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Understanding Magnetics for when the SHTF

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I will say, Thank you for saying everything I have wanted to say in any forum across the internet. Fortunately for the rest of the world, I took MMs advice back in 2020 and havent been on a social platform said this one in almost 2 years. Its black and white and if anyone that has 2 cents can see the whole lot of this for exactly what it is. If they can’t, the system has been at work for quite some time.

The way I see it, who’s ever eyes haven’t been open, has been worried about the wrong things. The ones eyes that were and still seemed to take the vaxx bait, either did it because they felt no choice regarding their livelihoods, fell under the weight of pressure from their society, or weak minded need to be weeded out? Im just trying to be objective here.

You are right, we live in a reality constructed by a flawed, unforgiving, corrupt system. As an individual thrown back in the prison system, over and over again just to be subjective to our circumstances. How are we supposed to blame an individual when the whole system is corrupt? It wasn’t until I was 35 that I realized I actually had control over all my thoughts and reactions.

I stand behind you. Honestly, I am a huge softy and give grace where I see I could have fallen short. I honestly havent read much of what was said that got all this started. I checked topics this weekend while I was anchoring, and saw there was conflict and its still ablaze after 7 days.


The only crystal palace I know of is in the Bible.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

I'm just gonna post this screen shot of something odd in this forum. I don't know if you can see the top top post, because it is something DM warned us about. My 2 replies for it to sod off disappeared. This forum is hacked.


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Alice has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Thanks for the above, Memory Loss.

But you can rest assured, nobody has 'brought me down' in the slightest. I'm in the middle of a trans-global move, right now. A permanent one. Pain in the arse but almost set, and looking forward to settling down again at our new destination and finding some cats in need of assistance as soon as I do.

As I said a few times already, I'll be posting my two cents about the 'vaxx' content debate raging above as soon as I get a chance to confirm a few things. And I'll post it in a form that others can look at and think about for themselves. (Needless to add, it won't be in the form of questionable links, neither-- some of which have been referred to by Alex Jones-- need we say more? Must be Truth so, 😶)

I'll also be posting my two cents when I'm darned well good and ready. And most definitely not 'on demand' if you know what I mean, 😉.

BTW that Archive article about the vaxx contents that you posted a while back was great-- complete with blacked out contents referring to military applications, right? Surprised that leaked out. Sometimes stuff does-- accidentally and/or oftentimes intentionally. That was a link, and then some.

But either way it sure is a contentious issue, and I don't mind a bit of heated exchange on occasion and where it's warranted-- even a bit of mudslinging and argy-bargy, too. BUT, that kind of approach also upsets the more...ehhh... sensitive types who avoid conflict, too, unfortunately.

Can't have that, right? It is only WW3 underway, after all.

It is a Public Forum, too, of course; hosted kindly for us by Metallicman; there are rules explicitly of implicitly in public forums.

To be honest, though-- and given what the Domain Contact has been revealing to MMan and ourselves in recent weeks-- I'm kinda starting to get the feeling that discussions concerning the 'vaxx' contents are now very much moot. But hope I'm wrong about that. What's done is done, and it seems to me that the Contact's telling us clearly our Intention Campaigns and being the RUFUS are the more important aspects to grasp now and moving forward. (As Metallicman has been saying for years, too.)

Now, speaking of the Domain-- I have a very pressing and urgent question: Could they please offer any insight as to why oh why this goofball insists in breaking into my house and crashing in the f***ing coal bucket, please? A coal bucket, ffs. And he leaves quite the mess behind him, too, I can assure you.

'Who needs global calamity and mass hypnosis when you can have a chicken breast and a *comfy* coal bucket, human. This is where it's at, I assure you.' 😂.

Stay safe, all.

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Now aint that just about the wrong way to go about things.  Dont think you know who I am, in very least. My words on here might be ‘delicate’ and geared towards a peaceful resolve, but as the saying goes: believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see.

We have had enough semantics on what this VAX may or may not be. As far as I am concerned, until I see lab results and a certified typed up agenda delivered from Satan himself. We can go on this tennis match for years.

You have pissed in my morning coffee, and Ill give you ONE. The next one, well that one is on you. You are messing with my Zen, man. Please take your trollololing vax conversation off a thread that I have been waiting on most my life to read. WE NEED TO FOCUS. K? Can you do that for me?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

well, we all have a right to comment. And if you don't like what I have to say? Well hey, it's Forum. Nothing in the rules about agreeing all the time. One man's troll is another man's info source. Let's be on the level about that, eh?

Addendum: I'll post my findings on a new thread and under a new title if that'll make ya feel better-- and you are of course free to ignore that completely and read stuff you are interested in. But I won't quit just because you don't like me or think I'm a troll. You don't know me either, but I can tell you this: you shouldn't really be telling me what I can and can't discuss. That isn't on the level as you well know.

If our host doesn't like my content, he can ban me. Problem solved. Black and White. Have a nice day~

@am I the only one seeing a billion posts in chinese whenever I look at the forum side panel whilst ont his thread? @ memory loss seems you were right

Alice has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Yes @daegonmagus Nothing from ole MM either.

I will say I was feeling abnormally tired yesterday, even missed some appointments. I slept for 16 hours almost straight. I cant find a proper thread to post in. Anyone else?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

seems we found our bot lord

Daegon Magus

@ultan-mcg, please stay. Sometimes thoughts and emotions are not 100% ours but they are planted by negative entities. Even in MM's case, his emotions and character have to be held back in check because he has external triggers. The "quanta antibodies" will pop up as a response to good things. Right now I just feel another storm brewing up. The battle is not against each other but against powers and principalities, if you get my drift. To see the Rufuses going to war against each other will hurt everyone else here. As it is, our community is so tiny. Can we all look after each other for a change.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Hmmmm, seems that's directed at me, D.M. I'm not a bot-- I just have my own take on things fortified by a lifetime of observation. Bot's aren't people you disagree with, btw-- and if you're not implying that, then you have my humblest apologies.

I access MM via regular connection and am easy to trace as far as I.P. address, goes. MM has the skills to check that out in a second. And the DOS attacks came from the U.S. and Hong Kong. I'd ask him to clarify that out for ya if you're so inclined.

Such is what passes for debate now in cyberspace.

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