements I take religiously are majestic earth plant derived trace minerals (daily) and global healing vitamin D, during our 6 month long winters.

I think the owner, Dr. Group, is legitimate.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@memoryloss...  I'm a Magician... I use magnetics

@goldleaf...  how does one overcome IRRATIONAL FEARS?  Your question for the day

@johnsmith  Nascent Iodine is 'electrified' iodine. Its good for the Thyroid. Its one of the 4 essential supplements Edgar Cayce said to take that the body MUST have. Without a proper functioning Thyroid, your body cant repair itself properly.

Breathing exercises. The air we breathe has a portion of it Positively Charged. We call it 'oxygen'. The Positive Charge, by INDUCTION charges up the red blood cells that in turn charge up the brain, which is your Battery.  With a fully charged Battery your body can preform better. SO you do breathing exercises and get "light headed" and then quit !!!!  The PLACEBO EFFECT is in essence, Mind over Matter. SO when doing Breathing exercises, TELL yourself where you want the healing energy to be DIRECTED. This is 'Eastern Religion' speak. They have words for this energy like Prana and Chi and knew of its power upon the human body. But after many 1000's of years the 'teachings' got diluted down, allowing for the dumbing down of humanity.

The breath of Life. Yours for the taking. May as well use it properly if you have irrational Battery fears. NO ONE has ever been harmed by DC. DC Cures. Grab a Farmers Electric Fence and many Virus can be totally killed with just 2 'zaps'. Here in OZ its the only cure for Ross River Fever Virus transmitted by Mosquito.

congjing yu, Memory Loss and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory LossGoldleafxzianchowChromacat

Irrational battery fears are likely from Hollywood. TV and movies have used people hooked up to batteries as a form of torture for as far back as I can remember. Not every show or every movie obviously but enough over time that it left an impression. Makes sense really for them to twist a healing cure into something horrible. Western media and medicine does it all the time.

Now breathing exercises, that I will do! I've already started practicing quantum touch healing technique and can direct my energy into my hands and get a small build up. One of my cats enjoys the sensation, the other not so much lol I haven't tried my third kitty. Which now that I actually typed that begs the question why I don't try redirecting the energy into other areas of my body.

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congjing yuMemory Loss
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