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It’s going down. One way or the other. There is no stopping any of us from getting hit - but I have an open question to everyone that I will post now. It IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FOR THE DOMAIN TO KNOW!

Just as MM...




I discovered this website and forum a few days ago and this is my first post. I have had OOBE, Lucid Dreams, Prophetic Dreams and shared dreams on a number of occasions ever since I was a child (at one time, I thought everyone did this and it was normal).

I have even had instances of Deja Vu, doing something very mundane, then instant total memory recall of doing the same exact thing in a dream the night before. I am not sure if that makes any sense.

I haven't had an intense Lucid Dream in a while though. Years ago, I reached out to the Monroe Institute with questions, never signed up for their Gateway Voyage, but a kind lady there told me that all of my experiences were normal, and that most people just don't remember them.


I will check in from time to time, I just wanted to say "Hi".

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardperolatorxzianchow

Well a big Hi to you! This is a good safe place. You are free to tell your stories and experiences, and others, all better versed in them than I, will give you their thoughts, advice, suggestions and enter into interesting discussions with you. Welcome.

pissedlizard, perolator and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.

@GF - If I may...

My understanding of deja vu is time has paused for 0.000000000001 (should be 12 zeros after the 0.) seconds - and your world line changed somehow. It COULD be that someone around you - or you yourself is going to get big news - good or bad - big news or something big will happen around you or them.

If that does not make sense, please let me know how I can approach this answer differently because you can manipulate your world line if you can “catch” the deja vu. It’s real cool when you figure out how to do it!

Alice and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.

@geisterfahrer good to see another fellow Lucid Dreamer here. MM seems to be attracting them a lot lately. look forward to hearing more from you

pissedlizard and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

When I have the time, I will give some very specific examples of the types of dreams I have had (the ones that really stood out).


I have no idea how any of this "works" I just know it happens.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@congjing yu you don't wear an eye patch in another world do you? Had a dream last night that was rather strange (usual apocalyptic type deal) which ended in me being picked up by a massive ship. It was like when you went onto it you crossed over to the non physical "real world" where everyone was more their true selves. Had a lab and computers and all this other weird stuff in there. lots of diverse life forms. I saw the dude with eye patch and immediately realised it was you - didn't get to talk to you for very long though. I think PL may have been in there somewhere as well

pissedlizard and perolator have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus
Quote from daegonmagus on October 13, 2021, 7:54 am

@congjing yu you don't wear an eye patch in another world do you? Had a dream last night that was rather strange (usual apocalyptic type deal) which ended in me being picked up by a massive ship. It was like when you went onto it you crossed over to the non physical "real world" where everyone was more their true selves. Had a lab and computers and all this other weird stuff in there. lots of diverse life forms. I saw the dude with eye patch and immediately realised it was you - didn't get to talk to you for very long though. I think PL may have been in there somewhere as well

Hmmm. Very interesting.

Odin is said to have all knowledge of the past, present, and future.

Odin is known for sacrificing his eye for the purpose of acquiring wisdom.

In 10th century poetry, Odin is described as the overseer of those killed in battle in the other world of Valhalla. These fighters support Odin at Ragnarok in their war against the Underworld.

This overseer theme seems to be popping up, at least for me. First Shiva the Universal Overseer and Destroyer of Worlds. Now Odin the overseer of those killed at Ragnarok. Nah, got to be my imagination. 🤔

MM, I hope you don't mind. Your "Who am I?" question kinda resonates with me.


pissedlizard and daegonmagus have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Ad Dajjal is the enemy of Imam al Mahdi.

He is the one who fights for the Christians and Jews.

I would look somewhere in Syria, in fact.

All of this I know to be true.



@memory loss this is a very good point, and thank you for bringing it to my attention, especially considering PL's background beliefs and that I was apparently Thor in a past life. I was told these "god names" were activation mechanisms

pissedlizard and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardMemory Loss
Daegon Magus
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