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This Physical Earth

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Who deleted posts? And when did I attack anyone here?



congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

I just added some extra Freeman stuff above fyi~ don't go down that route whatever you do!

Stay safe.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

P.L. you didnt, I called out this guy above for posting Flat Erff stuff, earlier, and instead of debating me he just posted a nassssty little insult before deleting it a couple minutes later but not b4 I caught it.

Then he has a hissy fit about suffering my wrath. And says I shat in his punchbooowwlll! 😂.

Eeewwww. I might be a grouch, but I aint no party pooper, Capn'.

You, P.L. are as innocent as a newborn lamb. (At least in this instance you old dawwwg) This I know to be true, 😉

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Oh-I see. One of THOSE things.

I had a f’ing doctor try to pull the flat earth shit. I asked him if he ever saw a sailboat come over the horizon. He said no. My case was closed.

And I do want nothing but good, positive energy, good health and good fortune to ALL humans here - I strive to at least give that vibe to all - even the scraelings and those I “creep out” (I feel you) - I hold nothing against anyone - nor will I. Mine is not to question why, mine is but to do or die. I was wondering what I had done to offend. I am glad I took you out of context.

This I know to be true



congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

The only thing that "offends" me are a priori dismissals and ad hominem attacks in lieu of constructive debate.

Peeps are jussst so sssensssitive, these days. But watch out for the Flat Erffers to be sure to be sure, they are bonded at the hip to the Fweeemen of the Land. Peas in a pod.

As the old master His Highness Prince of Squiggle says: it's a sign o' the times.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

@ultan-I hear you. Believe me. Some get in, act all fine for a while then - BAM. It just is what it is. We are wired how we are wired, but at the end of the day, my friend, if it isn’t life threatening-don’t sweat it.

I am getting slightly angry at these Wall St. remote viewers that need to be kicked on the balls. I know you don’t (and why would you) pay attention to the American stock world, but this vax mandate is causing an airline crunch in the USA. This is causing the airline stocks to go down.

Watch every single trading Thursday until December 1. Airline stocks are going to be shorted making many skrealings RICH. but will DESTROY America’s flight system..

And people will be trapped.

All because scraelings are shorting airline stocks while people are sucking up uranium and dumping energy. This is the AMERICAN way to trade, mind you.

As I said - when people can’t get out.... don’t say you were not warned.

All of this I know to be true.


congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

Guys! My system goes down for 6 fucking hours and what the fuck! All of a sudden the insults fly and people are talking about "flat earth" on my God damn forum. I studied orbital dynamics. I will not have that nonsense on my fucking website.

I will start perma-banning folk here. I tell you the truth.

This is intended as a safe space. I will keep it this way.

Now, I'm fucking busy. Seriously. I've got some coding to learn, hardware to debug, clean up after two God damn typhoons, with all the electrical wiring fried, ankle deep in water in my bed rooms, a fucking old dog that is pissing and crapping everywhere and a two year old that found the candy stash we have been hiding from her. Do you know what sugar does to a pint-sized two year old? Sheech!

ANYONE who feels insulted, upset by a particular member... contact me directly and I will take the appropriate action.




pissedlizard, JustAnotherAsian and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardJustAnotherAsianUltan McGMemory Loss

@MM - we got this, brother. Please, take care of YOUR business - my goodness - take care over there!


Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Don't hate Flat Earthers - they are searching for the truth just like everyone else. Even if they're wrong about the shape, they're right about Antarctica being heavily restricted. They're right about our fake history. They're right about space flight capabilities being totally bogus. Also, that community has turned up some amazing things on Google earth that we would have never found otherwise.

The laser experiments are compelling, even if they don't lead directly to a flat earth conclusion. If we're seriously considering simulation theory, then there's nothing wrong with considering an infinite plane.

For me, it is a good fit with the prison narrative. But who cares what I think - ask your Domain pals what they think 😁

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.

My exact words were "this realm appears to be a torus of energy".
But because I posted of picture of Yggdrasil, the biological robots had their programming triggered.


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