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Surviving Nuclear War

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I'm going to be contrarian.

Over decades I read massive amounts of material about nuclear war and the US government's plans for fighting it and surviving.  Yes, it caused nightmares.  Most recently I read Raven Rock.

One thing really stands out about the expensive facilities and plans for fighting nuclear war and giving politicians and elites a bunker for riding out the worst.  That thing tells me the powers that be really don't expect another power to launch nukes on us.

And that thing is?  Numerous writers note that these bunkers have only about a month's worth of food, fuel, and supplies for those being sheltered.  Only a month.  You'd think these facilities could shelter people for 6 months to a year, or even longer.  Nope, one month, that's it.  Then the President, cabinet members, Congresspeople, et al., must all emerge into the nuclear winter and radiation.  Must emerge.  To go where and do what?

Washington and most military and state government facilities will be gone.  There will be no electricity.  So buildings will be unusable.  That leaves mobile command-post trucks or trains operating in who knows what conditions on what's left of major roads and railroads.  Or maybe command-post aircraft, which I think is more likely, but what about fuel and communications?

These bunkers and plans make little real sense if the US is being attacked.  But maybe these writers have misunderstood their real purpose, though I think Daniel Ford realized the truth.  The bunkers aren't meant to enable the elites to survive a first-strike attack on the US.  But they are just fine and dandy as staging places to launch a first strike on other countries.  These nuclear war survival plans are all about enabling the US to start and win a nuclear war with supposedly minimal damage to the country.  The President hunkers down in a bunker, then launches the nukes to start the war.

China and Russia aren't stupid about the real meaning of these facilities.  They will have other plans for us when it hits the fan.  The US won't get to do a first strike.

And we should never want a President who would be happy to launch one.  But in the ballot box no one thinks about that.

One thing to remember, KMan-- they're not bunkers, they're DUMBs. Deep Underground Military Bases. Underground cities connected by hi-speed Maglev and similar. In all major countries-- and decades in the building. Repeat: underground cities. And I can tell you this with certainty: they're not powered by diesel generators and stocked with canned beans. Nor are they connected to the local internet server of choice. They're designed to be self-sustaining for years. Years.

They can communicate ANYWHERE via a process known as tweaking-- a form of quantum entanglement. Let's just say they're not worried about EMP pulses, either. Greg Bear 'hypothesises' about this comms. system in his novel Heads. He also gets into it in The Way series of novels. Good stuff.

Oh wait, quantum computing is just theory, right? 🙃 Tweaking? Isn't that some kinda dance move? Not really.

Folks wonder where all the money went, right? I can tell you this, it wasn't payment for polishing The Dome above our heads, 😂. Nor for breaching the Sea Wall of Antarctica, neither.

The goof-ball politicians you know and hear about on MMMedia might get to a bunker, alright. A bunker. Soggy peas and an air filter, or two. And the DUMBs would be more than capable of running operations on the surface-- any kind of operation; military, civil, whatever. They are NOT designed as continuity of government apparatus-- that's just horseshit you read about on InfoWars. Local and State Government? Nope-- we're talking paradigm shift here, and your local mask-wearing political muppet of choice doesn't have a ticket.

There was a series of top-class books written about them a good few years ago by an author who disappeared off the face of the Earth. Not Sloma-- that's just page-turner bullshit. I can't recall the guys name, I'll post later if I can remember.

China and Russia have them too, btw-- in fact, there's a large one in Central China that has several military air-wings attached, and bunkered underground. Deep underground. Complete with take off facilities-- VTOL and runway. They are that big. Let's just say a bunker buster wouldn't have much effect-- nor would a H-bomb. Did I say deep? Yeah-- very deep.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardxzianchow

@ultan You said:

”One thing to remember, KMan-- they're not bunkers, they're DUMBs. Deep Underground Military Bases. Underground cities connected by hi-speed Maglev and similar. In all major countries-- and decades in the building. Repeat: underground cities. And I can tell you this with certainty: they're not powered by diesel generators and stocked with canned beans. Nor are they connected to the local internet server of choice. They're designed to be self-sustaining for years. Years.”

