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Listening to the disintegration of America

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You can hold the battery leads for up to 5 minutes. You need to learn Bio Feedback. This is where your body tells you its had 'enough'. With Battery Energizing, this tends to be accompanied with a "sigh" or the taking of a deeper breath.

Now while you are holding the leads with ALL the Finger prints during the 5 minute charging up period, touch the Positive Lead to your "Blush Point" under the eye which is more over the cheek bone area. Just touch it once and in the split second that you do this... you may see a FLASH of WHITE LIGHT in the Eye. (try it with the eyes closed for added amazement) If you dont... you need MORE charging up. If you do... Flash the other Eye from the Blush Point. If it Flashed internally too then touch the 3rd EYE Point between your Eyes and this should Flash Both Eyes. This Flashing or SEEING THE LIGHT is the Bio Feed Back that you are charged up and Balanced.

Remember to always let go of the Positive Lead in the Left hand First when finishing a session. If you do not observe the correct at-tachment and de-tachment sequence, it may reverse your polarity and this kinda fucks you up. This is NOT childs play.

Once you have done this, I will give the next step. If you do not get any FLASHING or not all 3 Points Flash, after a couple sessions of 5 minute Charging up, you need to go to 24VDC or 2 car batteries. One can use up to 48VDC but we are not up to those lessons. I have found the odd person who doesn't 'flash' even with 48VDC and upon interrogation, we find they have a Terminal or Immune system shutdown type illness.

xzianchow has reacted to this post.

Merlynn, I will try it again. What I did feel was very subtle. A slight tensioning in drawing my breath. Quite interesting.

As for Mr M Man, my previous post came across as slightly sinister. I think the Domain is incredibly powerful and they have a very robust sense of humor, so they may put you in ridiculous pickles, and see how you cope. The ultimate intention is not to hurt you but to give you a chance to grow. For those who undertake dangerous missions from the Domain, firstly they warn you about the dangers. And as far as possible they monitor and protect you accordingly.

In your case, I'm pretty sure the Domain can implant ideas in your head without you realizing. In fact I think they were "purposely" clumsy for their own amusement. It was intended to make you question things.

Cultural differences between civilizations can be very interesting. From what I suspect, their humor interests me a lot. By humor, one can gauge many things. I started from suspicion but so far I get a sense of kindness and concern.


congjing yu and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
congjing yuxzianchow
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

if you are truly interested in the disintegration of the USA... the following vids are Mandatory listening.  The Head of the Snake (Draco) Queen Lizzie whom Diana said "They aint Human" as to how the Reptilians through their Baby Blood Sucking Regime and Useful Idiots OWN THE HERD... (thats >YOU)


@merlynn I'm trying out your battery technique. I read what I could find on your explanations of how the universe works and it makes good sense to me and resonates internally very strongly.

I have aphantasia (no visual imagination) which I've always suspected is curable. Other than the battery hookup and the flashing on the blush areas and third eye area (Im not up to that yet), do you have anything else you would recommend?

Aphantasia is the inability to visualize. Otherwise known as image-free thinking.

When I was in High School doing the usual IQ tests that grade all kids for Life, one of the tests was 3D imaging. Drawing a diagram from a different perspective or creating blueprints in your head. When I finished the test and put the pencil down and looked around the classroom, I saw everyone else was struggling and barely half way through the test. It is said that some inventors would tell the Engineering machinist the size and shape of the part they wanted manufactured, Henry, the inventor of the Winchester repeating rifle, (its why there's an "H" on the back of .22 rounds) got his Engineer to actually take a calipers and measure the distance between his fingers to get the specs for the part. Tesla was the same. They literally drew schematics to scale as the 'product' of their Imagination. This is the ability to creative visualize taken to the Nth Degree.


Aphantasia is a variation in human experience.

“Visualizing,” “seeing in the mind’s eye,” “hearing in the head,” “imagining the feel of…”

Imagination is a cognitive process that typically involves creating mental representations of things, people or sometimes entire worlds inside our mind without any input from our senses.

Aristotle first described this ‘sixth sense‘ as “phantasia”; the “a” in a-phantasia denotes its absence.

An estimated ~3-5% of the population experience aphantasia, and another 10-15% are believed to experience the opposite phenomenon, hyperphantasia.

Its a SIXTH SENSE. Like the other 5 Senses, that NEEDED Schooling to "train", like a Sniffer Dog or Photographic memory, or the ability to SEE who is on the Phone when it starts ringing, all these things have been DUMBED DOWN with kids and adults staring into an IPHONE all day. Its bad enough that you are not taught to believe in 6th Senses but its criminal to deny their existence.

All Senses can be Mastered with practice. Helps to open the 3rd Eye.

Some here think Rare Earth magnets, NOT found in Nature's Vibrations help with the Human Bio Fields abilities, but I have stated before ONLY plain FERRITE Magnets can help or a GLOBAL BIO FIELD ENHANCER to decalcify the Pineal, coupled with MIND EXERCISES will allow you to gain or enhance this function.

