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Listening to the disintegration of America

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Oh my god - there's a part 2. GRAMMAR LAW!? QUANTUM GRAMMAR!!! ... I'm so mad that this is all so logically consistent with what I know about language and magic contracts. Oh, I found the guy's Youtube channel:

If we're in a free-will cage, it would follow that we're bound by our own retarded agreements. The Toltecs certainly knew this. Their entire philosophy was founded upon minizine your contracts so you can honor the few you keep.

Being so obsessed with the minutia of law and grammar is actually relevant to programming, considering our cage might be a simulacra. Laws that govern our physics and keep us in a resource-scarce environment would be incredibly important to maintain.

@merlynn I liked what you said about thinking like an alien. I started doing that years ago as a prerequisite for any sort of contact. What I found from searching within, is that there's ultimately nothing incredibly significant to be learned from an Alien contact given the law of one. Sure there's a moment of novelty, but no more so than meeting a whale right here on Earth. Or a Mushroom.

We can nod and wink, knowing the name of the game, but that's about it. Feels like the best we can hope for is a mutual life-affirming salute. All other comms are better suited toward my fellow humans.

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The Graphene Oxide shpiel is horse-puckey and I've outlined why, before.

You honestly think the world's top, super-secret biotech companies with unlimited resources and Level 2/3 science knowhow would add a substance to a highly publicized inoculation that any chump with a good microscope or a magnet could detect?

These guys are not unopposed and have to proceed carefully. You're not talking about politicians and public servants; you're talking deep state-- to use a familiar but inaccurate nomenclature-- operators of the very highest calibre. Not a Biden selected tranny.

@MerLynn, you were saying that you could remove the effects of the mRNA vaccines.

I am separated from my wife and she got my 16 year old daughter vaccinated with pfizer. On the second dose today, she was complaining of having a headache and not feeling well. Any input from you would be most welcome.

Thank you.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Our government is something else. The FDA just approved mixing and matching vaccine booster doses:

In case that link is blocked in your country, here's a quote:

The use of each of the available COVID-19 vaccines as a heterologous (or “mix and match”) booster dose in eligible individuals following completion of primary vaccination with a different available COVID-19 vaccine.

Got to give them credit for going all in. Since that's not been studied that I'm aware of, what could possibly go wrong!

Quote from Memory Loss on October 23, 2021, 1:00 am

@MerLynn, you were saying that you could remove the effects of the mRNA vaccines.

I am separated from my wife and she got my 16 year old daughter vaccinated with pfizer. On the second dose today, she was complaining of having a headache and not feeling well. Any input from you would be most welcome.

Thank you.

This is whats on the minds of many today as the world wakes up to the Genocide nightmare of using Graphene Oxide as the pathway mechanism to deliver mRNA Gene altering DNA into every cell in the body. The DNA thats being delivered by ALIEN MAGNETIC Technology consists of AIDS DNA, BABY FETUS and the usual adjuncts of mercury, aluminium and formaldehyde. Without the Magnetic Graphene Oxide there is no Mechanism to get this Energy, Frequency and Vibration into the Cells.

Apparently Ultan isnt any chump and hasnt a good microscope or a magnet.

COVID-19 news update: “living organisms” in Moderna, J&J shots; graphene oxide and Merck’s new anti-viral pills

and this site will show you that Ultan is full of it.

Joe and I discussed the use of Car Batteries to inert the Graphene Oxide from the Vaxx and while the Theory that it should de-Magnetize the Graphene I cannot say with certainty. But its why I am giving out this revolutionary Medical Electrical procedure. Finding Guinea Pigs who have been TRICKED into drinking the Kool Aide and got the Jabba Jabba Joo Juice is hard to find. Most who got it WANTED IT so they could travel on a Plane and die from blood clots and join the mile high death cult.

But here's the problem, once Gene Altering Toxins are injected and incorporated into the living Bio Field, the subject is actually NO LONGER HUMAN, but a GMO and is now OWNED by the VAXX Company as Chattel. This is a US Supreme Court Ruling. I cannot recommend any treatment as I would be trespassing on some one else's property. But given the Vaxxed ARE an Experiment, its doesnt preclude them from furthering the Experiment on their own bodies.

