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Listening to the disintegration of America

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all part of a billion dollar cover-up of a bio-attack on China gone very horribly wrong, my good man.

Now, don't go making assumptions about what I do or do not believe, that right there is a classic logical fallacy-- and you'll make an ass out of yourself, to boot.

"In the meantime, let's leave the other forum members out of it-- and what they may or may not find interesting."

why do you want to censor others opinions?  Are we not in this together?  We should not promote group think... we should promote group discussion of 'ideas' and ideas presented... and I have asked for opinions on your opinions as you call my opinions and presentations Horse puckey. Cant take what you give?

this ultan is a subversive troll and shills for big pharma with fake platitudes. but i could be wrong, what do members think?

@MerLynn, I'm thinking that the vaccines is a little bit like a poison pill defense by the Old Empire against a hostile takeover by the Domain. They want to discourage the Domain or to make it as painful as possible. In this scenario, things can be negotiable.

My other idea is that the elite want a blood sacrifice because it is time for them to pay tribute to the blood gods. This cannot be war gamed to alternate endings.


Edit : @ultan, you should look at Bill Ryan. In one of his old videos, he talks about the "Anglo-Saxon Mission" and that "China will catch a cold". The planning was somewhat prior to 2008 and China catching a cold is only a part of the depopulation event.



Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Ultan McG on October 23, 2021, 9:11 am

all part of a billion dollar cover-up of a bio-attack on China gone very horribly wrong, my good man.

Now, don't go making assumptions about what I do or do not believe, that right there is a classic logical fallacy-- and you'll make an ass out of yourself, to boot.

We are in a BIO WAR and you dont know what War Propaganda is....

as you speak... so you are Ultan...  its not an ASSumption I make about you but your own failings to discover the truth as evidenced in your pucky posts about NEEDLES causing millions of vaxx injuries and deaths that you seem to ignore and fail to try to discern the CAUSATIVE Mechanism.


Rather, it sounds to me like you're a little bit unhinged, my good fellow.

For the sake of peace on the threads, It'd behoove me better to quit while I'm ahead, 😉. Last thing we need is MerLynn and his Graphine Oxide Crew versus poor old lonely Ultan and his Moggie Squad.

Something tells me his mind is well made up, already, anyhoos. Peace!

M.L., I'm well aware of the Bill Ryan interview-- very interesting stuff. Although he loses it a bit halfway through with the Middle East predictions. We are in the early stages of Bio WW3, no doubt about that-- and the 'vaccines' are most likely a military grade biowarfare inoculation programme to offer populations some protection-- some-- against what's incoming. They are not designed for safety-- just speed and efficacy. (Was just talking to somebody about this last week-- and about the carrots which were dangled to smaller American client states to get them onboard with the programme. Plenty of stick, too. ) Hence the panicked and somewhat rushed roll-out regardless of side effects and collateral. Nothing else makes sense really, unless one's prepared to go woo-woo. In the meantime, the internet has been choked with Demon Goblins from Hell in prophylactic form stories in order to keep folks distracted and very, very confused.

Hey presto. Job done, methinks.

Good luck with your ex- and child, but as MerLynn rightly points out-- careful you don't get yourself into hot water trying to undo what has unfortunately been done. And as Metallicman has told us time and time again, work your little one's continuing good health into your intentions. That's the most powerful tool we have at our disposal. All the best with that.

(And pssst~ will you be on my team? 😀-- God knows I need a friend, or two! It's lonely out here in Rational Land, don'tcha know.)

Memory Loss and Berkant have reacted to this post.
Memory LossBerkant

@Memory Loss  I have had 13 years to digest what was in Alien Interview. And from a perspective of talking to Aliens incarnated in human form for the preceding 12 years.

its much more complex than alien interview. The entire universe is a Holodeck. The more powerful the Alien Mind (hive or otherwise) the better one can create holodecks WITHIN Holodecks or MANipulate the Energy Fields of Light. I have explained this as Programming Magnetic Cells powered by car batteries for the Cell to Make OIL according to one's Memory of OIL. We have quite weak Minds compared to our space brothers.

The Draco or Reptilian 'owners' of earth are being waged war against by the forces of Good or the Domain OR other alien races who see an injustice within the Matrix and 'feel' for their life forms. There are very definitive RULES for Engagement for planet earth.

What I do know is, like all those who are under attack and in a fight for their existence, the DRACO WILL fight to the death and will practice Scorched Earth war tactics even if it means they are extincted too.  We call this Prepare for the upcoming war with China. But its ALL war propaganda. The War started a decade ago and the death toll so far is "hidden" as VAERS Injuries apart from the usual bullet casualties.

818,042 Adverse Events
127,641 Doctor Visits
83,412 Hospitalizations
92,017 Urgent Care
26,199 Disabled
10,179 Bell's Palsy
10,304 Myocarditis
8,408 Heart Attacks
2,631 Miscarriages
17,128 Deaths

100% Safe And Effective

and thats only a fraction of the world wide toll.

The Graphene Oxide is just such a Scorched Earth tactic. leave the humans in such a state as they may as well be Earth Changed. Speaking of Earth Changes... what ever happened to Teslas Earth Quake machine? Did it just magically get worm holed in some Memory hole?

What if... Gods Team has to disrupt the entire earths crust to exterminate the Draco in their underground fortress's. Is this a Price we have to pay for 80% and better of the Population joining sides with Satan and taking up his MARK? They are dead anyway.

