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Listening to the disintegration of America

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You come in here with that mask on your face

you big disgrace

Spreading your fear all over the place...

We will, we will, MOCK YOU


you are punching above your weight ultan.

This exchange was fun to read. I look forward to footage of your duel.
Have y'all ever meditated staring directly into your own eyes in a mirror? That'll freak you out something next level.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

@ultan " the 'vaccines' are most likely a military grade biowarfare inoculation programme to offer populations some protection-- some-- against what's incoming."

My wife and I were thinking the exact same thing

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG
Daegon Magus

Well, M.L. You're wrong about the mask angle, too, as far as ol' Ultan goes. But full disclosure now that you mention masks. I certainly do wear a mask whenever I'm errrr, 'out shopping', because pour moi, there's actually only one thing dumber than wearing a mask-- and that's arguing with a terrified muggle in the candy aisle (where else) about the benefits of not wearing one.

A rather pointless exercise indeed.

Oh and btw, mocking people who disagree with you is yet another logical fallacy, fyi.

Go figure.

All that's left to say here is:

Maw Maw MEEEEEE aaah

😂  later, M.L.  I'll get back to you about the beetle juice cocktail.

Chilling stuff, D.M. And didn't Memory Loss post a list of 'ingredients' he found on Archive a few weeks ago? It's all there, really-- complete with refs to classified military applications.

Again, all one has to do is put together the pieces of the puzzle Metallicman has given us over the past few years and not much else makes sense.

Well, apparently, 🤫.

I think what @pissedlizard referred to as the Great Humbling continues. The NIH admits to funding Gain-of-function research and outs Fauci:

Hope more truths are on the way to main stream media. I believe that's the only way to get through to the sleepwalkers at this point - use the propaganda machine.

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