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Understanding Magnetics for when the SHTF

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@geisterfahrer. For what it's worth, there seem to be blowback for Gavin Newsom and Jen Psaki.

Newsom has apparently Bell's palsy from the booster and Psaki contracted covid. Both missing from the public. Even Kamala Harris is AWOL. Beware of the vengeance of the Pissed Lizard!

There are a lot of happenings unreported in MSM. When next we hear from the Commander, maybe things will be clearer.

I remain hopeful that the people behind the bioweapon plot will get their comeuppance. Can we have an intention campaign on this lol.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I dont mean to pick on ultan, but some one's gotta pose the questions that need answering. Besides its costing me 30 pieces of silver to post this.

ultan is skeptical about aborted baby fetus in the Vaxx. You would think that after decades of eating baby fetus on an almost daily basis, he would have acquired a taste for it by now.

And when you look and READ the website following,    FDA Ties Fetal Organ Harvesting to Vaccine Development!

know that pfizer is a customer of Senomyx and its an important ingredient for that CLot SHot that once you get one and log onto that and agree to have a VAXX passport, you will be considered UNVAXXED if its been 3 to 6 months since your last Booster shot. Being UNVAXXED of course could mean you cant go shopping for FOOD or MEDICINES nor be seen in a hospital or use an ATM.

So it sucks to be vaxxed. You have no fucking idea what you have consented to. A 6 monthly dose of Baby fetus and enough graphene to kill you by the 4th shot.

Fancy agreeing to a 18 Ga Sniper Needle Barrel in a BIO WAR that ultan agrees we are in. Fancy agreeing to a double flattening the curve shots with bi-annual boosters for LIFE. The Covid Camps are for the UNVAXXED... meaning those who try to opt out of the VAXX Passport after 6 months....  So hows that for giving you a headache for life if you got the clot shot? Feeling really good about it still?

the absolute apathy of this subject is that the VAXXED in their stupidity, have set in place a Government controlled security zone around EVERY shop that requires a VAXX PASS including the local ATM to buy and sell without the Mark IN the forehead.  If you get sick, just go and die. No Vaxx Pass Q Code NO FOOD. Some countries are returning to farmers markets and if you read the list of foods ultan could eat with Soylent Baby Greens, you might like to stop and think why I chose to be a farmer this lifetime too.

come on ultan....  lets hear it for Big Pharma who in OZ just bought 200 million booster doses cause they got a really good price on volume discount. Enough to Vaxx everyone 10 times.

Is it any wonder this guy now wants to bring in 2 million immigrants Dont you ever say replacement population or I will call you out for being a Conspiracy theorist.

Whose his Daddy? Some New World Order Intel Banker of course.

When you could have been out getting a real "essential" job, you chose to be vaxxed by a Scam Vaxx producer believing travel will be allowed. How's that working out for the sheeple?

and look who gets VAXX Exemption Passes.     besides the usual pfizer and Congress employees 8 MILLION Chinese in the USA are exempt. Hmmmm... who gave them religious exemption?

The VAXXED are no longer PURE BLOODS. They are Human HyBreds. A GMO. The Vaxxed have tainted blood and theirs CANNOT be used in the Red Cross Blood Banks, Its TOXIC.

Last but not least... (cant find the link)   Pfizer faked and skewed the trials and the TGA in Australia is (couf couf) going to look into it.

Not Safe, Not effective. Did you read where some Zoo was injecting their Giraffes with the VAXX until they all died? How much Kool Aide you gotta drink to do this?

Live it up vaxxed your days are numbered. It only ends when you stop wearing that dam face diaper to buy flavored fetus in the candy aisle at 7eleven.

All of the above is THE SHIT HITTING THE FAN

MM's site is about what happens after the shooting starts. Vigilante stuff. Prepper stuff and here we are dam smack in the middle of a BIO WAR and the shits getting fucking stinky with all them shedding toxic VAXXERS trying to blame their failure to understand the NEW NORMAL they so eagerly consented to dragging down those who understand the NARRATIVE that

If you are from the Govt you are NOT here to help me but to KILL me. Its what commie socialists running the World Health Org and orchestrating this scamdemic do.... Isnt that right MM?