Secondly, to CURE a Vaxxed GMO Human to make them APPEAR Healthy, might be promoting Chimeras to Breed and create Monstrous new Human Varieties. Do I want this on my Karma? Now that I have informed you of the consequences of your possible actions, you are free to decide your own Fate and I am released of any Karma that may eventuate from following any suggestions I make.

The Aqua Chi Footbath may also inert the Graphene Oxide that is Genociding Billions by slow euthanasia. I've contacted my former Directors who make these devices and they do not have any data yet on what it does to the VAXXED. Bear in mind it may take dozens of Treatments (baths) over many months before it stops the Altered DNA from Infecting healthy cells. It may be like the Genital Wart Virus and be inerted in just ONE bath.

At this time the more advanced Devices that Joe and I have for use as Therapy for mRNA AIDS and Fetus contaminants and their Graphene Oxide impurities can only be used at our homes and we and you cannot travel.

Ultan just doesnt get it that Graphene Oxide comprises 99.9% of whats in EVERY VAXX NEEDLE. But over a long enough time line if he doesnt die first, the truth always has a strange way of revealing itself.

I feel sad for you memory loss, the Satanic Regime has taken away God (truth) and with a Kill Shot has taken away your childs future. Its happening in our own families here too as it is everywhere. Its unlikely your Ex will allow you to practice medicine on your daughter and to do so may get you Interned in a re-education camp for being Anti Gov't about BIO SECURITY making YOU a terrorist. If you are still in the Family Law Court this is a very REAL possibility. Its the next level after getting you arrested for breaking an AVO.

What I want to know is.... What does it take to wake sheeple up and get mad that they were tricked by WAR PROPAGANDA to take a Needle in a Bio War? TWICE even. Until they wakey wakey, the Satanic Regime will not stop until they kill me too. My only hope is to try to wake them up and Ultan isnt very much help as it appears he too, is under a satanic spell. Sacrificed Baby Fetus's are very power ingredients in the magic potion of the Vaxx.

Oh, Lordy-- Satanic spells now, is it? Magic potions? I've got the fecking cats, all I need now is a witch's hat.

Okay, okay, what I do know is that it's a waste of time trying to wake people up, because they live in their own reality and 'saving them' sounds rather like an Abrahamic approach.

G.O. and other metals are being sprayed via chemtrails, I do know that for sure. And according to the 5G crowd are gonna turn everybody into robots when it's all switched on. (Even though it's already been rolled out in many Asian metropolises, already, and guess what? Nobody's died.)

You have many interesting things to say, but conflating 'baby foetuses' with G.O. and a rake of other substances in an alien kill-shot seems to me a bit far-fetched.

Lemme look into it and I'll get back to you. But any video about G.O. and vaccines I've come across seems to originate from the same old well-funded intelligence outfits that have been seeding lies and disinfo throughout cyberspace this past year. And the source of the G.O. narrative-- the only source, mind you-- all traceable-- has been caught red-handed spreading horse-puckey around a totally controlled internet for the best part of a decade.

for everyone other than ultan....

has ultan contributed anything other than horse puckey on these threads?


see now, there ya go. I acknowledged your interesting contributions to the general discussion, and like another character I dealt with-- Private Melonhead-- you resort to ad hominems when some of the more far out aspects of your worldview are called into question.

This tells me you're really only interested in your own narrative, and lack the ability to respond when that narrative is questioned. Such is what passes for an 'exchange of ideas' in cyberspace.

As I said, I'll get back to you about the 99.7% G.O., and the 0.3% baby foetuses and sundry magic stuff they've managed to cram into a vaccine that's readily available for chemical analysis.

In the meantime, let's leave the other forum members out of it-- and what they may or may not find interesting.

And take a chill-pill, too, brah-- sounds to me like you're starting to get stressed out. God only knows what you'll say when I show you why the G.O. angle is, well, horse-puckey.

Michel Chossudovsky is a professor emeritus in economics at the University of Ottawa. He’s dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist” by mainstream media, which gives him instant credibility. Professor Chossudovsky interviewed Mr. Delgado Martin to learn about his team’s finding after they analyzed the Pfizer liquid. Not only did the researchers find graphene oxide in the vials, but concluded that graphene oxide is “the main component of the vaccine.” It’s not just an adjuvant (additive).



and its good to know ultan is following the SCRIPT of the PLANDEMIC



A former Pfizer employee shows documentation of graphene oxide in COVID-19 vaccines

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