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Dream share

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My dream of this night was not so weird as OGs, quite a normy in comparison, but maybe ?

I was giving swimming lessons (I am really NOT a swimmer, I don't like it!) together with a friend of mine in a large olympic sized open-air swimming pool. We both stand on the side, and people are in the pool. At some point I say a specific word (I forgot what) and immediately my friend dives into the pool and stays underwater. First I am surprised, why is he doing that, then I realise he probably expects something dangerous and somehow my word triggered him. I start running, out of the place looking up and down the street and looking up in the sky  I see white clouds circling around a dark-blue cloud-free center. So I go back and tell the people they should hide, some strange weather is coming. End of the dream. Other dreams this night were also with water, swimming with two others in front of me, in full clothings, trying to keep some stuff dry.


You must have forgotten to put your "midnight snack" In your repository box. lol

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


Ha, I'm sure it's just coincidence, but last night, I couldn't fall asleep. My belly was making noises. So, I got up, spread some peanut butter on a slice of bread, ate it and washed it down with some milk. Then I put the headphones on and did some meditations. That was at 12:30am. Went right to sleep and woke up for a short while when wifey went to work. I gave her my headphones and asked her to close my laptop. Jerry Garcia was right, "What a long, strange trip it's been."

now @ohio-guy, after alllllllll these years 👀 you STILL believe in coincidence? (That was not me knocking your age years….. referencing MM years lol)

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Aww, you know better than that! After "all" these years. It's gone by like a friggin blur anyways. Peace an love, you wild woman.


I had a dream a few nights back, and it stuck out to me in several ways.


For some time, I have been contemplating moving over to China, so this dream could be related to that.


In the dream, I was inside Robert's house in China. I think it was the kitchen. From the looks of things, I have just moved over from NYC, and yet I am acting like I never moved in the first place. I speak to Robert, telling him thank you for all of the amazing content on your site. It's a great read. To which he said "You're welcome."


And then I say I feel like moving to China. Even if I cannot find a job on eChinacities nor even have the money to get a passport and a plane ticket, I still want to move here before the USA collapses.


And Robert says "Well if you are serious about moving here, I can help you with that. No problem."


The dream ends right around there.

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