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Surviving Nuclear War

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I never was a Star Trek OR Star Wars guy. Ever. Sci fi was never my thing.

But oddly this jars a memory of something I haven’t even thought of in 10 years at least. I was at a bar drinking with some friends when I get introduced to this beautiful Homeland Security Agent lady. Gorgeous but - rat.fuck.that - so we get drinking and she tells me that she is one of those child porn investigators. Ok, whatever - right? She said this that stuck with me.

She said all of the people - the real perverts - that have this shit on their computers - now again this is 10 years ago - she said the ONE THING they had in common was that they were all Star Wars fans. She was specific because she said her kid (turn off number 2) was in that “phase” and she was happy he was a Star Trek kid.

Interesting all we now know of Hollywood, eh?

All of this I know to be true


Ultan McG and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGxzianchow

Turn off No. 2, 😂. I hear ya you old daawwg. I shouldn't, but I do. Great story. What I could tell you about screens and programming, man. A tale for another time.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

I am DEFINITELY one of them!
“Oh, you have kids? Nice... Well... I gotta be up early so... bye.

I learned my lesson EARLY in life. I am sure some kids are a blessing for other men - not me!

All of this I know to be true



I didn't have my first child until I was in my mid-60s. I love her to death, but she is a full-time activity. You change and adapt as the situation around you stabilizes. The USA for decades, has been way too unstable to raise children in.

The only ones doing so, it appears were on the fringes of society. Either the "well heeled" richer folk, or the under-class just pumping out kids right out of high school. Most middle class folk just were too busy living their cubicle dominated life, in a crazy crazy world to take on that level of responsibility. Most didn't want to have kids. I mean, how was I going to have a child when my career mandated programmed layoffs every 14 months or so.

Most people want a sense of stability, and a strong purpose. American (and most Western societies) do not allow that.

pissedlizard, xzianchow and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Quote from congjing yu on October 18, 2021, 8:07 am

I didn't have my first child until I was in my mid-60s. I love her to death, but she is a full-time activity. You change and adapt as the situation around you stabilizes. The USA for decades, has been way too unstable to raise children in.

The only ones doing so, it appears were on the fringes of society. Either the "well heeled" richer folk, or the under-class just pumping out kids right out of high school. Most middle class folk just were too busy living their cubicle dominated life, in a crazy crazy world to take on that level of responsibility. Most didn't want to have kids. I mean, how was I going to have a child when my career mandated programmed layoffs every 14 months or so.

Most people want a sense of stability, and a strong purpose. American (and most Western societies) do not allow that.

I couldn't agree more. The thought of becoming a father terrified me. Not because I didn't want to be a dad, be honest ... the majority of Western women just don't know how to be a mother, and are caustic and shallow. I blame this on the socialist welfare programs that have diminished the role of a father in the family unit. Men no longer have the role of "breadwinner" when mom can kick him to the curb and get free gibs from a socialist handout program that demonizes the male gender.



But... through trial and error, I found the one, and we have 2 little boys. I am late to the game too .. became a dad in my early 40's.


I think parenthood should terrify everyone ... it is a big responsibility. You can't turn your back on a curious child ....they will get into everything. I turned my back on a dozen eggs once .... I found them in the toilet (he tried to see what it would do), under the living room sofa, and about a week later .. that smell gave away the hiding places of the remaining few.


Potty training the oldest was the hardest too. He had a trainer toilet that he just refused to use (it looked like a puppy - he thought it was real). One day, I went to lift the lid and found it had dog food in it. He didn't want it to go hungry.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

These stories of parenthood really does at times make me wonder - first - I am CERTAIN there are many little pissedlizards running around. It was the 80s and I was in San Fran after all... but actually being that intertwined with another life seems intriguing and heart warming!

I wish nothing but happiness and good health to all.

This I know to be true.



Joking about a plague of Locusts, Bank of  England?

Ah... let’s play jokes.

Locusts and flies will rise on a Dark Continent. Leaving nothing but jokes for you to Implement. Your laws will be none and there will be nowhere to run.

RIse Nymphs riSE!

Have fucking fun with them, England.



All of this I know to be true



And how do you incite anger and hatred, target women and children or a school. The US are certainly pushing for their preferred outcome in the Ukraine at any cost. Remember the Chinese belt and road was to pass through the Ukraine and that China is the Ukraines largest trading partner. Engage China/Russia through a third party.

Best regards DR

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