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Alien Interview possible false facts I found and some questions and perspectives I got

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I have found something recently that may be of use to you.

It is a historian or author who studies forbidden or forgotten history.  He has some very interesting and original information on the Goths and Freisans.  He seems to be an objective, calm individual and not an idealogue.  It ties in with the skraelings also.

The Oera Linda speaks of the "first language" of man, in which it was impossible to lie without stuttering or blushing.  This was then corrupted.

You may find value in his teaching.  Take what is useful, discard what is not.  I had never heard such information.  I know we are all swimming in an ocean of information today.

congjing yu and Dani have reacted to this post.
congjing yuDani

@pissedlizard Are you serious? My mantid sent you a bite in the ear by proxy? Wow. I didn't know that our personal Mantids would actually interact with some of the shadow consciousnesses that appear in our individual realities.

Can I ask you what you mean by doing your affirmations on a 3/6/9 routine? Are you discussing weeks or months?

You discussed in previous posts about having connections to your ancestors in the past through the memories in DNA. What if your IS-BE was actually another species not from Earth, but you got your ass dragged here to Earth as a prisoner? Then would it make sense that you feel zero connections (or at least, feel nothing at the moment) for human ancestors? Because yeah, those human ancestors are indeed connected since they are the progenitors of the meat suit your IS-BE is currently inhabiting, but your IS-BE is actually not even from the same group as the consciousnesses that inhabited their meat suit? I apologise if this sounds like gibberish. Maybe I misunderstood your previous posts.

Keep in mind that in one of MM's previous articles, he recounted a story about a young boy (in SE Asia) who was a snake in his previous life. Also, it was revealed by the commander that some of the lost battalion have been reincarnated as dolphins or some other cetacean. So if you can lend a little bit of clarification (if possible), I would greatly appreciate it!

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@oldwine - THIS I promise you. Keep meditating. Tune IN to what ever it is that is trying to communicate - I promise, promise, PROMISE that when you tune in - the insects communicate through eachother and MILLIONS of things unseen WILL be seen. I swear to you it will open up.

The GREATEST human being that I ever met - and it was recently - gave me this advice riiiiiight as the visuals started - he said “prayer is talking, meditation is listening” - that was a game changer. And he is an old school fisherman who has become like a mentor to me. But it changed everything.

The 3/6/9 routine is Teslas. He writes about it a lot, but just google “Tesla 3 6 9”. It’s a daily routine. 3 times in am/6 pm/ 9 before bed.

The only thing that I can say about what happened during Ayhuasca trips turned out to be so fucking true it isn’t funny. But get this - you CAN ride your DNA. It is true and I could care LESS what any of these lurkers think (many US college kids are watching us and submitting movie scripts to Amazon based on what we write) you CAN ride your DNA. It’s actually part of a process when learning about Time (not time - when you know what I mean you’ll know-but for now - Time is NOT time. Time is cyclic. time is linear.

To be more clear - we humans SEE space in 3 dimensions.

Time is also multidimensional. We can perceive it in 3 dimensions as well (a few more but to be simple) - we perceive the past and the present. 2 dimensions. Humans do not perceive the future even a second ahead. The future is a bunch of statistical calculations using a base 12 system.

Thats all I am allowed to say. But there are actual human beings that can do it. It’s is a real thing. You can go back - say 100 generations of grandparents and see - even learn - from them. You can only interact when they acknowledge you - there are those that can interact no matter WHERE or WHO they end up surfing in, but that is a level much much higher than I would even live to get to. Those people start off as kids. THEY are the ones with the SERIOUS stories though.

Keep in mind DNA is only a road to who you are. DNA is so much more complicated. Newtonian genetics is a walk in the park compared to QUANTUM genetics. What I mean is - these are people in the past that have a spiritual link to you. It’s not so much this part of my DNA is from mom and this part is from great grandma - THAT part leads to the physical you. That’s how you ride it if that makes sense. If you ride down to say - great grandma - you are riding the PHYSICAL link - not the consciousness link. It’s different. You MANEUVER through her consciousness but you get there by riding the DNA. Look at MMs write ups about the soul and consciousness - it will make sense that way.

I hope this helps!

All of this I know to be true.




To simplify the above using MMs posts:

Do you remember the post where MM describes Time and Space as a “soup”? He put a picture of what looks like a seriously good chicken noodle soup.

Ok - I want to unpack this a bit. If you took A dry chicken noodle soup - any dry chicken noodle - and put it into one cup and put it in one hand.

Then take one cup of water and put it in your other hand.

One is Time and One is Space. So, I’m one hand you hold time and in the other you hold space.

NOW get the article where MM describes waves and particles because that’s where I am going.

So let’s call the dry soup Time and the water as Space. When you mix them you get the soup of Time and Space.

Here is the tricky part. The outcome of the soup is dependent on the hand holding the dry ingredient - if the right hand is holding the dry and the left is holding the water - you have particle form. If the left hand is holding the dry and the right the water - you get the particle form.