The Checks in the paypal mail MM. just waiting on a payment to clear of course.

If I may interject momentarily because I have a LOT of love for Ultan, Merlynn and everyone here. The 2 big points of this argument.

mRNA or MESSENGER RNA is what’s at play here. mRNA is what LEAVES the nucleus of the cell.

Lets say, for example, I cut myself. A ton of chemicals are released, but let’s look at cells on the cut itself. Cells that have been damaged need replacing. Also the PROTEINS that make you up, need repair.

The nucleus starts doing it’s thing to TELL THE CELL WHAT TO DO.  When all of this is completed and the instructions on what to do are written (with other RNA, tRNA but it doesn’t matter here).

That set of instructions LEAVES THE NUCLEUS and stays inside the cell. It looks for these things called ribosomes. The mRNA goes to the ribosome and the protein is made. It’s ALMOST a negative copy of the protein Right there. In the cell.

At this point mRNA breaks apart and goes into the stuff inside the cell - the cytoplasm.

The cheapest and easiest way TO GET mRNA is though stem cells. These cells are cells that can turn into anything. A foot cell, a nose cell, whatever. It has the ability to turn into any other cell in the body.

Stem cells are found in the bone marrow of your pelvis and sternum in the adult. To get them you have to stick a huge needle through the bone of your hip. It’s REALLY REALLY painful.

Stem cells are also found in the blood of the umbilical cord AND THE FETUS ITSELF.

Those stem cells ARE USED to make any and all mRNA vaccines. This is the sole reason people in the states can get a religious exemption. Because of the fetus fact.

Second the GO. Some say people are finding it because it is used in the lining of syringes. I think (do not know to be a fact) but think it was said to have some shit to do with manufacturing.

But here in the USA - our vax has it and ANYONE who lives near a community college can check with a gas spectrophotometer. It’s just in there. Who knows why. Personally, and again, it’s just my feeling from all I am seeing, I genuinely believe it is nanotechnology. I only say this because of the nanotechnology I have been around. The shit is awe inspiring and scary as hell at the same time. But it is real and intelligent and can act independently or as a collective. Some alien craft you see are trillions of independant nanotechnology working as one. But that’s another story for another day.

Everyone has their own opinions on this vaccine and it is nuts because that is the opposite of getting to the truth and helping eachother.

Opinions are dangerous in the Western world. Every single person on this board owes MM and EACH OTHER a debt of gratitude. Look at how you are all helping eachother regardless of the shit being flung. Each one of you is an awesome, inspiring, wonderful person (OR WHATEVER. There are fucking hybrids and shit out here. Believe it or not!) but you all are. You are great people. Please be nice to eachother. Nobody needs to get banned from here. This is a great board doing great things. We are all hearing so much bullshit from every direction. It’s easy to get lost. My advice - because shit is still really really good in this world right now - be cool. Just be cool with eachother.

Save the anger and rage for when it is needed and can be useful… Because we all are going to need it.

All of this except noted I know to be true.


Memory Loss and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleaf
Quote from pissedlizard on November 10, 2021, 10:29 pm

This is the sole reason people in the states can get a religious exemption. Because of the fetus fact.

I don't think that this is quite right.

As far as I know:

  1. "Religions" vary and are not defined by the "government." You CAN use the "My body is a temple" (as part of your religion) and "I cannot inject/consume/intake ANYTHING other than clean air, clean water and clean food." So sayeth our dogma, etc.
  2. Some entities conducting the validation of the Exemption Claim are using SUBJECTIVE judgement - YIKES!
pissedlizard and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.

You are right - I should have said “in the states of Florida and Georgia it’s the sole reason for exemption.

This alllllllll goes back to a hatred of George Bush the junior. The left (at the time) HATED that he banned stem cell research. He banned it because Clinton was pulling THIS shit at the end of his presidency. Fetuses were incinerated during the Bush years. And that is where most medical waste ends up. Incinerated. But when Obama got it in things changed. I wasn’t an OB/Gyn during his time - but I still have friends in the business. And it’s a lucrative business.

