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@pissedlizard that gets me to my other point: how much of the online community is even real, and how much is a computer generated community tailored specifically to that dossier of you the CIA keeps on file. I fear this is where we are headed. The Daath world of the Kabbilists is the Data world we have created for ourselves. Are we set to imprison consciousness even further into this virtual reality world?

congjing yu, pissedlizard and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardperolator
Daegon Magus


Listen, brother. This is real easy. And I don’t mean this in any threatening way whatsoever - AT  ALL.


In English. As you sit and type. If a physical object - a book, your computer fell off the shelf - would you get physically hurt - as a human would?

Here I why I ask.

I have been given a PHYSICAL object. One that I can manipulate in human land - like a pencil or a book. I could mail it if I was allowed - or whatever - human world = physical human object.

I was also given a computer like app to manipulate something. I emailed a very VERY barebones of this something at the behest of something else. I like to think the person I emailed it to is a person but I never shook his human hand or looked in his human eye. So I don’t KNOW if he is a bot or not. And that’s fine - I get ALONG with bots. I do. But if HE is a bot and YOU are a bot and I truthfully start bringing dreams into the equation, THAT  consciousness, I will steer the thing into a bunch of “I can’t see shit”.

I know how to manipulate this thing pretty well. I am NOT crashing it. Sorry.

If you are a consciousness in a human suit someone can interact with and someone can walk in your room and kick you in the nuts and you - as a man - or woman - feel it - like fucking PAIN - that’s what I mean by human.

By 2 bots meeting in one quanta level that causes a burst that kills 46 human beings - that’s what I mean by bot.

Those of you who don’t get what I just wrote about 2 bots causing a bang when they come together at a certain quanta level (-) time/(-) distance .... they go bang!  - It’s how to spot a trap.

All I want to know, buddy...

Human on a keyboard who takes a shit or not?

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

I’ll leave for the evening with this -

What was summoned was summoned. There is NOTHING you, me or anyone else involved, human or not - can change it. We just can’t.

But I know this to be true - It’s not going back in the bottle, ya know what I mean?

There is an old X-files episode where Mulder says “you can’t summon the devil and expect him to behave”

Well, it wasn’t the DEVIL that was summoned - it was something - to me could be good - could be bad.

But if it’s bad - Satan is going to be scared, ya know?

Either way human or bot, shitter or not is what they say. I get along with bots.

congjing yu and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolator

@PL I shit therefore I am {human}. lol sorry for getting all philosophical on you. and yeah a book falling off a shelf would probably hurt me if was underneath it....actually happens more than you'd realise hahah

congjing yu, pissedlizard and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardperolator
Daegon Magus

Cool! That’s all I need!

I just woke up a little while ago. Lately - I haven’t been remembering dreams, probably due to the speed - or whatever you want to call it - of waking up. Tonight   I will hit the brakes on wake up and see what happens. I wanted to see what happens when I bleed off that speed waking up anyway.


congjing yu and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolator

I’m in. I am cool with only humans, hybrids and cross-breeds. No bots.

All cool with that?

Just sayin before bed. It’s late in the American swamp.


congjing yu and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolator

Dreams have a very "school lesson" feel lately, as if all the scenarios I find myself in are for educational purposes, and "we" all know I'm dreaming. No LD yet.

Sept 28

Fought literal dragons, while I was in a dragon form. Highly entertaining, but probably not MM related.

Sept 29

Jesus gave a demo of how to be in the modern world. Time and context were indeed irrelevant. He reminded me of Luke Skywalker.

He was in the audience in a lecture hall with someone teaching biblical history. He was reciting scripture along with the professor, amused by the errors.

He demonstrated that the most effective way to travers the many worlds is by trusting that the next step cannot be incorrect if led with the heart. Looking ahead into the many worlds is pointless if you live in the present moment. It becomes effortless to correctly walk the path using one's heart.

Oct 7

Dreamt about essentially preparing for "boss fights." Trying to strategize and plan for weaknesses, etc.

Researching was similar to my professional methodology. Asking colleagues for info but no one cared. I'm seemingly the only one who cares about doing the job right.

