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Understanding Magnetics for when the SHTF

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Quote from daegonmagus on November 8, 2021, 10:39 am

I got vaxxed with the Pfiezer vax a few days ago, so allow me to be the guinea pig that settles this bullshit petty schoolyard squabble that is threatening to shutdown the forum. If I meet an untimely expiration in the coming months Ill be sure that someone lets MM know the details of it, fuck i'll even sign my body away to him to arrange for a fucking autopsy. And for the record about 30 mins after the vax both myself and my wife felt REALLY damned good like it actually seemed to be clearing up some health (and quantum antibody) problems in both of us (I don't know, maybe it was the shitty McDonalds I consumed about an hour prior finally being digested) and it cleared my wife's migraine right up - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING has been able to do that - she suffers from a neurological condition called FND, PL sure as shit knows what that means and that it isn't just normal migraines either. I am not a paid schill working for either a government agency or a vax company; I needed to get this shit or face major disruptions to my way of life. I am just reporting my observations after getting it. Both of you two chill the fuck out and stop attacking each other on a forum meant to bring people together to talk about shit far more concerning the vaccine debacle. You are fucking it up for everybody.

Hello, I allow myself to recall an important information which seems to me to close this problem of vax, Mk future potential, we IsBe non-physical are in physical body. Vax or something else cannot reach our Is Be.


Can you please share more on the Magnetic Poles? Science only knows North and South, but I feel like there are 4 "flavours" of North and 4 "flavours" of South.

Just what exactly is a "pole"?

"We" have labeled, based purely upon observation, the effect of 'magnetism' as having only 2 poles. "We" did this without actually knowing what Magnetism is. We have identified only 2 poles using this unscientific approach.

Just like the 'electrolysis' experiment using only 2 electrodes to give us only 2 results, We then use only the 2 terminals to utilize the flow of DC Current to Magnetize a lump of iron to display the two 'extremes' of DC Current. When you add more electrodes and neutral plates in the 'electrolysis' experiment, the water displays many more 'results'. Literally making the Water magnetic without ANY poles that they can 'observe'.

Lets take a look at 3 car batteries in series to give 36 Volts DC and use this configuration to power up a Multi-plated Field Generation device to make water magnetic. Think outside the box here for a minute. 3 batteries all hooked in series. You can have 12 volts or 24 volts or 36 volts depending upon where you "tap" into the series of batteries WHEN leaving them still connected in series.


if you take 24 volts off by connecting the lead to the 3rd battery, is it the 'same' POLE of Magnetism as if you disconnected the 3rd battery to get just 24volts from 2 batteries? Only by using this configuration in a Magnetic Water Generator will you understand the water is "different" between the 2 differing methods of taking 24 Volts from these 3 Batteries in series.

In Ferrite magnetics where the same poles are placed between a mild steel washer (see the first post in this thread) you are DUPLICATING this effect when just getting 24 VDC from 3 Batteries. The 3rd battery is in the circuit but 'particle' theorists will say there is NO difference as the 12 Volts from the 3rd battery isnt actually being used. But its FIELD is. We now have 4 Poles. You just didnt know it til now.

What we see in a bar magnet and iron filings is the 2 'extremes' of Polarity. But is Polarity only 2 poles?

As a Pipe is being 'extruded' from the furnace in a foundry, the end exiting first, is cooling first and this 'creates' a North Pole ON the Pipe. Given everything is magnetic, means everything will exhibit 2 poles. But the OUTside of the pipe will cool first and the INside of the pipe will cool last. This gives a further 2 REGIONS of Magnet Poles. Each end and outside and inside. When playing with Magnetics, it helps to know where the Fields are as well as the Extremes.

On Earth we have weather conditions based upon Highs and Lows of Air pressure. A High Pressure "cell" creates a ZONE or Field between it and a Low pressure Cell. These Cells are the results of EDDY Currents from outside Magnetic Fields such as the planets or the Sun interacting the the Water Vapors of Earth. What we call "sunspots" are Eddy Currents of Field Disturbance correlating with the positions of the Planets.  Is a High Pressure Cell or a Low Pressure Cell not a POLE or localized extremes of Magnetism?

When slipping a ring magnet over a pipe, you get a Field Effect at each end of the Pipe. If you lathe a grove around the pipe even a defined 'scratch' around the pipe, you will get this SAME resistance when the ring magnet passed over it like it does at each end of the pipe. How many POLES do you want in the Pipe? As many as you want if you lathe the pipe many times. It would be better to call them NODES of Magnetism.

We use the SINE Wave to define many things. It is 2 dimensional. But we live in a 3 (or more) Dimensional Universe. What we actually have is a SPIRAL Wave to understand the 'extremes' of Magnetism and then there's everything in between.

