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Understanding Magnetics for when the SHTF

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Quote from Ultan McG on November 5, 2021, 6:42 am

I think I'll be avoiding you in future-- a bit volatile for me.

Is this how you avoid confronting a Truer Narrative? Burying your head in the sand?

and do add your pet narrative on why so many vaxx injuries if GO isnt to blame and why the emphasis on Positive Tests from a Test not designed to do covid testing rather than Vaxx injuries.

I dont think I'll hold my breath, unlikely you'll ever do anything except repeat fact checkers fake news.

I got vaxxed with the Pfiezer vax a few days ago, so allow me to be the guinea pig that settles this bullshit petty schoolyard squabble that is threatening to shutdown the forum. If I meet an untimely expiration in the coming months Ill be sure that someone lets MM know the details of it, fuck i'll even sign my body away to him to arrange for a fucking autopsy. And for the record about 30 mins after the vax both myself and my wife felt REALLY damned good like it actually seemed to be clearing up some health (and quantum antibody) problems in both of us (I don't know, maybe it was the shitty McDonalds I consumed about an hour prior finally being digested) and it cleared my wife's migraine right up - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING has been able to do that - she suffers from a neurological condition called FND, PL sure as shit knows what that means and that it isn't just normal migraines either. I am not a paid schill working for either a government agency or a vax company; I needed to get this shit or face major disruptions to my way of life. I am just reporting my observations after getting it. Both of you two chill the fuck out and stop attacking each other on a forum meant to bring people together to talk about shit far more concerning the vaccine debacle. You are fucking it up for everybody.

congjing yu and Berkant have reacted to this post.
congjing yuBerkant
Daegon Magus

Outstanding! Great to hear.

I had the Pfizer vaccine when it first came out back in April, and I'm still kicking, so I guess we'll see. I honestly think they went with the Mrna because they knew the virus could and would mutate so frequently and they wanted something more robust for their slave workers, lol.

Time will tell.

I just want to add my 2 cents here, to record any vaccine events. I am in France, and I am still waiting for Sputnik V (I guess I can afford to, considering my plans for the time being). My husband has to travel in December, so he took his first dose of Pfizer last week. He had no choice. He didn't feel far. I guess we will have to see in the 3 or 4th week of November when he gets his 2nd dose.

Some of my immediate family in the US got vaxxed--mostly with Pfizer, one with Moderna, another with J&J. My oldest sister felt nothing with the Pfizer, but lost her taste for beef. One younger sister who got Moderna had some minor chest pains after her 2nd dose which cleared up after 1 day. The one sister who got J&J got foggy headed for 1 day. My older brother felt like he got punched in the arm, but otherwise he felt nothing.

We will see soon enough, as these vaxxes will affect each one of us differently. I'm definitely upset that in my part of the world for the time being, I don't have the choice on which vax I can take (J&J and AstraZ is only given for older folks, otherwise it's Pfizer or nothing). I have faith that things will work out my way.

According to this in vitro study, the mRNA vaccines, along with getting Covid itself, causes impairment of dna damage repair. Which, anecdotally, I’ve heard in the past that the body is always fighting off cancer cells, it’s just that sometimes when you get really sick, your immune system isn’t able to always being doing that, and cancer can spread unchecked and then it’s too late for the immune system to tackle it.

I recently spoke with a hospital employee and asked her how things are going. She confirmed what I’ve read about, across the country, hospitals are filling up with non Covid patients (though there are still plenty of those as well). Running out of rooms, being sent out of rooms to a waiting area before being discharged, patients are more acutely ill than pre-Covid.

So the mRNA vaccine components supposedly leave your body in a few days, and the spike proteins it causes your body to make, leave in a few weeks.  So first dose, second dose, third dose, and probably further boosters or variant targeted formulations, that’s a lot of cancer risk, on top of the clotting issues and other strange symptoms that people are developing.

I’d strongly consider a non mRNA vaccine if you have that option and have to be vaccinated.

China is still developing the mRNA vaccine. Curiously, it is the military labs that are developing this system. It will start trials in Mexico and Indonesia. It eventually be offered to the public as an option to the dead-host vaccines once it is judged safe to use. HERE.

Key points...

[1] The Chinese Military is developing the vaccine.

[2] It is intended that the Chinese be technologically current with the West on mRNA technology.

[3] It is being trialed OUTSIDE of China.

[4] It will not be used on Chinese until extensive field trials determine it is safe.

[5] Once approved, it will be listed as an option if one does not want a "dead host" vaccine.


Quote from congjing yu on November 9, 2021, 7:23 am

China is still developing the mRNA vaccine. Curiously, it is the military labs that are developing this system. It will start trials in Mexico and Indonesia. It eventually be offered to the public as an option to the dead-host vaccines once it is judged safe to use. HERE.

Key points...

[1] The Chinese Military is developing the vaccine.

[2] It is intended that the Chinese be technologically current with the West on mRNA technology.

[3] It is being trialed OUTSIDE of China.

[4] It will not be used on Chinese until extensive field trials determine it is safe.

[5] Once approved, it will be listed as an option if one does not want a "dead host" vaccine.


Well Sir, the way I read your latest answers from The Commander is that the mRNA tool has been corrupted. Strange to me is that it seems that there is no end to your trust in foreign entities injected to your body (such as it is according again, to The Commander).

Do you not trust your own human systems?

@Ultan McG

"The Graphene Oxide shpiel is horse-puckey and I've outlined why, before."

"Stick to what you're clearly good at, MerLynn-- and don't go poking done deals"

Please outline again why its horse puke. How long do you need to do this? Or cant you?

And as an example of the absolute state of brainwashing going on in the world today, we have here a fine example from ultan...  "and don't go poking done deals"

It is SCIENCE if you are allowed to question it..

Its a CULT if you aren't.

You have no intention ultan of upwising your narrative on the Clot shot much less what causes all the clots... but heres a video for your pet Cult Narrative




I am not trying to stir a hornet's nest - just replying to give my thoughts on all of this.


If YOU want to get the vaccine, then, by all means, go get the vaccine. I have chosen not to get it. I have been perfectly fine, and I have not suffered any sort of illness. This might be due to my blood type (??) or my diet (??) I don't really know. It might also have to do with me getting Covid-19 back when we didn't even know what it was. I made a full recovery. It is MY understanding, that having gotten Covid-19 and making a full recover, I now have anti-bodies that resist the variants (???), who knows ... but I have decided that it is in my best interest to avoid the vaccine.


Now, having said that, I do feel enormous pressure to get it. From family, politicians and my employer. I can only say "No" politely for so long.


(edit to add: Part of my diet includes diluting Grapefruit Seed Extract in drinking water. Covid-19 is vascular, not respiratory, and drinking/eating supplements might be why I haven't gotten sick. GSE is known to destroy Sars-Cov-2).

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