All of this I know to be true


Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

... and these DUMBs aren't your 1950's nuclear concrete bunkers.

These things are beautiful!  Fully stocked with pools, weight rooms, girls, TVs, gardens, etc.

While "The Beast" was on TV telling the public not to worry, and laughing at middle class preppers, they were digging it deep and stocking their bunkers with cavier.

That Navy Seal Super-Hero knows this.  In fact, he will be guarding the 1%, while he is paid in gold, as the 99% wander the glowing wastelands, growing third eyes.

He just wrote that book to cash in on preppers.  There is now an entire cottage industry here in the former USA that are taking advantage of the masses yet again.

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

When SHTF on their terms, the preppers and independent, gun totin' militia types will be the first group taken out. FEMA gamed and drilled, already. You saw MMan's robot article, right? Your Barrett 90 won't be much good up against armed drones and remote-controlled mini-tanks. Lots of them, phased, co-ordinated, the works. All they'll need the nail-polish wearing SWAT teams for will be the clean-up.

If SHTF happens not on their terms, it's all up for grabs. We'll find out soon enough.

p.s. anything you've seen on CNN is nothing like the reality. Think more along the lines of Fleming's Moonraker.

congjing yu and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
congjing yuxzianchow

The quantum comms I've only heard about 2nd hand, P.L. I cannot confirm this-- but I can confirm they do NOT power up off a diesel generator and an oil tank! Rail links 100%, also. And they ain't Amtrak, 😂.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Quote from Ultan McG on October 17, 2021, 2:49 am

They're designed to be self-sustaining for years. Years.

Let's just say a bunker buster wouldn't have much effect-- nor would a H-bomb. Did I say deep? Yeah-- very deep.

My buddy over at Amallulla covers what I believe to be the deepest - that one outside Denver in the Pikes Peak Batholith. Interestingly enough, although that massive chunk of granite looks to be a good bet, granite is said to be pizeoelctric... those fuckers, when locked in may get electrically fried - from a crustal shift anyway.

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

If you know the location, man, it's probably not a major one. The actual ones are, as MMan would say, WU-SAPPed up the ass. There are secrets, and there are real secrets. DUMB locations fall into the latter category. As with the Moon landings, its been reported that cleanly shaven men in dark suits went around the pre-splashdown press conferences leaving 'The Moon Landings Are Fake' pamphlets on the folding chairs before the event. These guys know how to pull a feint.

As for the granite, I'm sure the designers carried out a pretty thorough site-survey before they broke ground, right? You wouldn't spend half a trillion dollars before realising you've been digging in the wrong spot.

Local government and their seasonal subbies, now? Sure they'd do something like that. The people who design and build DUMBs? Prooohhhhbably naat.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardDSKlauslerxzianchow

A book being used by brothers and sisters  in Arkansas that is expecting mass refugees is called

“Civil Defense - A Soviet View” by P.T. Yegorov I.A Shlykhov and N.I. Alibin

They are burning off paper copies and sending them out to others. I had a few “hours” to take a look at it and looks like something I will definitely be scouring EBay for after tonight’s wave.

If it helps anyone. And also-stock up on burn cream NOW. While you can get it. Radiation burns are devastating.

All of this I know to be true


congjing yu, Ultan McG and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McGxzianchow

10's of thousands of them, P.L. That I know. Yet if I wanna fly to the states I need to be double 'vaccinated', show a PCR negative, queue for fucking hours, have my balls grabbed, and report my planned movements for a few weeks.

Alternatively, I could be bussed across the border carrying God knows what in my rucksack and germ-load, and get signed up to free health care and housing immediately. And given a job if I felt like working.

I don't fault America's latest citizens, I fault those there already for sitting back, doing nothing, and watching their formerly great land being taken away from them. Although the John Deer walkout-- 10,000 workers, I heard-- is something. (Protesting vaxx mandates. Production halted indefinitely.)

What? You never read about that in CNN or Zero Hedge? Shucks, fancy that.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardOld Winexzianchow
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