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Speculation about how the American Empire resembles the Old Empire. Insert obligatory Chyna!!!

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This is going to be a weird post with a mishmash of ideas and concepts. I am thinking to test out new hypothesi and even new ways of THINKING so it will be a work in progress.

We will start here. With speculation about how the American Empire resembles the Old Empire.


The beginning

I was thinking the words of the Domain Commander. That the Old Empire has gone into hiding and they don't quite know where they have gone. This statement blew my mind on several levels. Now I think he was telling the truth as truth as he can. Individuals can go into hiding. They may slip our planes of reality. But what about the actual Old Empire itself. I figure on our plane of existence, he actually knows. But we as a human species, have to find out ourselves.


The purpose of this post

So he got me to thinking from the very beginning. In an extreme prison environment, we are molded and shaped from birth. Infants kept from their mothers and socially isolated but otherwise fed etc will eventually die. There was one weird European king who actually carried out this monstrous experiment and that's how we know that humans (or infants) cannot survive total isolation. In our case the prison environment doesn't kill us physically but it stunts our growth mentally at the very least. I want to explore the possibility of doing business in a different manner. I want to try out group thinking and consciousness. Something like @daegonmagus said, collective consciousness in a void space. Which means we pool our thoughts and figure out stuff basically. There is a lot of stuff I don't know how to articulate but it's like I know how to speculate, and @goldleaf knows how to intuit etc. @pissedlizard has some weird ability to, ok I don't even know how to begin describing what he does or thinks, but he knows stuff in ways we don't. @alice has a TV station even.

So this is like a prototype post, using simple speculation for a framework. I'm doing some stream of consciousness thingie. Everyone is welcome to jump in the water.


What we will try to do

Let's imagine what a collective consciousness can do and have some fun. A single person is weak because his or her understanding is limited to that single person's way of thinking. So input of ALL sorts is very welcome.


Start point

One of the start points: is the Old Empire still operating on Earth?

Obvious answer is yes. Duh! But how? So we actually start here. Guys can chime in from here. I will do my version below.



The Old Empire has always operated using the elite on Earth. And the ruling is always hidden behind subterfuge. As an example, the Egyptian Pharoahs. Possibly other empires too but let's zoom out to the bigger picture.


What to look for

  • Because this is a short weird ass forum post, I just want to focus on how the heck does one identify where the Old Empire can hiding in plain sight. Our collective blind spots.
  • Possibly identify the individuals who are members today. Because there are easy tells and you can't change the spots on the leopards.
  • Zooming out, how would an Old Empire hide AND operate.



Let's try to work out some simple hypothesis and see what can be built thereon.

Hypothesis #0. The Old Empire is intrinsically non human in behavior. The competition to be top dog ensures that cruelty and nastiness will be promoted in the administrators and leaders. Eventually you have leaders who as a group deviate from humanity because they have drunked from the culture of Old Empire. (You can see how the Roman Empire had stratified classes in their Patrician classes versus the rest).

Hypothesis #0 is my ground zero.

Hypothesis #1. The Old Empire will or has always operated using the elite. They may be present in "advanced" societies but will not hide in agrarian societies or "primitive" cultures. Societies who are egalitarian are not suitable hosts for them.

The synthesis of Hypothesis #1 and #0 indicates the elite of today's age to be suitable hosts for the Old Empire. The cream of the elite are the politicians and super rich. This small group is constitutes the actual members of the Old Empire.


Hypothesis #2. Character of these elite serving Old Empire. Their job is to pervert and stunt humanity. They will not have any empathy for the human race.

They may hide and camouflage their behavior but at the heart, their behavior will be intrinsically perverted.

If evolution theory is applied loosely, it means there is selection pressure internally, and this pressure over time drives the elite to display or flaunt their behavior. You will see increasingly extreme behavior that deviates from normal human behavior.

