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Re: the recent dream I mentioned.


This is a picture of the Cabin I mentioned


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This is a picture of the helicopter the guard used to leave



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I just found these pictures ...about 10 minutes ago. I have never seen them before. I don't know what the significance of the Cabin is and why it is stamped with a Government Exhibit 745


In my dream, I placed the revolver on the right side window sill.

Well dreams have held a consistent pattern ...


I asked the individual what that picture of the cabin was from and got several replies. It is from the Maxwell Trial and it was a cabin that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell bought at a summer camp for girls.



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There's things going on. That is for certain. Track how long these dreams have been persisting, and what the attributes of the dreams are. There is a message and an indicator of some type involved.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.

@Geisterfahrer you are definitely picking up on something regarding the Maxwell trial. Curious to see if you have more dreams in regards to this

Daegon Magus

@geisterfahrer That must be disconcerting. I wonder if this is related to your upgrade.

There was another aspect to that particular dream that I know I will not be able to accurately describe. Have you ever heard the expression "They sucked the nice right out of me"?

That is what the characters inside the cabin were doing (or attempting to do) to me. The only way I can describe it was they were like "emotional vampires" in that they were trying to extract all the love and kindness I had for humanity.

Like I said, it was very hard to describe. It was if these people had some sort of existence on the astral plane where they could damage people from there.


I also placed the revolver on the windowsill so I could get past the guard, then retrieve it once I was inside.



@geisterfahrer, wow if your dreams are reflected in our reality. holy Batman. Soul vampires. My first thought was, the Ghislaine and Epstein people are Old Empire in disguise. Because they do not only do not have human attributes like empathy but they can also drain human attributes away.

Which kinda makes sense. Before this I had the feeling that the Old Empire are embedded or have corrupted the elite. But maybe it goes beyond the child rapes and such.

You mentioning astral plane existence which I didn't factor in, maybe that's how the Old Empire gets its power in its continued existence today. Ghislaine and gang feeds other entities from beyond. Just as Dwave computing borrows computing power from beyond. There is a symbiotic relationship going on in the elite with the Old Empire, looks like no? Then the logical inference is that the Judiciary will naturally bungle things up because everything else is also compromised.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memory-loss according to SD's LD experiences there is a realm/plane/ dimensions where the shit Epstein was up is a normal thing. like, that is the defining "culture" of that place. It is literally just a bunch of old "men" with many female child slaves. My opinion is that the Old Empire are definitely linked to the Epstein/ elite child trafficking thing. I have also been to one world where it is literally just fucking kids, like EVERYWHERE. Not a single adult in site. Whilst I didn't see any nefarious shit  I wouldn't be surprised if it was going on in one of the many "medieval" like buildings that were littered about the place.

Daegon Magus
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