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Type 1 Greys

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Quote from Feal on July 4, 2021, 8:57 am

I'm about half way through and a lot rings true, but IS-BE's in space battles?

Quote: There are no "saints" in this universe.

The Domain owning a quarter of the universe?

It doesn't feel right to me. All a bit too Star Trek.

No mention of non-corporeal beings yet but those are the guys who get shit done!

This document is a dated transcript recorded right after World War 2. The nurse who transcribed it did not know many astronomical terms and conventions. Further it is an interview with a Type-1 grey officer.

I was entangled with a different species, but interacted with the greys for the EBP. My understanding is based on Mantid understandings, not necessarily this grey species.

I can see that what the officer stated was fundamentally correct, though certain issues are new to me [1] such as the establishment of amnesia fields to scrub access to the soul memories and identities. And [2] that the Earth was set up as a prison planet.

I will write up a series of articles to compare with I know, with this report, and discuss the various miscommunication and issues that differ. Stand by, it should be really worth reading.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Thanks for this, Mr Man.

Indeed, some of the report doesn't jive with your narrative.

But after reading carefully all your stuff about MAJestic and MWI-- other indexes too, of course-- for me at least it doesn't seem like that far a leap between the divergent parts of both narratives.

And as you say, we're dealing with concepts beyond our ability to grasp, and not a lot of people like to know or can admit that. You had to be recalibrated physically and mentally before your adventures in order to even be able to interact efficiently with these beings. That tells us a lot.

I think this tale, your narrative and other's have been intentionally given to us in order to initiate some kind of metaphysical shift. A very real sentience sorting. After this is up and running then-- and only then-- can we begin to unravel our predicament for the better. With the help of our Mantids. And others.

It will take centuries, doubtless.

I sense the Mantids have somehow recalibrated the Net that captures our souls after death somewhat. They are 'in there' doing some serious rewiring. But perhaps are limited by other external conditions as to how much they can 'release us'.

Treaties with other groups? For our own protection?

I also sense that Old Empire agents are very much alive and well and still guiding us toward disaster in this realm.

Looks like George Lucas didn't make it all up, after all, eh?

Anyway. Looking forward to your articles on this. And more of the other stuff too, of course.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardperolator

There is a lot in there that isn't "right".

I will break it down and discuss in a subsequent post.


Later when he / she / it goes into a discussion about half-way through, there is a lot that seems "contrived".

The impression that I get is it was intended to evoke a reaction from the military people at that time.


I’m glad you all are sensing that there is off - with me it was about page 100ish.

I will say this-as a psychiatrist I have collected what I call “crazy art”. It’s all art and writings that patients have given me over the years. I have also evaluated thousands of hours of writings of mentally ill  patients and I am telling you - based only on what is presented without a face to face - there was no psychosis on board when this was written.
Many people write THEIR thoughts and stuff as third person, because it’s easy to distance ourselves from the “bad” truths we carry. I say this here because it is the most common writing style of that population. But the psychosis is very telling and relatively easy to pick up. And none of THAT is here.
If she wrote it when she claims, in 1947, there is no way she could have known many things she writes about like plate tectonics and other subjects from the sciences.
If it was written well after from “memory”, that’s another thing, but the amount of time that past would certainly dim many details she had. As everyone here is saying, I too wait anxiously for what MM takes on it all.

Finally I have to wonder if this was the stuff that Bob Lazar read that really freaked him out. You can see it in his interviews and read about it in his book, but you really get a sense of how profoundly what he read hit him - in his movie a couple years back.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Ive read the book 5 times now. All in a row. I was that gripped! The interviewer states clearly early on that as a young army nurse, she had very little knowledge of anything else. Thus struggling to put the pilots technical thoughts into English notes that the stenographer in the gallery could make sense of. There were all kinds of experts present-- from psychologists to linguists-- and the interviewer infers these assisted in the final report which fundamentally was based entirely on her written notes from source. That's why they a) tried to replace her with expert interviewers and b) reluctantly kept her after the pilot insisted and then showed her how to teach English, which she spent 24 hours straight teaching the pilot.

Later when the pilot 'learned' English, the interviewer states she had trouble keeping up with her, and might have missed important points while writing as well as receiving. The intelligence guys in the gallery were concerned about this, too. Hence the lie detector test the interviewer underwent to make sure she wasnt making anything up from the Army's perspective.