A marker for Old Empire is deviant behavior. I was triggered to this conclusion by @daegonmagus. DangerMouse, your LD in other dimensions intrigues me. Can you LD onto specific persons in this dimension? Something like what @geisterfahrer appears to be doing?


Hypothesis #3. By taking the above, you should be able to spot where the Old Empire is. Psychopathic behavior in the elite is one marker.


The behavior of the United States is similar to that of the Old Empire. What does this mean? Occam's Razor tells you they might as well be one and the same. So this is my prediction, by following the clues in today's world. That you will find the United States (and possibly its allies or vassals to be the embodiment of the Old Empire.


I will post with the details how's and why's for the predictions flowing from these hypopotamuses but it would be fun to get feedback from y'all. This is a work in progress, so all are welcome to pitch in.












perolator and azark have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

The old empire seems to me to be a state of consciousness of evil, parasitizing individuals here and often works among those who have attributes of power therefore conducive to great damage largely. This destroys the long and sometimes fragile constructions of the symbioses.

The domain: A consciousness which works for the source directly or indirectly which is the path of the reason of the rufus with most certainly dirty luggage like almost everyone but that and a force

objective hide: The world and its experience are full of hidden clues to discover these deep states of consciousness modified by the help of benevolent allies like a rufus or the Domain, and conversely parasitic, disease destruction for the vampires of the old empire . So we have to wake up and take action but first we have to have some kind of plan. And MM shows us a way.

perolator has reacted to this post.


“…So this is like a prototype post, using simple speculation for a framework. I'm doing some stream of consciousness thingie. Everyone is welcome to jump in the water.”

- I am working on recruiting document for this very purpose. I have a collection of prominent LDers/ APers that I have already recruited from avenues external to MM, and who are aware (to some extent) of the prison/matrix reality system in place. The establishment of a collective hive consciousness via LD will be one of the goals outlined in this document as well as other suggested strategies for out manouvering the traps, and further surveying into the non physical planes. There are a handful of MM regulars I have my eye on that I am hoping will be interested in this project. Before I can get to that document though, I need to finish my 4th LD lesson as it will give the tools necessary to build it all. Keep an eye out for it. Also I suggest reading Project Edison when MM puts it up.

What we will try to do

Let's imagine what a collective consciousness can do and have some fun. A single person is weak because his or her understanding is limited to that single person's way of thinking. So input of ALL sorts is very welcome.

- Aim for reconnection with your higher self. The void space is a doorway to a higher order of information and a completely “alien” way of processing said information. One person connecting to their higher self is more powerful than a trillion physical armies – I am not exaggerating this. Again, I have a whole series of articles I plan on writing dealing with occult philosophy that will help. Gentle request from the Domain – please clone me or split my physical being into separate pieces so I can get more work done in the day. Jokes.

Start point

One of the start points: is the Old Empire still operating on Earth?

Obvious answer is yes. Duh! But how? So we actually start here. Guys can chime in from here. I will do my version below.

- The name Rothschild was implied as being a cipher for that family for access to the non physical by the Grand Elder in my simulation/ consciousness programming facility experience. I was shown that this type of egress is possible when the letters of the name are rearranged through (assumedly) meditation. I need to point out here, at this point in time I was of the belief the Rothschild thing was disinfo aimed at badmouthing Jews.


The Old Empire has always operated using the elite on Earth. And the ruling is always hidden behind subterfuge. As an example, the Egyptian Pharoahs. Possibly other empires too but let's zoom out to the bigger picture.

- Word on the grapevine is that Thoth could have been an old empirian king….this is the connection to the emerald tablets/alchemy and that whole line of occult philosophy. I suggest researching Kabbalistic tree of life/ tetragrammaton etc. in depth – again I have some planned articles to go more into depth on this.

Hypothesis #0. The Old Empire is intrinsically non human in behavior. The competition to be top dog ensures that cruelty and nastiness will be promoted in the administrators and leaders. Eventually you have leaders who as a group deviate from humanity because they have drunked from the culture of Old Empire. (You can see how the Roman Empire had stratified classes in their Patrician classes versus the rest).