I used this Creative Visualization of Imagery to build the Golden Wand just recently. Not until I had completed each segment of the constructio9n phase in my head could I proceed to Lathe and manufacture the finished product. Of course I could have used a 3D modelling Program and made it with a 3D printer, but I prefer the old fashioned way to strengthen my Minds abilities to preform this SENSE of SEEING the Future as a Design in the Mind.

As you Think.... So you are.


Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss

I want to add....  The only thing you retain from Lifetime to Lifetime is MEMORY. The fact you dont 'remember' what you learned does not discount the fact that you DID Learn. It is my opinion that, One's ABILITIES regarding the Spiritual Realms are these 'retained memories' of past lifetime lessons. So the sooner your start to Learn there are others things more important that having the latest iPhone and that Memory is the most important 'word' in the Scientific Intelligentsia Vocabulary, the better.  I truly do believe that my 'inventiveness' that I CULTIVATED this lifetime is a residual Memory of what I learned in Previous Lifetimes.

It starts with The Memory Functions of this Water Based Universe.

Birth Marks are the SOULS MEMORY IMPRINTS on a New Born Babies Form. May as well have these Memory Imprints on the Mind Functions as well. Sad that todays youth are told their most import ATTRIBUTE is Race,  Color or Sexual preference rather than 6th Sense ABILITIES for being a productive member of today's civilization.

You wanna make first contact with Aliens... you better start thinking like an Alien or they will ignore you.



Memory Loss and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Memory Lossxzianchow

Merlynn, I just want ask. Is the memory stored outside of the body? When I was sick, I had no memory but it was more like I had no access to it. This was the feeling that I had anyways.

Also your car battery idea is quite extraordinary. At two minutes yesterday, I felt like I drank a small cup of coffee, without the jitters. I might have imagined that but the stuffy nose was real.

xzianchow has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Whats interesting @merlynn is that Ive used the battery a few times now, and holy shit, it really works! It felt a bit like just after I had an awakening and everything was so vivid, I felt ALIVE! Almost like the battery charged me and my entire being up. I also felt like I could see little weird symbols everywhere just out the corner of my eye which was a little freaky.

When I tried 'flashing' on my blush areas, I get the flash behind my closed eye, on both sides, but when I try the third eye centre flash... nothing. Almost like my third eye is firmly closed behind some sort of esoteric eyelid..


Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss

Memory of a Bio Fields Existence, is retained in every cell in your body and well as everything you touch or house you live in. Its also retained via the spark of life, by its attachment, in the Aether and this is the memory of the "Akashic" Records also know as Heaven or Universal Energy Grid. It can be over-ridden by a stronger Magnetic Field but Water retains the memory of everything it touches until purified by Fire or electricity which is a Flow of Magnetic Current. Flows of 12V car battery current purifies your Water memory of Non Bio Field "elemental frequencies" within the body. What you make your car battery out of plays a HUGE importance to quality of the Magnetic Life Force Fire that your Body functions on (otherwise known as nutrients by the Marble Physicists.)

The Baghdad Batteries were Iron and Copper. Now we know Iron comes from Petrified dead Sea Microbes so its Bio Magnetism is Compatible with human Hemoglobin Frequencies. But FEW know that Copper 'ore' may be petrified Tree Sap. Copper deposits might be a dead forests of copper bleeding trees petrified.

The Rare Rainforest Tree That Bleeds Metal

So the Baghdad batteries were constructed with some of the BEST Medicinal Metals at the time.

The world has gone full blown NAZI. Sweet young girl at Mexican restaurant today, said I have to wear a mask or provide written exemption. I Said to the Manager that the server will throw that away... She said yes and I turned around and left. There needs to be more of this. But they bred a generation of Mindless Social Justice Warriors but at least they are all vaxxed so they no longer can breed more of themselves.

Communism is Satanism. As is everything, that isnt OF GOOD. The bible once said this. But no one listened then so it all has to be said again. Those vaccines that contain fetus and graphene absolutely have the Devils handywork as its Signature or... Make your Mark Soldier if you want to join the Roman Army. While we're a preechin....  2000 years ago, the literal translation of the word "resurrection" was Re-Incarnation or the Preexistence of the Soul.

If your 3rd Eye wont flash, when the eyes individually do... means you arent charged up yet is all. If 4 sessions of 5 minutes dont get the 3rd to flash, you need to go up to 24V. and start again. Joe first used 48VDC on me and well lemme tell ya, thats some energy to wield there in the Alligator Wands. Straight to the max. But you need to work up to that as a Learner Magician.

@merlynn Those Videos have me in stitches... well I just had surgery so that's why I'm in stitches, but I can't even believe how funny this is.

That guy is straight-face telling us that cursive is literal necromancy. Our birth certificates are contracts bind our souls. A new periodic table of elements destroyed all communication between the deep state because they don't have a zero-point?

This guy could be telling us the literal truth and I still don't think I couldn't stop from laughing at his deadpan delivery. I'm so glad you shared it - just what I needed to relax tonight.

On a side note, I hope no one kills themselves with a car battery. I guess that's one quick way to egress the prison system...

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