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Understanding Magnetics for when the SHTF

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Memory Loss

I assure you Ultan that wasn't directed at you. It was directed at iugh.....whatever thefuck (look at the forum sidebar).

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG
Daegon Magus

Memory Loss I'll be here for as long as Metallicman will have me-- never fear. I'll be up to my 'nads in the coming weeks, but you know where to find me. Even though I seem to be a cause for discontent. I don't know about you, but my observations have been fortified by a lifetime of observation of how things really work. And folks don't like to hear that, sometimes.

I'll follow the rules of the Forum and ask others to do the same.

And to clarify once more: I am not a bot, and can't we think of a more original and adult way of discussing things with people we disagree with, ffs?

Thanks, D.M. Apologies as I've said.

p.s. I've seen the sidebar and this morning is the first time I could log in  for well over a week-- I can post a comment on the articles, but that's it.


If I may - as I am literally passing through here again…

This whole thing - is this in the vax or that - I can’t validate this as much as I want to at this stage - BUT - this is what is purposefully being done to all worldwide.

For example,  this whole shit between 2 people - a Yin and a Yang for the conversation - have 2 very different takes on a very touchy topic, of which there are now 3 (three) distinct groups - again, on purpose and you will see why.

1 Not vaxxed and will not. Period.
2 vaxxed willingly. These people are KNOWN to use other humans as weapons.

3- The UNWILLING vaxxed. These people are the ones “I did it for my job”. These are the weapon. These are the ones who are very easily manipulated - obviously, right? A deep seated recent regret - of COURSE they are unwilling to side with reality - of course they are - they aren’t fucking thinking straight!!! Anyone who knows the shit is bad but is forced to do it to feed his or her family - of course it’s going to generate buyers remorse and open hostility. This is by design.

Now let me take this one step further. You have 2 (two) people, one of whom is a scientist who is not a part of “mainstream” science - the science that got everyone into this mess - but someone who has been challenged at probably every fucking breath of his professional life by a bunch of idiots with a ton of degrees. Getting funding to turn water into anything would be impossible. This person, this giant ball of nerves and blood and shit - probably built a pretty good defense mechanism over the years. And that may involve doing anything AND WRITING ANYTHING to add to that defensive wall.

My point is this. Everyone on here (the seen beings) are or have been a human being. We all get heated and we all get passionate. The key is - over what? Is it good or bad. Merlynn and Ultan are trying to help those they like. They are helping those he has a connection to. Further, as humans, they are helping those that are totally unknown to them. They have only interacted with them through a set of 1’s (ones) and ZEROS. No “real” human contact.

This is an astonishing amazement. Look at the passion human beings are pouring out to digits! There is a lot to that - that is unseen, but just take it for now for what it is.

And understand everyone here is being played with this shit. Everyone. It sucks but it’s true. Just as you can’t see the damage to your face after a fight, because people here are involved, it’s hard to see.

If one human gets really really passionate - we got a Yin. Instead of reacting to emotion, in THIS day and age - that’s is going to get you killed. Dead. And not one country - not even China - is safe for what is coming.

So please. Please. Before the lights go out and and the internet isn’t accessible - please get each other’s backs. Keep in mind the actual human factor and their motivations. If someone is screaming and getting aggressive for you to get out of a building, just because you do not smell smoke, does not mean the building is not on fire.

Everyone right now is or will be feeling a lot of discomfort to the point of pain. No matter where you are or what conflict is happening, you all know - or believe you know - that what is around the corner for this planet is a dark age. Domain stuff, Economic collapse stuff, WWIII- whatever. It’s on your doorstep. It’s coming in your house, like it or not.

And you are being divided and weaponized. Like it or not. You - reading this - knows this.

When the enemy is coming in, do you yell at your daughter for staying out all night or do you give her a weapon and tell her to fight?

Because that is where you all are - right now.

My advice - when Merlynn gets passionate he posts REAL good shit! Send him a box of cannoli - get him real riled up and maybe the will reveal the secrets of the sorcerers stone.

All of this I know to be true.



Ultan McG, Memory Loss and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGMemory LossAliceChromacat

Updated later:

Okay, F** it, you're right.

I hereby declare that I will post nothing more about vaxxes because those world lines have been entrenched deeply as I said, already-- and any proof this way or that way probably will be disregarded, anyway. If I question a source, somebody else will have made an important decision based on that source. And vice versa. Nothing we say will convince anybody else at this stage, anyway. The deed is almost done.