- psychological profile of an Old Empirian based on experiences with the “weirdos” in LD. Best description is like a demon with a drug dependency (this is hard to explain because it is so completely different to what we know on earth, but if you are ever unfortunate to be invited into one of their dwellings this is what it is like). There are (energetic) things they “need” to satisfy their fix, and they will focus on these things over empathy for the one they are taking from. I have worked with ones that would shit all over any man/woman/being/ god just for their fix because it was “necessary” at the time. You begin to feel the way Frodo does with Gollum. Think of it like DEA agent going undercover into a Mexican cartel HQ – there are the minions like the security and drug peddlers who are often coerced into being there or made a few wrong life decisions that bought them a one way ticket in (you don’t just leave the cartel when you feel like it ), and then there are the big fish that run the show. Added to that you’ve got the guys who only hold allegiance to whoever is the most dominant and stable family at the time. Those are the guys who jump ship the moment a shift of power and dominance seems inevitable. This poses the question of “is a drug addict who damages those around him actually bad, or is this badness more a product of the drug itself? If the drug is taken away, then would that individual consciousness be more STS or STO in its make up? Now replace the word “drug” with “money”, and evaluate humans with the same understanding. How many of the elite are really just puppets that have been programmed with the “wealth hording mentality” vs actual Old Empire guys that are running show? Obviously if you are high up in the wealth chain it’s a good bet you have more of a STS than STO sentience, but there is s big difference between doing for stability and doing it for power.

“A marker for Old Empire is deviant behavior. I was triggered to this conclusion by @daegonmagus. DangerMouse, your LD in other dimensions intrigues me. Can you LD onto specific persons in this dimension? Something like what @geisterfahrer appears to be doing?”

-You can but it involves an immense amount of mental resources. I’d say the elite have access to similar “medieval” places I have been visiting – a tell tale sign would be this medieval infrastructure populated by the aforementioned demon, drug addict type weirdos. Plus you run the risk of bumping into non physical security systems these guys may have set up. The last place you want to end up is in one of those goddamned fucking consciousness prisons, believe me. I would only suggest this sort  LD recon of the more capable LDers. Once my environment is no longer as chaotic I plan on conducting more thorough LD investigations into these places. Question: how does one target a system that uses damaged parts of your own soul make up to trick you back into reincarnation? The connection the Old Empire has to this tech/facility whatever you want to call it should be prioritised for disassembly. Hopefully I can get back there when I die to investigate it further and relay my findings back to someone kicking around in the void space. This should give you a preliminary idea of what exactly I am trying to build whilst “posted” in this current incarnation.


perolator has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

L'ancien empire me semble être un état de conscience du mal, parasitant les individus d'ici et travaille souvent parmi ceux qui ont des attributs de pouvoir donc propices à de gros dégâts en grande partie. Cela détruit les constructions longues et parfois fragiles des symbioses.

Le domaine : Une conscience qui travaille pour la source directement ou indirectement qui est le chemin de la raison des rufus avec très certainement des bagages sales comme presque tout le monde mais ça et une force

Objective hide : Le monde et son expérience regorgent d'indices cachés pour découvrir ces états de conscience profonds modifiés à l'aide d'alliés bienveillants comme un rufus ou le Domaine, et à l'inverse parasitaires, maladie destructrice pour les vampires de l'ancien empire. Nous devons donc nous réveiller et agir, mais nous devons d'abord avoir une sorte de plan. Et MM nous montre un chemin.

It is clear that we have come to a point where the great powers of this world are bending the rules for their advantages and there is not much we can do but not underestimate the power of the domain I am very close and surely a lot of 'others and volunteered for a physical operation if I had to get my bag of meat wet.


@daegonmagus, wow a lot to unpack. I just wanted to zoom in on your demons.