Very strange train sounds woke me up in the middle of the night. Didn't know if it was in the dream or real.  They seemed to be playing in reverse.

Oct 8th (Directly after reading the Task callout article)

Oh shit. I accidentally saw behind the curtain.

I walked in on an intimate celebrity workshop class led by... you guessed it... Chuck Norris!? Joe Rogan was there too. I understood (in a meta-dream analysis sense) that these actors were not specifically important or accurate. They were stand-ins for people of power gaining insights from older mentors.

There were barrels on the stage and participants had to strip naked, get in the barrel, and pee on each other. The point of the ritual was humiliation.

Utterly bizarre... I didn't want to watch but I was told, in no uncertain terms, "THAT'S THE POINT." Now you'll remember. They were utterly beyond the pale, but that's the programmable zone.

Any inputs and suggestions from Chuck (bless his soul) were immediately followed, because the decency line had already been crossed.

They were being programmed with a trauma feedback loop. "We're doing it, we've done it, and now we can do anything."

Then, a blonde woman joined the scene. She got in a barrel too, and I got the impression that it was completely upsetting the programming. This is when I saw them. Men were standing behind a red curtain off to the side where I hadn't noticed.

Joe, in his programmable state, was beginning to lose his compliance. The woman was totally upsetting the psychodynamic balance in the room.

She said, "My favorite thing in the world is baking pain au chocolat." The incredibly strange juxtaposition of this statement in a room full of naked men peeing on each other was.... odd.

(I'm so sorry forum readers. Nothing about this was sexual, and couldn't be further from my idea of a fantasy. I'm just presenting my dream as-is. Hope someone has a laugh at least.)

It was a trigger phrase and Joe snapped out of it.

Programmers are pissed. I'm being ejected.

Woke up with incredible back pain. Can't turn my head all day. I have lasting impressions of similarities to L. Ron Hubbard and Tom Cruise. There's a significant link between his religion and the programming of celebrities.

I also realized that the men behind the red curtain were like a mix of metaphors from Twin Peaks and Wizard of Oz.



  • Investigate L. Ron Hubbard and what he knew.
  • Investigate Scientology as it relates to the prison system.
  • Investigate actors as favored "clients."
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger was clear in my mind (Sorry, I personally like the dude).
  • I'm so sorry - just following orders:

You are to report your findings, no matter how disjointed or confused, and include your associations and thoughts and ideas regarding them. (Some results might be disturbing or distasteful, but you must report everything.)


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congjing yu and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory Loss

Thank you for that. So many deeper things here. But I am sure that there are some hidden jewels worth of consideration somewhere in this all.

fifth.eschaton has reacted to this post.

@fifth-eschaton I know Hubbard was palsy with NASA's JPL founder, Jack Parsons, and that both of them were Thelemites of Crowley's. I was reading some shit on Hubbard a few weeks back. Apparently - and his son has confirmed this - Hubbard was totally convinced he was the entity Satan. I don't know which version of Satan - see my reply in the STS being a Satanic thing thread - but a lot of his shit was based around this core concept. Interesting considering his views on "thetans"

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Daegon Magus

So I got the "Join the Domain Dream". I could "see" the Type-1. He was somewhere seated. Then There was MM. I guess as an intermediary.

They didn't speak literally but I could hear their voice and understand what they were saying. He said(The Type-1) that I would have to make a decision and because they knew who I was(my attributes, character and more) that I was the only one who could do it and see it to the end.

I also got the paralysis and I literally could not move in the dream. someone had to drag me out. ( In the physical too.) Damn weird man. I just laid on the bed half asleep unable to move.

All this happened after I decided to join the domain but coz am still on my pause I had to wait till at least next month. (I think it was due to my thoughts.)

They have helped in suppressing somethings that were really disturbing that's what they said and showed me. (Actually true. Never gonna go back.)

I just hope that shit doesn't go down. NO FEAR. JUST CONCERNED.

congjing yu, perolator and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatordaegonmagusMemory Loss
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