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Is there a (slow) shift against a war with China creeping in socmed

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For whatever it is worth...

The rumor in China is that many foreign companies in China are doing more than just making / producing products and services. That it is an excellent venue to implant CIA / NGO / NED assets inside of China using a different methodology other than "journalism", and "Non-Govenment humanitarian Agencies".

By having oversight, the personnel can be vetted, and their actions and behaviors can be better monitored.

This is obviously an outcome of all the howling and screeching by Shanghai expats during the coronavirus lockdowns one or two weeks ago. Those expats are all tied to foreign businesses, and WOFE operations.

There is nothing wrong with scrutiny and oversight.

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NWO bosses are now creating crises, chaos and economic oppression, and will continue escalating the pressure, until a majority "democratically" cry out for, and elect, NWO saviors to rescue them by providing life necessities.


Here's an interesting article relevant to the consequences of NWO plans to brutalize populations in order to gain power:


The article's thesis is that NWO bosses are currently setting in motion forces to help them rise to global power, forces which ultimately will become ungovernable and will undermine the NWO bosses--although millions (billions?) may die in the process.


Yep . . .

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