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Understanding Magnetics for when the SHTF

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All the best Merlynn hope you get it sorted quickly

Daegon Magus

@merlynn Yikes! I hope you can get things back to normal quickly.

@MerLynn, hope things are OK. When it rains, sometimes it can really pour like crazy. Look after yourself and Joe.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

ML take care man. Slow down and it will calm down for you. Best wishes.

Quote from MerLynn on December 2, 2021, 4:27 am

Lots of questions here to answer.

In the last week, we had a flood over the farm and now the place is a mess and we are way behind in our farm work. Then I find out Australia is on a list of countries you CANNOT send parcels too. My sources in the USA said yesterday that the PO in Virginia only accepts Letters to Australia no parcels.

I also sold some Unique items from my postings here from the Graphene Removal protocol I sent to Ariyana Love. And I have to travel for a couple days to visit Joe and (hopefully) pick up a new ConeCell or similar.

If youse all can hang in there I havent forgotten. And Yes I can show how to procure a Water module cheaply and what kind of cheap power supply you can buy so you can source a Bio Electric Field Enhancer for around 500 or more (or even less) rather than 1700 or more.

My best wishes. I hope you’ll sort it out.

MerLynn I do hope you are doing alright.

Since meditating on your answer for some more, I realize there are another 4 Nodes I can sense now, making it 12 Nodes in total.

More on that later, since I do not want to put on more questions.

I'm curiously in line waiting for your upcoming enligtening writings to the questions already at hand.

The Creek flooded for the 2nd time the other day. I mow hay all day today and while it dries for 4 days I leave tomorrow early and drive all day to visit Joe. Should have some news by next weekend.  Everyday life has caught up with me... The Golden retriever puppy ate a pen yesterday and tracked ink all over the carpets. Took all day to scrub it out. I get about an hour in the mornings to do computer stuff and mostly its just keeping up with world events. Kathy and I do not watch any news nor listen to the radio. The radio only plays satanic music and lies to us. Havent bought a newspaper in 20 years.

The 7 years of Tribulation starts in 'earnest' when a Tsunami destroys Ireland. Thats the day to begin buying food and prepping. If you live in the UK, then its best to build a boat and learn to navigate to the Southern Hemisphere.

The "Pox" is a cummin. Only way to survive it is to be UN GENE THERAPIED

pissedlizard and Alice have reacted to this post.

“The "Pox" is a cummin. Only way to survive it is to be UN GENE THERAPIED”.

No truer words for this Age have been written nor said.

This I know to be true.

I am glad things are coming back to normal for you @merlynn. I send you a positive spiritual beer every day. And I ALWAYS have been a Fosters drinker.

This I know to be true


Alice has reacted to this post.

@merlynn Best wishes. Take care.

Alice has reacted to this post.

MerLynn hope you are doing alright.

Let's make some advancements in the battery procedure, as long as he is MIA.
I was looking at some Acupuncture Face Charts, like

for some reference.

Taking the 'positive/red' lead and touching the skin with it does produce a electrical shock on some points, but only when unbalanced I reckon.

But there seems to be something missing, as in my case I try to balance my thyroid which is acting up sporadically.

Anyone got some thoughts on the matter?

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