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Dream share

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interesting oozing stuff oG

Daegon Magus

I know, right? Kind of like a little "visit" from some other entity. I got good "vibes" from it. I knew you'd recognize that. Hope all is well with you, mate.


I had this dream last December.

on Sunday the 18th, early in the morning. I was with my wife and we met some people. I thought (in the dream) that they were from Domain, and one of the women told her in English “You have to be like a ball to the dancer” and my wife misinterpreted the meaning of those words. I tried to explain her but she refused to accept my explanation. I went outside and noticed the street was broad, 4 or 5 lanes and full of vehicles were coming and going, a very busy street. It was broad daylight and the sky was beautiful, with few clouds. I immediately thought “I am dreaming” and thus my dream became a kind of lucid dream. The first thing I do when lucid dreaming is to fly. It is a way to ensure I have a lucid dream and I am in control. I hovered slowly about 30 meters high to cross the street and I found it was a huge avenue but buildings were not so high like in Europe. I tried to fly higher but I found a big concrete ceiling, covering everything all over. I was shocked. I flew to the other side of the street and behind the buildings was a high wall that reached to the concrete ceiling concealing or keeping me in that close area. When I landed, the beautiful blue sky was still there and no walls were visible again. I woke up.


The dream share is an emotional rollercoaster. I went from happy, weepy, back to happy again. At least the dream ended on a good note. "A ball to the dancer', huh? How did you interpret that?

perolator has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


That phrase was told by a weird woman. She was dressed like women used to do in the 20's. Long loose dress that rose from the ankles, beautiful shoes and vivid makeup. She was a classical example of 20's clothing and fashion. I noticed women in the room were smoking with cigarette holders. The room was like an old pub or bar, everybody was talking, drinking, smoking and telling jokes.

My interpretation is that (the woman) was advising (that my wife) had to stick to what she was doing at the moment; A dancer (shall stick) to the ball and do what (the person) do best (dancing). I thought "ball"... what she's trying to say? and I understood - She was referring to a ball, as in a dance party. I told my wife "She's trying to tell 'Shoemaker, not beyond the shoe'" but my wife didn't get it.


Thank you for that. Makes sense. I was interpreting it the MOST abstractly. Glad I asked.

Your flight was stopped by a concrete walls and ceilings. Reminds me of a jail cell. My interpretation is - you can enjoy the scenery, interact with your surroundings but your still unable to fly out/ escape the prison environment? Wonder if your wife needs to tighten up and act right and  you’ll get your release date? 😆 JK sort of.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


Thank you for your interpretation of the dream. I don't know what to think.

Let me provide you some background. The flying dream is, for me, very common. I never studied the power of dreams like DM, I used dreams like a playground of sorts (too bad). So I learned to fly and roam freely wherever I wanted.  I can fly fast, slow, accelerate and decelerate with easiness. A suitable comparison of the flying experience is just like in the movie Black Adam. I have went up to the border of space but I feared to go further (lack of breathable air, fear of not coming back, nostalgia, who knows).

Imagine the shock when you go up flying in a sunny day like Neo and find a grey concrete ceiling so big, so wide, thick and well built. The walls were reinforced and even thicker. People below could not notice the shell covering the Earth.

I don't know. I haven't had flying dreams since that day.

@perolator 2 things about your dream which came up in my mind spontaneously, doesn't have to mean anything: the surroundings remind me of the movie dark city. An the phrase "You have to be like a ball to the dancer" I thought like you have to go (dance) with the energy like aikido.

I dreamt about white horses this night. One of mine and another horse not mine. The horse led me or us to an ice cliff and from there we could go down to a city with a huge school building, within that building  lots of rooms with locks and old keys. And women guarding it. Anyway, not a very vivid dream. Just wanted to mention the white horses.

perolator and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
perolatorOhio Guy

Hello youse guys. This morning 3/16/2023 around 10:30am EST, I had a very unusual "dream" just before waking. I have a feeling it was longer in duration but can only recall the final moments of this (wake induced lucid dream).

To preface this event, let it be known that for the past three or four days, I have been meditating using Robert Monroe's Gateway Experience. Mostly, the series, Going Home, Positively Ageless and The Journey Home. I find these recordings to be effective in centering, balance, and focusing my mind on peace, solitude and quietness. I spend hours in these sessions and sometimes "fall asleep" during them mostly to be awoken by the sound of "ONE, Time to wake", or the mind awake, body asleep recordings.

Since taking a break from work the past few days, I've taken advantage of the times of day or night to devote to the quiet time needed for these recordings. It is my opinion that the effectiveness of the content and doing my part in maintaining a peaceful and quiet surrounding while listening, has negated, to a degree, consciousness doping.

Now, the recall.

I am located just below a freeway overpass, sitting atop the concrete wall that keeps the sloping dirt or gravel from falling to the highway below. It is "daylight", but seems artificial to me as I can see no sun or clouds. Just white light. The freeway overpass structure and stonework are too perfect, neat  and clean, to be real.

I am also not alone. There with me, a few feet away is what I perceive to be a female of average height/weight, with long, dark hair. I do not see a face. This entity comes closer to where I'm sitting. I'm looking down at my feet. I'm wearing shorts and no shoes. My left foot looks like a sub sandwich. A thin sliced turkey meat with shredded lettuce sub. A big bite had been taken where my toes would be. I see the thinly chipped meat,  shredded lettuce, top and bottom bun. A few strands of shredded lettuce hang out about an inch or two from the meat which was either sliced neatly off or bitten off by a large/wide mouth with a set of perfect incisor teeth. I attempt to pull a strand of the dangling lettuce out of where my big toe would "normally?" be but to no avail. I then focus my attention to my right foot. It looks to be made of polished stone. Like dark granite with hints of dark red swirls and dots. My toes are all even and the toenails are flat, about 1cm in length and very sharp. Both fit seamlessly to their ankles. I feel awkward yet calm. I believe I'm being "studied" for a reaction. But remain stoic as my right foot.

Rates pretty high on the "weird meter", eh?


perolator and Alice have reacted to this post.

That's a weird one indeed!

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