But this “echo” from the bush years is still where people can hide from the vax thing. Say “I conscientiously oppose the use of stem cells and my religious convictions prevent me from benefiting from its use” is LITERALLY how the notes are being phrased here.

Anywhere else I have minimal ideas. All states are so screwed up right now it’s not even funny (to some I guess - some find it hilarious).

The problem with the “my body, my temple” is what Merlynn wrote about. Where you can’t get an atm or food without it. That is what these clowns are pulling.

If you got the vax, please be aware of something called a “hyper-coaguable state”.  That is what some of these vax’s are causing. If you look at a thing called a clotting cascade - and there are 2 - an INTRISTIC pathway (within the vessels themselves) and EXTRINSIC pathway (outside the vessels- like a cut). Note how many stages there are. This mRNA can mimic the proteins used in ANY stage of ANY pathway.

This is the clotting we are seeing. People on baby aspirin are not clotting. So if I were vaxxed - yup- I would take an ADULT aspirin daily. There are even aspirin delivery systems that release the drug in the small intestine now - in case people have ulcers. I am not saying this will stop the clotting cascade - because nobody knows what is doing it - but that’s the only thing really in my toolbox for THIS reality in THIS world line. Simple aspirin.

My gut though - says it’s the graphine oxide behind the clotting. It has a fucking strange charge on one end - this is Merlynn’s realm - I am not a chemist - but this strange charge it has in one area that moves around. I can’t remember where I read it, but it sounded convincing. That it may have an effect on the cascade.

Me personally, have become more confused and disillusioned with the newtownian sciences that I only deal with it when I strictly have to.

Newton can suck it.

This I know to be true.


Goldleaf and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.

Thank you for being back PL!!! I missed you!

The hard thing about the Vaxx for me is, that I cannot get into a lab and put that cocktail to all the tests to see myself. I would do that immediately....but I can't. That's why I tend to push every thought about it away and trusting my gut to just not take it, and to not let my kids get that thing!!!

Yesterday I had a talk to the kids kindergartenteacher, she said that all the kids are exceptionally often sick, and that it's very intense. I was already wondering about it, because my kids are coughing and sneezing (and getting fever) about every 3-4 weeks now. I just thought it was normal because we moved and it's the kids first time in kindergarten, but oh boy....I wonder why that it is, and what I can do about my kids not getting so sick every time...

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@mirri merlynn might have an electrifying solution to your kids problems. The shedding from the vaccinated might be causing reactions for them.

Yes it's nice to see the pissedlizard. I need to bombard him with so many questions. 😁

pissedlizard and Mirri have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@mirri and memory loss,

Bombard away! If you EVER have questions for me all you gotta do is type pissedlizard and Yahoo gives me an alert saying I have been mentioned somewhere. Looks like the algorithm is getting refined.

@mirri, Do you live in the states? If so you CAN get this stuff analyzed for free. If you have a community college that teaches lab technology - and most do - literally look up the department head and say you have a water sample to be looked at. 4 year colleges are getting used to this stuff so they probably won’t (it goes against the narrative).

There is a company in the USA called AgPro that also does gas spec “water” testing for about 25 bucks. All they do is look at what is IN the fluid and break it down. It makes no difference if it’s tap water or vaccine - the gas spec will just pick up what is in there.

BOTH of these techniques are what the “concerned mothers” at the University of Florida - did with their mask experiment. Just try to find that one online now…

The other issue you laid out was your children. First, I don’t care what anyone else says - Mom knows best. Always. So if some teacher or some doctor is telling you one thing and your gut is telling you different - high tail it out of there. There is way too much good and bad info for one person to process.

A move though, is a BIG reason for your kids to have cold/flu like symptoms. Be cautious - but use your head more with this Covid nonsense if you know what I mean. Look at Australia. One guy sneezes in an elevator and the whole city goes on lockdown. If you live in the USA - you are seeing an image of the near future unless things make a very rapid, violent change.