Now, replace the dry soup with Time and the water with Space - and Vice versa.

This is how time travel is PHYSICALLY possible. The mechanics of how time travel works - MM extensively went through- but how the PHYSICAL BODY gets there - and it freaking does - is based on the above.

I hope this helps!

All of this I know to be true



@pissed lizard this is an EXCEPTIONAL description of the integration of time and space. Wow! I salute you for this!

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

THANK YOU!!! I am just glad it made sense. I never had an “editor” before, so what is ok to say and what isn’t - YOU a know more than anyone -that line.

Just an aside for anyone - whenever I get lost in this stuff (almost weekly) - I go back to your basics. ALL of your early posts that explains the MWI and consciousness, etc.

What I found is that when I go back - something that may have sounded good the first time I read - will make perfect sense when I go back.

For example - when MM explains ghosts and spirits. Loved it. Made sense. I moved to the next article.

When I deep dove into the “Dictionnaire Infernal” - it made TOTAL TOTAL sense.
Demons AND Angels are all assigned a frequency. We perceive them through the harmonics OF that frequency. knowing THAT - lots can be done (with either but I personally dig the “Angels”. They are less malicious than “Demons” in many cases.

Another example is the book “Natural Magick” by Porta. This past September I was given that as a textbook. There is no way on planet Earth that I, personally, would have even made it through Book 1 without MMs posts. Period. There is NOTHING out there - and I have looked -  that explains the quantum biology of the natural world like MMs posts. Again, Period.

His posts are like a key that unlocks all of these ancient texts. Tuning in to the natural world is SOOOOOOOO easy with his early posts.

If there is anything else I can answer to help you all - please - by all means. I know nothing about the Domain/Old Empire battle - that’s not my fight - but anything else - what I can - I will.

The Mantid I deal with has a name. Yours does too. All of yours does. I don’t know why that has to be said but I think it has to do with the leadership MM is performing. I ask no questions (sorta) but sometimes the vibe is real easy to pick up on. When you see or feel yours ask it’s name! You all have nothing to fear. NOTHING to fear. You are all WELLLLLLL looked after.

ALL of this I know to be true!

Ultan McG, Memory Loss and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGMemory Lossxzianchow

@ultan My understanding is that the internet will go down - country by country. I know - again from patriots in the military that are “IT people” that when it goes down here - you all in other countries won’t immediately know. You will go on an American site (or Western site) - and everything will appear normal. That’s the “shadow internet” Obama used to yap about. WE will all be like “what tje hell”? And you all won’t even know it’s off until later that night or so.

It WILL come back up - it’s just going to be much much different than we know now. It will be controlled by Malefic beings.

And it’s funny that you mention berserking on some people-these wannabes coming into Florida with their own “military units” with names like “Ulf Heidr this” and “Ulf Heidr that”… please. Have some originality. Now, call themselves “the Surtr Suckers” - yeah - I respect that. It’s original. Plus they have ZERO clue what they are summoning by taking on the name of Shapeshifters. I KNOW that shit don’t fly - like at all! Not even a little. If it’s insulting to my insignificant ass - well, I just don’t want to be around any of them when the REAL Shapeshifters make their appearance.

Peoples crypto will be safe - but as you said - at that point - crypto will be useless until the “new (OLD) world order” if it makes it - comes back to town.

BIG if.

Israel is hiding the old order. There is no longer hiding that fact. Things are moving too quickly. And they are crying too… Loudly. With nobody answering.

The West, America, Europe - now even China - are their weapons. Nothing more, nothing less. We are the weapons of Israel. Period. And I used to be a supporter of that place and I have friends that are Jewish (patriots) so no - I am not being antisemitic. I am telling you what has been presented to me.

But deep down - we all know what’s what.  But there is a reason all cultures and countries catch colds. When one country sneezes we all get sick. America invaded Iraq because it was Israel’s greatest threat. The Mossad gave us false intel of WMDs. Now Iran is their “threat”. Same reason, same “Mossad intel”. Russia expells Jews. Russia is the enemy. China mines for rare earths and doesn’t give Israel its vig. Israel - like any bookie - makes China the enemy.

Israel is and has been behind the race divide. Don’t believe me? Look at Seth Rogan  and Sara Silverstein or Silverberg or whatever the fuck her name is - look at their “Christmas Special”. Nothing but race bait. Look at everyone in Hollywood that produces news and entertainment. What was the guys name who had the casting couch? Who was the guy with pedo island? Where does all the money come from? Oh - if I question this stuff - I am a white supremacist? Yeah. Got it. Keep taking that sack of gold, Hollywood. See what it gets you.

As you said - staying healthy right now is key. That includes mental health. Eating right and getting up and about is as important as prayer and meditation. The physical body and brain need nourishment. Since August I went from 145 pounds of skin and bone to 190 pounds of muscle mass. And just by eating right and working out. If I can do it - ANYONE can!

All of this I know - KNOW - to be true!


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