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Is there a (slow) shift against a war with China creeping in socmed

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What in the world.... George Soros has been making some interesting statements about China in the last day or two. I normally try to ignore that kind of stuff but... Are we witnessing what I think we're witnessing?

Do you have a link for me to read?

The old 'Evergreen Scandal is gonna take down China' shpiel is still alive and kicking, I see.

(Except they always omit the part where the CCP confiscated the entire assets and stock to sell at a discount; jailed the perps, sorry, 'top executives' (or worse); and had the foreign investors scrambling for the nearest airport for a private jet outta there-- if they were lucky.

In other words: problem solved.)

congjing yu, Feal and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFealMemory Loss

oh and look carefully at Soros' body language-- this guy is angry. Very angry. I guess that means their plans for China aren't quite working out as they expected.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@memory-loss yeah it seems it is true. Here's our version of that article. surprise surprise, the abc didn't think it necessary to include that part about China helping for some reason. Claims sailors are enduring scorching conditions to repair 'stranded' HMAS Adelaide as reinforcements arrive - ABC News

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Daegon Magus

Total loss of power. Including backup power. On a multiple redundancy ship. Looks like a run of EXTREMELY bad luck, as if the very gods were conspiring against them. Are sailors superstitious lol.

With unlucky submarines and top of the line planes, it does seem there is an unseen hand in this MWI. Perhaps the Domain is just scratching an itch prior to battle. All those incidents and yet no deaths.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memory-loss certainly does sound like they were EMPed. I wonder if we will read about in like 20 years from now on the front page of a report from congress about UFOs XD

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Daegon Magus

Thanks @ultan-mcg for helping out. Depending on which media outlet you prefer, you get a slightly different versions. Apparently Soros gave a statement via video at Stanford’s Hoover Institution. I'm not sure which of these will be blocked for you @laoban4site. Mainstream is running with versions of George Soros warns China facing economic crisis.



Business Insider:

Farther Right has a slightly different message of Soros calls China's Xi Jinping 'the greatest threat that open societies face today':

Or from the man's own website:

The timing is awfully coincidental... yeah, there are no coincidences.

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

Soros is pissed cos China totally banned Bitcoin.

" When it banned crypto last year, China did so in different phases. First the country prohibited financial institutions from engaging in any crypto transactions in May. Then it banned all domestic crypto mining in June, and finally outlawed cryptocurrencies outright in September. The world’s second-largest economy had previously been a leader in mining for cryptocurrencies, and the government’s moves against crypto caused major selloffs before prices stabilized. China’s government said it was especially concerned about crypto mining’s effect on the environment and people using digital currencies for fraud and money laundering. "


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Shanghai Questions

Xi Jinping has launched broad new regulations limiting the power of private business in China and mandating that companies have Communist Party oversight committees (i.e, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection).

In Europe, in the 18th and 19th centuries, the private sector successfully created power bases to oppose governing elites. Perhaps Xi Jinping is now worried that something similar might happen in China.

Shanghai, with a population of 25 million, is the world's largest city, the financial center of China, and home to many uber-wealthy companies, organizations, entrepreneurs, and families.


1. Is it possible that Xi Jinping fears that Shanghai may become a power base for political opposition/rivals?

2. Is Xi Jinping using zero-COVID policies as an excuse to launch armed forces and COVID-law enforcement teams in order to demonstrate his power and/or to consolidate control over the Shanghai region?


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