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Surviving Nuclear War

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I just hope this- when the world watches the carnage that is going to unfold in the states - I hope you all are watching this very moment here - right now in the USA, because not one country on planet earth is immune from what you are all about to watch over the next several weeks into December-because they are trapping us all in.

Nobody notices yet. YET.

But when it’s impossible for the very “wealthy” to get out of the states, or worse, they can’t get their little kiddies abroad back home - well, “civilized” society we won’t be.

But watch - when it gets harder and harder for everyone to get out of the states-it’s just going to halt. And while millions stream in (maaaaaaybe) NOBODY will be able to get out.


All of this I know to be true



And if anyone can get a confirmed on that John Deer situation, I'd be grateful. I just heard that today from someone who knows a lot more about the day to day developments stateside than I do. But it's a significant development. And more than likely those workers didn't have a choice. Were they manipulated into this course of action? Something to ponder there.

Keep us updated, PL. We're praying for you all this side of the pond. Although things are developing here too. Check this out:

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pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@ultan-mcg John Deere employees did indeed go on strike. MSM is reporting it as due to a "contract dispute". Just like they reported that Southwest Airlines issues with flight cancellations last week were due to "weather" that magically only struck their airline. With minimal digging, it appears the US is having a lot more strikes over this nonsense than is being reported.

The John Deere Strike Shows the Tight Labor Market Is Ready to Pop

The timing is coincidental isn't it.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

Oh my lol Even Hollywood may be joining in:

"Over 60,000 Hollywood-based workers in the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) are preparing to strike on Monday, while over 24,000 healthcare workers at Kaiser Permanente have authorized a work stoppage, The Washington Post reports, if they don't get an equal pay system, raises, and more hires to help ease shortstaffing."

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

great, thanks for this.

Another interesting thing this past few months; the number of light aircraft-- rotary and fixed wing-- that are crashing is just off the scale. At least 2 or 3 a week, mostly fatal, sometimes not. LAC crashes are very, very rare in the British Isles as the training standards are extremely high and 'buying your licence' as in many other parts of the world just does not happen. The weather, too, is changeable and makes flying hazardous, to say the least. You have to know what you're doing. All pilots have serious experience after a year of flying.

In many places such as East Asia civilians aren't permitted to fly. Period. South Korea, Japan; unless you're loaded and can hire an approved pilot and buy your own jet plane. LAC not allowed. Even then, you have to use civilian airports-- private airstrips aren't permitted.

Most flying is hobby or regional connections. Small airfields are many. It's part of our heritage-- hobby flying-- going back over a hundred years, and folks know what they're doing and are aware of the dangers especially off the Western Seaboard where there are many remote communities that rely on LAC for emergencies or express delivery. Also quick egress to the larger urban centres which are closer than they'd be in N. America or Australia, or something.

And now these things are going down everywhere and everybody knows it's because the mainly older flyers are just dropping at the stick and going down. The reason the death rate isn't higher is the amount of green space and lower populated areas and skies they fly in allow some room for an emergency landing. Water and lakes, too. They also keep well below a 500metre deck. This is common practice.

Clearly the vaxxes are killing these guys in mid-air, and nobody is talking about it. Major airlines can hide it easier, but local LAC incidents are much harder to conceal.

As long as folks put up with this madness, they'll just keep on doing it.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

As @goldleaf said, yeah, Deere is on strike-as are THOUSANDS of others NOT being reported.

Makers of heavy industrial magnets, shit like that. And anything that comes out of the ground as well. All is stopping by November 22.

You noticed all of the planes and shit going down. It’s because they can’t get parts or the parts they do get are shit.

Whats going to happen is YOU ALL, outside of the states aren’t going to see much of anything. The news is even more controlled now than ever. By everyone. So little things that you rely on, that may be made elsewhere - has a part only made here, in the SA (we are no longer the U SA). I bet the bloodbath of Chicago last night - with no police - wasn’t reported.

But don’t worry - YOU won’t feel it until spring. Again, IF we all make it. And that’s a big fucking IF right now.

Start watching mid-week in the SA for the shit to gum up...

Its a race to the bottom right now and the damage we did this last wave - well, it literally took all of my energy to feed my cat this morning. It drained almost all of it.

But it was GLORIOUS.

All of this I know to be true


Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Here is a warning. I do not care what you believe, I only want to warn my MM friends of what I know to be true this full moon.

Fungi live EVERYWHERE on planet earth. Everywhere.

Thus far they have been keeping the hallucination or hologram or whatever - but make no mistake, they produce chemicals that affect humans perception of their world around them.

They are about to become hostile to humans.

If a pet suddenly “turns” on you-this is what is going on.

If someone standing next to you starts acting strange, get away. Badness is about to happen.

Please just take this as it is - the warning of the old crazy guy who lives in the swamp. This upcoming full moon they become more hostile to us.

All of this I know to be true.


Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Cool.  Thanks for the warning, PL.

In Bio class, we used to hear about this fungi that would "infect" ants and turn them into zombies.

pissedlizard and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardUltan McG

I just know how crazy it sounds. I really do.

And it’s nothing personal against us - it’s shit that they do what they do, and I don’t know nothing else - kinda thing.

Fungi are the most advanced fucking creatures that have been put on this earth. I will tell you this as a body that DOES feel regret:

If I knew then what I know now - I would have spent more than 16 years of education and well over a quarter million in debt- I would have studied the way DNA is manufactured in THOSE motherfuckers. But no. I was programmed for something else.

It is absolutely positively AMAZING how advanced they are.

Ringworm got you skeeved? Its SO not what we think. (Ringworm is bad - but it’s not as primitive as humans believe)

All of this I know to be true.



Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Didn't the recent Star Trek series talk about fungi being the basis of everything in the material cosmos? I don't watch TV, and Star Trek sounds way too woke for my tastes, but heard about it, and also heard that it was uncannily close to What's Really Going On at least as far as the fungi plotline goes. Same with the original series-- which I did see-- at least some aspects of it. Zapping around a Prison Complex at Warp 9, eh? Sounds like fun. Not.

T. McKenna was BIG into fungi, too-- and refers a lot to their hidden powers. Not just the ones you brew up in a teapot, neither.

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