She knew nothing about tectonics, etc. All was information received from the pilot and transcribed on paper, a copy of which she had in her tunic and was unretrieved from the interviewer in the panic after the pilot refused to answer questions and shit everybody's pants with the later part of the narrative! The covering letter provided to Spencer at the beginning I found as interesting as everything else. It reflects perfectly how a novice would have reacted when thrown head first into an intergalactic drama of the highest order.

At least that's my take. Looking fwd to hearing Metallicman's even more.

There was a British writer-- Iain Banks-- who wrote a series of space opera novels (human bioforms at war with vastly different entities) that also reflect this narrative uncannily. And he died young at 52, or thereabouts. Perhaps he got a bit close for comfort, too.

And of course there's always Frank Herbert!

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

Lastly, Gordon Duff at Veterans Today has stated on a number of occasions he was read in on some MAJestic material, and what he learned was that a) he wouldn't live long if he wrote or spoke about it in any detail, and b) that the Truth of what's really going on with our space side partners shook him so much to his core, that he had difficulty readjusting to 'normality' for weeks after his exposure. Other guys actually committed suicide after trying to process it.

Richard Thieme also writes about suicides in the NSA after even the most hardened of agents are exposure to this reality.

Duff also thinks that Lazar is legit, and has been looking to interview him for years, but he's 'disappeared off the face of the Earth'.

As our army nurse said would happen to ANYbody getting too generous with this kind of material.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

Thanks for all of this info. I am NOT the type to dive into this stuff online because I tried that rabbit hole a while back and determined that the sincerity was there, the actual meat wasn’t.
I personally believe MM and his story. And I too, await his take.
This rings like it has a lot of truth to it. First - and oddly because there is literally a show on deathbed confessions on UFOs but I have a LOT of experience here (when people are dying in the hospital or in house, almost EVERY team member taking care of the patient calls for a psych consult On call psychiatrists answer these. I guess the belief is that everyone is going to be depressed about death and those who aren’t must be “crazy”. Now, there is nothing for us to do other than talk. And I have taken hundreds of them. All but one - when the info is turned over to cops as it always involves a serious crime - all but 1 turned out dead on. The one that didn’t - didn’t. But the odds were  that high. Off subject I interviewed a lot about near death experiences and every single thing MM says about that topic  - I have written somewhere by patients)

Her confession was believable. Again, if the notes were in fact written then and she did get them as she said-and it’s very believable being former enlisted and seeing a bunch of officers get their pants in a bunch, bigger things have been overlooked.

Bob Lazar did a great interview on Joe Rogan if you didn’t see it. The movie too-in it you can tell he was shaken by the documents he read coupled with his own thoughts while working.
I just pray for peace for the guy. Seriously. As I pray for peace for MM. Some sacrifices are beyond me wrapping my head around. But they are made and deserve the gratitude they get, you know?

congjing yu, perolator and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorUltan McG

The part of her letters which resonated with me most, was the description of life being entirely technological. Describing certain animals as custom "designer" commissions really opened my eyes to the possibility.

Everything else was interesting to some degree... the history of various races, our ancient architecture being a mashup of kitsch from other histories... but understanding "ISBE" rings true, thus lending some truth to the tale.

Also, the timelines in the order of trillions of years old matches up with the Vedic understanding of reality. One universal lifespan "maha kalpa" is 311.04 trillion years, also one breath of "Vishnu."

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congjing yu, pissedlizard and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardperolator

All great info above, cheers for that. Yeah, the rabbit hole could never be sperlunked properly no matter how much time or inclination one had. And so much misinformation, very little substance. Spent a career trekking around the edge of those holes peering but without ever falling in. It's not called 'the net' or 'the web' for nothing, I can tell you that. Designed that way. To catch stuff. To catch souls, too? Probably. Or at least the material aspect.

Ive whittled down my online footprint to email and about 6 websites-- Metallicman being one of those. News I get from my wife. And access to a number of research portals/online libraries as career leftovers.

I spend the rest of my time with animals and yes, I often get an inkling that they were created, too. And somehow imbued with a spiritual essence by their creators. Small 'c'. Similar to what we have, I'm also sure about that and no less valid. Just different.

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