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Alien Interview possible false facts I found and some questions and perspectives I got

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Powerful stuff, PL. And you are spot on about the internet going down. It's just a matter of time before we're back to CBs and the Pony Express.

Have a plan guys, because there are forces out there with a plan for you if yee don't. A test is coming and most folks will be hit by a tsunami they won't even see coming.

Waders on, dust off the skimpy speedos, and keep an eye on the cats. They know shit we could never even dream of. Said goodbye to mine the other day. Saddest thing I've ever had to do. I thought I was the tough guy but those little shitters saw right through it. God only knows what they reallly think of us, eh?

And passing through airports these days is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. And I've seen weird. It's like everything is coming apart at the seams and everybody senses it. You can even smell it in the air.

Little bit of how the weirdness is manifesting. I'm starting to sense that the effects of MRNA whatEVER the fawk is in that shit is very much dependent on one's "spiritual" attitude. No time to elaborate now, but maybe some of you know what I mean. In other words, some of us have an override they can NEVER reach no matter what. Psychos have no souls; so they make the fundamental error that we don't, either.

Fundamental. Error.

Strange days, strange times. You need wings to stay above it. And how's this writer for an example of why there are some really great MDs out there still who really, really care about their patients and humanity no matter how many doofuses sell out. The spirit and will of man, eh? We might be newts in the greater scheme of tbings but we're here for a reason. And worth fighting for.

Hat tip, P.L. too, of course

Would you believe it will not permit me to post the link. Censorship in action.

Search this website and article:

The Covid Physician,

"All Hail COVID"


A worthwhile read.

Dani and xzianchow have reacted to this post.

Ok - I am going to upvote all of your stuff but I am THRILLED to be allowed to start a game of  “Let’s play Time Stamp” right here and you get to watch! All the Mantid love - FROM you all - TO them - you all are special motherfuckers. You all get to watch THIS board come to life if you start playing back in YOUR area. And anyone can play. When you all go back to this time it’s going to show you - and the lurkers - because there are some interesting ones - that need to see THIS mindfuck.

But first and foremost. @Ultan. Listen to me. You don’t know me from shit - but I am telling you as the Valfather Himself, the ALL High, Odin himself will hear from the Blessed Huginn and Muninn Themselves - I fucking got you. Don’t worry about the vax. Even if you got the (HA) Sino-vax - but that’s part of this game!!!

Lets play!

I pose the question. This is geared towards America - so the rest of you watch until your Mantid brings you back to it (the YOU can add to here). So..Americans….
I post my statement and questions in the name of the Blessed Count Himself - the Count of Saint Germaine:

In the past several days there has been a VAST increase of private jets flying into - specifically - the airports are literally between Tampa and Sarasota/Ft Meyers’s. ANYONE can look it up - but who would - on a flight tracking site like FlightAware. Today the Governor announced that he is forming his own military. Of course, the flights increased. Are they RICH people - like Nancy Pelosi - who bought a 25,000,000 USD (yes this AMERICAN wrote USD) for a house here in Florida - NEAR HER NEMESIS TRUMP???? Are they loaded with GOLD-foreign gold - gold given to Florida by countries that HATE what is going on with the treatment of the Islamic Tribes there? (Let’s see if the PLA edits that- it won’t be when YOU, reading need to see it) in return to economically bring China to its knees during the worst food crisis in its history? Is it medicines and food? And these are the flights on these websites - you would be AMAZED if you live on the West coast of Florida. That’s NOT on FlightAware. Are they people, backed by wealthy volunteers that “can’t do it themselves”, who are joining our Governors call to arms - to be part of the next American Secession? Is it backed by gold from the Knights of the Golden Circle?

Is it all of the above?

I say it’s all of the above.


Ultan McG and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGxzianchow

If that doesn't work, try this FR snippet...


Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

@pissedlizard So Florida is where all the "Old Empire" folk are going to hide out, eh? Yuck. You'll need a bulldozer to clear the streets. The'll be as thick as flies. I'll tell youse guys what.

Everyone should have the MM community as part of their affirmation prayers. Key words are ...

Safe, secure, calm, happy.

As in,

" All participating members of MM support each other with these powerful affirmations that are enhanced exponentially for the benefit of all participants. Each MM member is living a safe, secure, calm and happy life free of stress or discord of any type."

pissedlizard, perolator and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardperolatorUltan McGGoldleafxzianchow


It’s disgusting.

THIS I KNOW TO BE TRUE (unfortunately)


azark has reacted to this post.

And one other thing - because I do have a lot of love for a lot of you - understand - CLEARLY - when the internet DOES go down, the internet BEING down is now the least of your problems.

Yeah, do you want to know literally what is on the TOP of my affirmation list - that I am SURE will be used against me is this : Myself and those I interact with on any level will lead healthy, happy, peaceful, calm lives.

Until then - be ready for anything.

This I know to be true.


perolator, Ultan McG and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
perolatorUltan McGxzianchow

If I were the Old Empire, the long term target would be disabling the recollection of previous memories. @multiverse got me to role play, because I think the role of a troll was just that. You troll with an objective in mind and if done correctly, nobody will spot that objective. So while he or she tried to go fishing, I'm going in a different direction and wear the hat of an Old Empire operative instead.

So idea #1. The O. E. probably didn't go anywhere and they still run things in plain sight.

Idea #2. The Empire strikes back via mRNA vaccines against the Domain.

Idea #3. The Domain wants to free us in this prison planet.

Synthesis of the above mean, the O. E. are the elite. Fauci, Pfizer, DARPA, Pirbright are all part of the O. E, either as proxies or even directly. The vaccines will hurt health enough to distract against figuring out the (one of) the ultimate aims.


I think the prevention of past lives recall is one fantastic target. Because nobody will be able to figure out if past life recall doesn't happen. The drive to vaccinate indicates that it is an imperative objective of the elite. Once you equate elite with O. E. then many things make sense. It's not actually about depopulation, they couldn't care less. The fear generated give great cover for a masterplan to thwart the Domain.

For us, we get a software update. But the rest of humanity gets their DNA altered. It's a Final Solution of sorts. Not just a Great Reset but actual change in the basic machinery of the DNA. Hard drive wiped repeatedly with no recovery of memories. Maybe that's why the many boosters.

[Now, I actually believe human memory resides elsewhere and the brain is just an interface. But if the boosters corrupt the interface entirely, then the problem is quite immense. Because the repeated alterations to the interface destroy whatever connection is possible.]

This is probably the best way for the O. E to fight back against the Domain. If successful, they don't have to worry about a planetary awakening at all. The rush to vaccinate everyone is partly because they have a deadline. The Domain are moving fast.

LARPing hurts my puny brain. My speculation is fanfic grade so MM, I hope you allow this one through. It does tick the boxes, at least for me. Feedback is most welcome.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

A lot of folks I know into crypto panic when an internet pull is mentioned. "What about my fucking crypto???"

Ehhhh, newsflash guys: if the internet is pulled, somehow I get the feeling that, couched as cyberspace is in the macro-sphere or greater scheme of things-- the "real world" in other words-- your crypto portfolio will be the last thing on your fucking mind.

Focus on contentedness health and wellbeing instead.

(And maybe the berserking homme-boyyyzz fixin on your quiet neighborhood, too, while you're at it. But hopefully it won't come to that.)

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