The Satanic Cult of baby Blood suckers who ARE promoting this VAXX as the Cure to everything, just get the jab, cannot be explained any other way, when the sheer numbers of adverse reactions and Death Toll from the VAERS Vaxx reports.

Where are the annual deaths from the common flu? here in OZ they reported like (from memory) 1200 deaths down from last years some 60,000 deaths. Its a MASS DELUSION Vaxxers are living under. Brainwashing is a SPELL to make you believe a LIE as its done with continually chanting the words JUST GET VAXXINATED. I know people who cant grasp this fact of mind control. They even exist here.

So the common flu is reported as a PANDEMIC and a Vaxx will save us all. Fukbook and twatter fact check this and fools believe them. All supported by the ISLAMIC TERRORIST controlled W.H.O. who must declare a Pandemic in order for member countries to enact their Health Care Legislation and begin LOCKDOWNS. Ivermectin, an FDA approved treatment must be poo poo'd as if there is ANY alternative treatment for the WHO Pandemic, they cant use EXPERIMENTAL Vaxxines for their Scamdemic.

I bought ivermecton and HCQ on the internet a few months ago and now I cant find it listed anywhere here in OZ or ebay worldwide.

Investigate a non existent Bio Weapon from China to cover up the real agenda of Mass Extermination by VAXX. and here is the contentious part....  cause I really cannot be conclusive on this but the internet says the Vaxx clot shot ingredient Graphene is all made in china...

CUI BONO... a time honored saying for all investigators to uncover WHO DUNNIT.

Who Benefits...  well lets look at who benefits...  Or maybe we shouldnt being a guest of chinese hospitality. But China has outlawed Tranny anti family behaviour which is Goodly. Did china use graphene to get those under the VAXX SATANIC Spell to commit suicide? Very Sun Tzu.

But the planet certainly benefits in the long run so its hard to condemn much less point the finger definitively at the Perps.

Who loses? the Draco or the remnants of the old empire and his FOLLOWERS who freely chose to be Marked and got Snipered in a Bio War with a Needle. Gun nuts and Anti Gun Nuts all thought it would be a bullet World War 3. But the caliber went down to a 18 Ga needle barrel and the lead is Graphene.

The only way to survive this, as its an ALIEN SPACE Battle (Trumps space force now controlling all Black Ops as Ezra Cohen moved the CIA special ops in its entirety over to HIS control at the Pentagon under Space Force.) is to sit back eat popcorn, enjoy the show and dont get fucking vaxxed. (ultan may ignore this horse shit and take the Vaxx as he thinks it doesnt contain any gain of function bio Weaponry).

Its out of our control. It is Biblical. And its been prophetized by many and its Revelations unfolding right in front of your very eyes if they have ears that also hear.

Death before Vaxx. Give me freedom of give me the Vaxx.

covid camps

Covid camps OZ...



Rather, it sounds to me like you're a little bit unhinged, my good fellow.

Standard Alinsky tactic..... accuse others of what you are guilty of yourself.


Yeah we actually are all friends. Someone here pointed me out to Swedenborg, and what he said resonates with me a lot. Some of our internal voices are not our own. And that happens to almost everyone I guess. Then that pesky Marzinsky came out with his negative entities checklist and got me hooked. Now I try to observe the behavior of people around me and it's quite an interesting experience. Even the best people you know can be affected by their internal voices. The schizophrenics will have their low level entities whereas we get the higher level entities who are much less easy to spot.

In watching the vaccine rollout, the pace is ungodly and the intentions seem suspect. The elite are not homogeneous in their motivation. But one part is definitely depopulation when you follow the money. That will lead to Billy boy and his gang. To run a multi generation game across a hundred years means the ultimate objective is hidden even from many in the elite. This thing goes back to the Spanish Flu. There should be some discussion on this topic.

Speaking about these internal voices, MM has a remedy actually against these negative entities, be the Rufus and be kind to everyone.

And @ultan-mcg and @merlynn, we should look out for each other. We are more connected than we think.

fifth.eschaton and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
fifth.eschatonUltan McG
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

the 'vaccines' are most likely a military grade biowarfare inoculation programme to offer populations some protection-- some-- against what's incoming.

To think that patents issued for Covax and testing kits were all MADE before 2018 or 3 years before the declared scamdemic is pretty much under a "DELUSION" (as quoted in Revelations) Cant be bothered with links.... but duck duck go will give results if google doesnt. Oh and some are held by the head of the satanic Blood sucking cult ... Ratchilds

how delusional does one have to be?..  No cure for the flu EVER but now we can invent a vaxx for an unknown future Bio Weapon according to ultan. I wish I was that intuitive... very impressive.

That is IT, Mister!

I'm calling you out for a duel.

You. Me. White spandex. Matching wife-beater. (You'll need the hairy chest wig, too, I'd wager).....

....a karaoke machine and your Freddie Mercury impersonation of a frikking lifetime!!!

AND I'd schmooze the teenager in the convenience store faster than you ever would after I claim the best Bohemian Rhapsody rendition trophy this side of the Planet Vulcan. (Or whereEVER it is those pesky reptilians are zapping us from.)

Any mention of David fecking Icke warrants instant elimination, btw.

Memory Loss is the judge.

You ready, Freddie? I'm poured into the white tights and a-ready to go, 😂.

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