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Type 1 Greys

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My online footprint is about where yours is. I get my news from 3 US sites and the rest from other countries themselves. for example, obviously everything the west is going to hear about Iran is horrific when the truth is the opposite. Persian people are people. So sites like ‘farsnews’ and ‘al arabiya’ for Mid East stuff. It’s all propaganda but at least it gives a different vantage point. MM has been my daily starting point since I discovers this site a few months ago.

This forum is great. Reading all of YOUR perspectives is helping me understand a lot that has been going on for a few decades and I genuinely appreciate all of your input!

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Big appreciative thanks for the kind words.

perolator and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
perolatorUltan McG

On the topic of Greys, would like to ask if anyone has an experience like mine.

I was about 15 or 16, when I felt compelled to lock my bedroom door at night. I felt that I didn't want to wake up with someone staring at me. Where I got this sudden fear from, I don't know. Though now I have my suspicions.

Then some time later, at a bookshop, I saw the cover of Whitley Strieber's book Communion, the one with the creepy black eyes. I found this picture totally terrifying and it haunted me for decades. I even found that when I was watching television and the topic was ETs, and no doubt they would put a cartoon etc of a little green man on the screen, I would frantically search for the remote to change the channel, because the image would just freak me out.

Another thing that would scare me was Sasquatch. I don't regard myself as a scaredy cat. Ghosts, paranormal stuff don't scare me, actually I am quite fascinated by them. But these two things, the Grey and the Sasquatch, those two things scared the sh*t out of me.

It was only after twenty plus years that I discovered accounts of Greys taking people at puberty, and other accounts of Sasquatch somehow being linked with ETs. Anyways, I decided it was time to get over the fear and I desensitised myself to those images enough so that it doesn't affect me. But I must admit I don't relish the thought of meeting a Grey one dark night while alone.

I would appreciate anyone's insights into my experience.

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congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

The Type-1 greys do not "take" anyone. Any activity that they have with humans is in agreements made with that consciousness prior to an incarnation. There are many, many people who love to instill fear into others, but don't believe them. If you are interacting with the Type-1 greys in the non-physical reality, dreams, or in the physical reality, you should consider yourself a very, very fortunate person. For they will have installed an EBP in your skull, and it does many things.

But one of the best things that it does is prevent consciousness amnesia from occurring.

Memory Loss and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGeisterfahrer

Thanks for this. I suppose I will learn more about it in due course 🙂

@keff I suggest looking up the youtube channel "yowie hunters audio reports"; here in Australia the yowie is the bigfoot's/sasquatch's cousin and more and more reports are coming through about them being seen all over Australia. That particular site is a treasure trove of reports by various people of the community who have first hand experiences encountering Yowie's - there is over 200 reports ranging from 5 to 30 minutes in length giving super detailed experiences to multiple interviewers; the site's admin, Dean Harrison - who is himself a spook - and his crew recently did an overnight outing into the bush and caught a a few shots of 2 Yowie's hiding in the bush on a $10k thermal imaging camera; these things are massive. Depending on how long you invest in the channel, ALOT of those reports come from known UFO orb and "hills cat" hotspot areas (I have seen the hills cat and my wife has seen the smaller cousin called the bullyit, our area is a big hotspot for paranormal activity).
There was one particular case that was rather intriguing as it was told from an ex army guy who claims he and his team were out training in the NSW bush and came across this thing that stalked them for 5 days and threw rocks at them every time they tried to radio in back to bade about it. They ended up getting a grilling from their superior officer as it made them a few days late for reaching their checkpoint; after reporting it to the superior officer he took one look at them, and told them not to tell anyone then they were taken aside and debriefed and told they were not allowed to talk about it, and after that they were each permitted to carry a hand gun on base for protection, much to the ridicule of their fellow grunts.
There was another case where three people watched one a few metres in front of them disappear at the same time, yet all three people gave different accounts of how exactly that was done; person a said it morphed into a lizard and crawled up a tree, person be said it went behind the tree and then was just a random jogger that appeared in the middle of the bush out of nowhere, and person c said it just simply vanished before their eyes.
As far as solid evidence of a connection to UFOs, the only account I have come across was on Linda Moulton Howe's Earthfiles channel, in a brief summary she made of an event where a farmer and his son followed a grey (i think?) out onto part of their farm after it had been harassing their cattle for several days. They apparently got fed up with their cattle dying and the farmer took his gun, deciding he was going to go and kill it. They followed it through some trees into a field and then saw a bigfoot holding a cube like box (pretty sure you mentioned a similar box MM) walk up to it. The bigfoot handed over the box to the grey, then it just apparently toppled over onto the ground like it had been killed.
I should point out that Linda Moulton Howe told me over a phone interview back in January that most of what had been told to me by offworld intelligences had allegedly been investigated by both the CIA and the Majestic 8 (not 12, 8 - apparently an offshoot of the 12 or something, maybe you know MM).
Seems very suggestive to me that bigfeet have something to do with carrying souls around for other ETs, which explains why our government told the army dudes to shut up about it.

Daegon Magus

Thanks Daegonmagus,

I shall go check it out. It is very intriguing that we are all encountering these creatures that seem less fixed in our end of the physical. They seem to be able to transit our physicality much more easily than us. I wonder if this is also in our future.


I don’t know if this helps but a few years back Les Stroud also known as Survivorman (he did a cable show a few years back and was entertaining as heck).
he did a special on Bigfoot which I am sure is out there in the ether. He tried all kinds of tricks to get Bigfoot on camera, to no avail, but two curious things happened.
First, he put an apple way up in a tree and put a camera on it. He comes back the next day and the apple is gone. He looks at his footage and the apple disappears into thin air. It’s there in one frame - then it’s gone. And they looked everywhere so it didn’t drop.
The second thing was he had a young woman on who claimed she could channel Bigfoot and said that they were beings that travel in the space that we can’t see.
The footage of the apple would be compelling if I saw the chain of custody of it (I believe NOTHING on TV until proven otherwise)

Also I know you are all getting sick of me saying thank you for your input but thank you all for your input.

keff has reacted to this post.

Oh, kaaaaay, PL. So you're into some BigFoot porn, are you?

Well, your wish is my command, and an extra dollop of high weirdness (aka what's REALLY going on.)

An Irish guy disappeared just a few weeks ago in deepest, darkest Wyoming. Like he vanished into thin air, apparently. Gone off a hiking trail with several witnesses seeing him park up just that morning. This stuff is happening all the time, and is hushed up quicker than grandpa flashing at the school bus.


pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Quote from congjing yu on July 4, 2021, 9:29 am

I am reading it now. MY GOD! It's all there. 100%. I can vouch that this is profoundly accurate.

It  is the real deal. Just like MM is the real deal.

I will make this into an article and post on my MAJestic index. Stand by.

For me, it is a relief. I read this book several times, also Kyle Griffith's "War in Heaven" which has some similarities with this book. To me, MM has been the real deal since day 1. Now I am connecting the dots, re-reading all the content and learning.

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