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Is there a (slow) shift against a war with China creeping in socmed

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LOL. Thank you all for everything.

perolator and Tas have reacted to this post.

Give me til SUNDAY and I got some coming your way!

perolator has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

My first real post. I feel it's sadly going to happen and soon. In the late 1980's I had one of those dreams, you know the ones vivid and so very very real, as if I was there. It involved an air battle over George Town Tasmania (over my mothers house). I identified some of the airframes involved as F15's but the other type I could not (well at the time). This battle was high 40,000 plus feet I would guess and there were AAM trails everywhere. The other airframe I believe now were J 20 stealth fighters (big long range air superiority stealth fighters). As most would be aware the J 20 is the new Chinese stand off fighter and the canards (small wings under the cockpit) are what gave the "other airframe away, the one I could not identify back in the 80's . It happened right before me, It was not a traditional "dogfight" as such but a short range (say 10km radius) AAM engagement. When I "awoke" I was bloody drained and walked outside looking to the sky. This dream has been in my minds eye for a long time now and is one of the reasons I have been  prepping over the last 20 or so years and have a protect and survive mentality with my 14 year old daughter. But in stating this am I creating my own reality along the lines of MWI if you get my drift. Have a great day everyone and G,day MM.

congjing yu, Ultan McG and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McGMemory LossDSKlausler


There a strange post in Australian news very recently. I'm not sure if it reflects the actual condition of Australian forces but if it does, I don't know what to think. Was just going to post it as a funny, and then I saw your post.

Is this the actual state of Australian armed forces?

Multiple redundancies and still it failed? Is this the work of those dastardly Domain forces? I find it totally inexplicable and bizarre that the ship suffered loss of power for 4 days (and counting?). Almost as if an unseen hand was at work.

I'm beginning to think that @laoban4site knew exactly what he was talking about when he mentioned equipment failures of the western armies.

Edit: The NSA analysts should consider this event to be just a shot across the bow if they don't believe the Domain is taking part in current affairs. And to pay attention especially to the white and red tents our host talks of.



Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I believe the Spanish LPH (sister ships) also suffered a power plant failure not so long ago, For 20 years Australia has been purchasing military hardware for the EU which have either failed to meet design requirements or were simply duds full stop. The Tiger attack helicopters could not preform to requirements (replaced by AH 64), the Taipan GP chopper was also in this category (they struggle at full load in hot conditions and are being replaced by Blackhawks, which funnily is the airframe the Taipan replaced),  The French MU90 torpedo also did not reach operational service for i think it was 4 years (we fixed the issues at our own cost as Australia and the French utilised this information to make future fixes to their stockpiles, The Attack class sub, well that was simply an election pork barreling exercise, subs for votes, the other contender for the contract (at the time) was a Japanese design which would have been built in Japan hence the attempt to modify a nuclear SSN into a conventional hull, madness. The Spanish designed DDG (Hobart Class) are a hull which is to small for what it is intended to do, it lacks in vertical launch tubes, 48 from memory where a true DDG would have 60 or more and so at risk from swarm attacks. But in saying this other militaries are having big issues with Euro weapons systems, The British Daring DDG's are problematic with regards to power plant and radar issues (one broke down on it's way to the South China Sea last year (which also fits your posts narrative mate). I fell the tent is red at the moment sadly and is about to be changed to black. Hope you found this interesting ML. One more thing, the US/UK nuclear SSN are 20 years away, wooden nickels from the USA , we will protect you when in fact they wish to turn this nation into glass.....Cheers

Line 3 4 should be from not for, sorry do not know how to edit, yet and should have read it through before posting LOL

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss
Quote from Tas on February 2, 2022, 12:43 pm

Line 3 4 should be from not for, sorry do not know how to edit, yet and should have read it through before posting LOL

Ah there's a clock ticking when you post. Edit button disappears soon thereafter. It's a nice and forgiving forum providing you don't have malice. I can tell you for a fact that MM does have weird supernatural powers so just keep that in mind. So a tiny but hearty welcome to the forum from me.

A fine and frankly horrific list you got there. I feel the F35 crash and Connecticut incident should be tacked on there. You know it does seem a bit odd, no? The equipment is crap but still...

Russia is very careful not to invoke deadlines. So much so I feel they want to stay FAR, FAR away from any tents being raised. Almost as if they do not want the spectre of any Egregores summoned accidentally. (Egregores are thought constructs, kinda like manifestations.)

You have triggered a bunch of suspicions for me, and I thank you for that.

congjing yu and Tas have reacted to this post.
congjing yuTas
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Cheers ML and thanks for your advice cobber, appreciated. I try to be an open book and say it as I see it but I never resort to malice, well not intentionally. Being new to the 'blog' I pray I do not cross any lines as I am a stayer (I hope). FYI the Brits also lost a 35 during a ski Jump launch off HMS QE due to power loss in the Med. late last year whilst deploying to the SCS. Cheers mate and all the best to you.

Quote from Tas on February 2, 2022, 3:27 pm

Cheers ML and thanks for your advice cobber, appreciated. I try to be an open book and say it as I see it but I never resort to malice, well not intentionally. Being new to the 'blog' I pray I do not cross any lines as I am a stayer (I hope). FYI the Brits also lost a 35 during a ski Jump launch off HMS QE due to power loss in the Med. late last year whilst deploying to the SCS. Hope that helps you.

Cheers mate and all the best to you.


I have no idea what I did there, social media or what ever its really called is not my strong point, flying blind with out a map LOL. I have no idea how to delete the above???? I am a silly old bugger.


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