The short answer is... there are 4 'distinct' Polarities. That doesnt mean 4 poles. As there is an opposite and equal to every action, we can define 8 polarities. 4 'seen' as in 4 ways to get 24 volts from 3 batteries hooked in series and the UNSEEN being the flow of Current in the opposite direction using the INTERNAL polarity of the wire. We only know of the 'external' flow of magnetic Current on the outside of the wires in an electrical cable. (its why many strands of wire in a cable carries more Current than a single strand) One needs to know how to generate the Flow to and from the Aether as well as the flow from the Physical construct we call a battery.

Pictures are the 4 Phases of Polarity on the hands of a human body

This is an example of Studying the NON Physical in Teslas famous quote.


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Alice and Florian have reacted to this post.

Sir I would like to express my thanks to you for sharing your insights.

I'm on the battery procedure, but feel really drawn to the Aqua Chi. Currently money is really tight due to plandemic. I saw you mentioned once that it runs good with 28VDC and 3amps, also the device was patented after it was marketed

is it the above? May you please share more of the advanced usage procedures on this? My aging body would definitely benefit from the decalcification process.

thank you for the detailed explanation. Can this be applied to the feet the same way? Might be useful for interesting meditation poses.

What is the purpose of creating a stronger North Monopole with ferrite magnets in the head?

I'm looking for cleansing/transmuting the air of pollutants, as I live next to a main road. Since you are concentrating on promoting health, I'd welcome a magnetics explanation on this topic.

@merlynn I am planning to experiment with all the methods you mentioned in your previous messages to me. Thanks again for sharing all your insight. I’m very intrigued, and taking it at a pace that I can handle. Here is my status and questions regarding the zapper:

Pulsed DC Zapper

I purchased the Mini Zapper that you mentioned for only $30 at I also got Hulda Clark’s book “The Cure for All Diseases”. Her zapper instructions are very basic: 7 minutes on, 20 minutes off, for 3 cycles. She does not clarify proper polarity. My initial tests return a mild tingling sensation in both hands, and some minor dehydration the next day. The tingling sensation is stronger if I hold the red lead in my left hand.

  • The alligator clips on my zapper are red(+) and black(-). How do I determine which lead goes in which hand?
  • How should I configure my body? (Facing south, arms crossed, palm up or down?)
  • I have a multimeter. Would you recommend that I verify any aspects of the device or polarity before I continue use?
  • Should I intermittently switch the polarity, either during a session, or in alternating sessions?
  • Are there other advanced usage procedures for the zapper? My online searching have returned next to nothing.


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Aqua Chi

I’m planning to source the following components, per your recommendations. It seems to be the most potent setup. Does everything here look correct? Do you sell any of these pieces or the whole kit? Would like to support your business where I can.

  • An older power supply with non-switching transformer. (Do you know if model 5400FB is non-switching? They are available on eBay, and look older, but I am unsure of production year.)
  • Aqua Chi Array, with holder for Atlantean Fire Crystal
  • 12mm spherical Atlantean Fire Crystal (Also: Do I need a specific, color or harmonic frequency? Will non-spherical work?)
  • How frequently will the crystal deteriorate and need to be replaced? I know some crystals cannot handle water exposure at all.
  • Advanced usage procedure books or videos. Do you know if/when you will be offering these, or other potential sources? I definitely want advanced guidance to get the most out of my usage and learn how everything works. 
  • Is the discolored water going to stain my bathtub? I see one retailer selling tub liners.
  • Sidebar: I’m curious why the marketing of these has been a challenge. If all the benefits are true and consistently realized, something else must be holding back it’s mainstream success. Medical device approval? Field science being too advanced for the present-day human to comprehend/measure/trust?

Thanks again for all your insight.


MerLynn is not affiliated with the Aqua Chi anymore, only the inventor. But I'm eager for those answers also

Lots of questions here to answer.

In the last week, we had a flood over the farm and now the place is a mess and we are way behind in our farm work. Then I find out Australia is on a list of countries you CANNOT send parcels too. My sources in the USA said yesterday that the PO in Virginia only accepts Letters to Australia no parcels.

I also sold some Unique items from my postings here from the Graphene Removal protocol I sent to Ariyana Love. And I have to travel for a couple days to visit Joe and (hopefully) pick up a new ConeCell or similar.

If youse all can hang in there I havent forgotten. And Yes I can show how to procure a Water module cheaply and what kind of cheap power supply you can buy so you can source a Bio Electric Field Enhancer for around 500 or more (or even less) rather than 1700 or more.

Alice has reacted to this post.

ML, best wishes. Please take care of yourself and your immediate needs. Everyone will wait for you and offer our kindest prayers for quick resolution of your issues. -MM

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