As far as Ultan is concerned, the Domain Contact is laying it all out for us piece by piece and that's my touchstone going forward.

And if that means I have to pull down my panties, stand in the middle of the Atrium and face a public shaming so be it-- do yer worst, y'all! But on that I shall say no more after what I say below-- and feedback always welcome:

One thing else to consider, Gordon Duff over at Veterans Today has posted much Truth in recent years. He has disclosed much about 'aliens' and has said on occasion that the Truth about ultimate human reality and the predicament we are in-- extra dimensional existence, imprisonment very much along the lines of what we now know thanks to MMan and Airl-- has driven colleagues of his in organisations such as the NSA, etc. to substance abuse, early retirement and even suicide rather than face this ultimate reality. Duff himself says he avoids it, and only sits in on these kinds of briefings when he absolutely must.

He specifically said human beings are indeed hybrids and are multi-dimensional entities somehow 'restrained' to this reality. And if he said anymore he'd be deplatformed, or worse.

Duff also discloses much about the powers behind 911, JFK and even world wars and more localised activity such as drug and child trafficking, etc., and how these forces control the U.S. and many other nations and are responsible for COVID 19 and the attack on China. As well as the vaxx rollout. The idea being to castrate the U.S. as a global power eventually. And well underway, already.

His biggest claim along these lines is that the same ghouls who attacked China, released COVID on the West, are also responsible for the 'anti-vaxx' narrative. And as they control all media and most of the internet, they can hammer home whatever message or false-message they like unopposed.

The idea being to kill off as many un-vaxxed in the coming years.

There's much contradiction here, right?

Duff's not an idiot. What if he's right? He's been right about a lot of stuff, so far although I'm not always in agreement with him and some of what he says doesn't jive with my understandings. But I can't prove him wrong on this narrative. And I've tried.

If vaxxes are dangerous and intended to kill you-- then what is COVID? A psyop? That doesn't jive with what Metallicman says, either. Or the Domain. In fact, the Domain even said the inoculations were meant as some kind of mitigating factor that will not work-- so there's room there for the dangerous aspects of them too up for consideration.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no Duff fan, but I have picked up from sources very close to me-- (former colleagues, etc.-- who have all been vaxxed-- and these people wouldn't take a vaxx designed to kill or maim them intentionally, let's just say that-- they know enough about what's really going on--) that the vccines are a military grade biowarfare inoculation designed for speed and efficacy, not for public safety; and yet have decided to consent themselves and their families based on that understanding. So what gives? Or more importantly, perhaps, what the f*** is incoming that thses guys are so afraid of?

Scary part being, they don't know. Nobody knows. WU-SAP anybody?

I think there's some stuff to consider, there.

But from now on I think I'll stick to the Robot Cat pictures. Much more beneficial to soul and spirit. And on my world-line that's all that matters, right?

Sounds to me like if you're convinced you're gonna die, you're gonna die. Metaphysics 101.

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss


Thank you SO much for this study. At first read - what in the actual fuck?

If this is real and the authors legit - and there are a lot of fake journal entries out there - why this isn’t on every persons must read list is again, testament to the evil involved in this mess. I am really going to dive into it on some downtime. Awesome stuff though.

And quickly - this has been on my mind since med-school when prions were just being figured out. Why not weaponize them?

It would be the ultimate weapon. Easily made, made within the host designed to cripple the host cognitively. In fact - if you had a thing - say a transmitter within the host - you could get the host to do anything you want if the pathology is in the right place.

Say those transmitters were possible? Or even a molecule that can induce an action? What then?

Wait and see.


Memory Loss and Alice have reacted to this post.
Memory LossAlice

@memory-loss Not hacked. Looks like a spammer bot. MM might need to enable a captcha on the forum sign up to help weed them out.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.


I have never laid eyes on you but the image of a guy surrounded by cats wearing nothing but panties…. Gotta say it’s a funny mental image.

Good luck with your move. Lots of stress. Take care of you, too.



My morning swim in the lake is closer to that image in your mind than you might think-- have you been spying on me from the Never Never? The cheek!

Cats on my time line don't swim, but they like to watch. There's always the hope I'll be carrying a few chicken pieces in my speedos, I guess, 😂.

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