Kids being in kindergarten - also a HUGE  reason kids get sick. Now you have 2 major factors that are leading into the “it’s not Covid” side.

My advice - again these are kids so we gotta approach things a bit different - plenty of fluids, plenty of fruits and veggies (fruit juice even better - and who cares if it’s hoidy-toidy expensive shit or the stuff out of a big can (do they still make those?) ANY juice is good. You want the sugars and water content. Everything else will be peed out in stressful situations - like ACUTE sickness. Any kind of hard candy if they are stuffed up (all of that mucus that makes them stuffy goes down the back of their throat, irritating it)

I can’t stress enough the sheer danger that these vaccines put people in. If it were me the LAST THING I WOULD EVER DO ON THIS PLANET - is give ANY of these Covid vaccines to kids. They are designed re-wire the brain into a dementia that has no bounds. Think Joe  Biden. Millions just lost and dazed and confused. Why do you think millions of Chinese nationals in the USA are exempt? And they are.  Look it up if you doubt. Congress, all staff in DC, pretty much everyone within the DC beltway are exempt. There is a reason. A specific reason.

The level of evil that is behind these vaccines is simply astonishing. Please, PLEASE understand that fact right there. BUT the Entities that are in control are in control. I can tell you with 1000% confidence that those Entities are just as much at war with the same evil humans we are battling, but these Entities have been around a long, long time and know how to fight. Amazingly well. Fucking AMAZINGLY well. Thousands of traps have been laid down so that any form of escape from the actual physical fighting that’s going to envelope the entire globe.

Good will prevail in the end. And everyone, in the end, will have a seat in the stadium to watch.

This I know to be true.



Alice has reacted to this post.

Welcome back @pissedlizard. Good to see you! You must have been busy the last weeks.

I do not want to dive too deep into the vaccine issue. However your statement about dementia and Joe Biden reminded me of a study about "unintended" consequences of the mRNA-vaccines that I would like to share. There is a section relating the vaccine to neurodegeneration similar to prion disease which sounds eerily similar to your "rewiring the brain into dementia.

Have a look, you all, if you are curious but don't work yourselves up. Time will tell.
After reading, pet your cat, eat a nice cake with your loved ones and go for a stroll through the forest.

Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19
Stephanie Seneff (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT)
Greg Nigh (Naturopathic Oncology, Immersion Health, Portland)

Download Source: Department of Health and Human Services Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH)

A Possible Link to Prion Diseases and Neurodegeneration
Prion diseases are a collection of neurodegenerative diseases that are induced through the misfolding of important bodily proteins, which form toxic oligomers that eventually precipitate out as fibrils causing widespread damage to neurons. Stanley Prusiner first coined the name `prion’ to describe these misfolded proteins (Prusiner, 1982). The best-known prion disease is MADCOW disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy), which became an epidemic in European cattle beginning in
the 1980s. The CDC web site on prion diseases states that “prion diseases are usually rapidly progressive and always fatal.” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). It is now believed that many neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) may be prion diseases, and researchers have identified specific proteinaceous infectious particles linked to these diseases (Weickenmeier et al., 2019).
When considering that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a transmembrane protein, and that it contains five GxxxG motifs in its sequence [...], it becomes extremely plausible that it could behave as a prion.
A paper published by J. Bart Classen (2021) proposed that the spike protein in the mRNA vaccines could cause prion-like diseases, in part through its ability to bind to many known proteins and induce their misfolding into potential prions. Idrees and Kumar (2021) have proposed that the spike protein’s S1 component is prone to act as a functional amyloid and form toxic aggregates. These authors wrote that S1 has the ability “to form amyloid and toxic aggregates that can act as seeds to aggregate many of the misfolded brain proteins and can ultimately lead to neurodegeneration.”


Welcome back! Thought they got you for a minute.

Here, here! Mother’s do know best... as one of my favorite Disney songs says.

That’s all I read for now, just wanted to say hello and let you know your presence has been missed.

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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