- psychological profile of an Old Empirian based on experiences with the “weirdos” in LD. Best description is like a demon with a drug dependency (this is hard to explain because it is so completely different to what we know on earth, but if you are ever unfortunate to be invited into one of their dwellings this is what it is like). There are (energetic) things they “need” to satisfy their fix, and they will focus on these things over empathy for the one they are taking from..

Have you come across Jerry Marzinsky? He's a retired psychotherapist who came to conclude that the pharmaceutical industry has it's own agenda and is not out to heal. Because he was with the schizophrenics, he found out that the voices they hear are real. And meth is a gateway drug to demonic possession. Lots of videos by him even on YouTube. The ones with George Jagatic and Sharry Sweeney (I think) might be interesting for you.

I will have to reply further in a subsequent post.

Edit:just saw MM latest post, there's a video about homeless people in America. The poster amde a very obvious points. How come you can care so much for stray cats and dogs but you forget about humans?

There's some obvious or obscure connection (I dunno) to schizophrenia and use of gateway drugs. I think the homeless are preyed on by negative entities. And by some design the population in America are trained to NOT see these people. Our new French poster had a comment I will have to revisit. Involves a soft conversion of STO individuals to STS beings but I need to understand what is popping up in my head. It will crystalise. Something about how America as a nation is steered towards being a STS nation.

perolator has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@azark, hi and welcome. I saw some of your posts. And it's great. Maybe you can post in French and we can translate in our translators? Reduce the overhead on the thought processes.

I'm stuck at the moment, I know on the face of it I want to move to the prediction part.

Ok I actually typed "predictive" instead. Maybe I should be looking at predictive programming or something.

It is quite possible that the Old Empire uses predictive programming to steer humanity to their objectives.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

L'ancien empire me semble être un état de conscience du mal, parasitant les individus d'ici et travaille souvent parmi ceux qui ont des attributs de pouvoir donc propices à de gros dégâts en grande partie. Cela détruit les constructions longues et parfois fragiles des symbioses.

Le domaine : Une conscience qui travaille pour la source directement ou indirectement qui est le chemin de la raison des rufus avec très certainement des bagages sales comme presque tout le monde mais ça et une force

Objective hide : Le monde et son expérience regorgent d'indices cachés pour découvrir ces états de conscience profonds modifiés à l'aide d'alliés bienveillants comme un rufus ou le Domaine, et à l'inverse parasitaires, maladie destructrice pour les vampires de l'ancien empire. Nous devons donc nous réveiller et agir, mais nous devons d'abord avoir une sorte de plan. Et MM nous montre un chemin.

Google Translation;

The old empire seems to me to be a state of consciousness of evil, parasitizing individuals here and often works among those who have attributes of power therefore conducive to great damage to the large part. This destroys the long and sometimes fragile constructions of symbioses.

The domain: A consciousness that works for the source directly or indirectly which is the path of the reason of the rufus with most certainly dirty luggage like almost everyone else but that and a strength

Objective hide: The world and its experience are full of hidden clues to discover these deep states of consciousness modified with the help of benevolent allies like a rufus or the Domain, and conversely parasitic, a destructive disease for the vampires of the former empire. So we have to wake up and act, but first we have to have some kind of plan. And MM shows us a way.


oops, I'm sorry I must have made a bad manipulation, I checked the translation several times so as not to create bad meaning, winning is downright mind-blowing, the words are reversed, the meaning reversed. word change. So sorry


It is obviously for me and to respect all your work as well as MM and the readers, to translate myself alone and to check before sending in English.


I admit that I love puzzle games, strategy games, I know that I am very far behind the best but I try like that, the posts really come from the heart and you seemed to me to be a kind of fabulous miracle and MM the messenger. Thank you MM and all responsible participants, and it is a great honor for me to participate with you.
Ps: It's as if life gave us lessons that we didn't really understand. Thank you MM, ex today my father ame de rufus has just brought me the wardrobes of the family c is a nice wink, crazy or genius It doesn't matter to me.

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