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Speculation about how the American Empire resembles the Old Empire. Insert obligatory Chyna!!!

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@azark A big heartfelt thank you. -MM

Quote from azark on December 6, 2021, 6:49 pm

It is obviously for me and to respect all your work as well as MM and the readers, to translate myself alone and to check before sending in English.

@azark, actually I feel that machine translations are dangerous if you use it on the primary source level. Like you noticed it totally changed the meaning of what you wrote. None of us would have seen that except you when you double checked with your original post. I was taught to always start with the original source.

I feel you should post with the original French that you start off with. Let us translate on our own. My French is useless but you will force me to improve and struggle to improve. The machine translations lose the soul of the writing.


Edit: I love French songs so I machine translate. The songs are best left in French lol. That's why I say the machine translations take out the soul.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Thank you, I understand but leave me this voluntary handicap for my trouble, the meaning to reach the snarch can no longer be perverted, this is why the posts are short and concentrated having as possible what unfolds with your technique, If there is has a confused meaning or on the contrary do not hesitate to ask me and I accept the constraints presented. Thank you for your understanding comrade.

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Memory Lossxzianchow

Continued below


Ok, a slight continuation from before.


We assume that the Hypothesis #0 and #1 and the rest all apply. So I now role play as Old Empire and elite of this world.


These are my problems (as an Old Empire guy) that I have to overcome.


  • Problem #1. The Domain are closing in and they appear to be trying to dismantle our apparatus the world over. They are trying to break down the amnesia that we have imposed on the inhabitants of this world.


  • Problem #2. The path that we have laid on the portions of the world that we control is leading to economic problems. Possibly collapse of the economy of those countries. But is this incompetence or malice?


  • Problem #3. We need to find a solution to the Domain problem. Where do we run? We cannot keep hiding and running. Many of us want to take the fight up to the Domain.


Problem #1 is interesting. One of the main objectives of the Domain is to restore the past life memories of the beings on this planet. If this is done, the inmates will realise how we control this planet and then we lose our grip. So we have to sabotage their plans.

How do we do this? We use our strengths and exploit the weaknesses in the Domain's plans. Yes they are smart but they also have to fight on our terrain. Their weakness is so obvious. If there is no possibility of memory recall, then there are no ISBEs to save. This planet is then of no consequence to the Domain. We don't need to destroy the actual content in their memory. We just need to prevent access to the interfaces. Perhaps destroy the actual interfaces. As long as the inmates can keep the Old Empire running, and the Domain disinterested in this region, we will have succeeded.

We have worked for a long time on "ways to inhibit the God gene." Now it is ready, our pharmaceutical people will do their part. The politicians will instruct the sheep and the media will ensure they follow the herd.

A mRNA vaccine designed to inhibit past lives recall is our secret weapon. By disinformation we will hide the truth. The fact that some people die from the vaccines is a bonus because it distracts attention from our ultimate goal. So we should allow speculation to the extent that it does not derail the whole program.

If repeated shots can enhance inhibition or even break the memory interface then we would have won. It won't matter if the memory itself is intact if those poor creatures have no way to access. Your computer is useless if I take away your mouse and keyboard lol.

Internal memo to the Elite of our Old Empire :

So we roll out a coordinated health campaign worldwide. We crank the propaganda up to 13. We do a blitzkrieg because the Domain cannot move as fast. 

We will do a campaign of disinformation. Hype up the physical dangers of the vaccines on one end and and media campaign to discredit such information on the other end. We have done this so many times and it always works. 

Those poor sods will newer be able to figure out our ultimate objective. We will plant misleading statistics and claim those statistics were based on remote viewing.


Disinformation planted in Deagel 2025 is fantastic because it will serve at least two purposes when Deagel 2025 doesn't pan out. One, discredit remote viewing and provide cover for what we want to do. Two, the chaos created among the Domain analysts is distracts and allows us to maneuver in the open.


Problem #2 is a bit of a bother. A partial benefit of an economic collapse is that it keeps the population distracted with the consequences of such a collapse. But if it leads to overthrow of our elite then it backfires. So we have our sacrificial lambs, the ostensible but disposable leaders.  We also need a minimal population to maintain the Prison Complex. But if the minimal population renders this Planet unattractive for the Domain because it becomes a minor target and not worth putting resources into, we can hunker down for fight another day. I


Internal memo to the bankers in the Old Empire. 

This is once in a century opportunity to make yourselves richer. Remember the success of Jekyll Island. Now it is the turn of our brothers in Monsanto and Pfizer and their colleagues to pave the way for another success. We will make a killing with unprecedented profits in the markets. Place your bets, sit back and watch the profits roll in. 



I will stop here for a bit. I need to gather some bits and bobs to substantiate what I have written. Problem #3, dealing with the Domain will continue later.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memory-loss I love your role play. That is a hard thing to do when the POV involved is so alien.

Since reading Alien Interview, I've believed that the Old Empire is the one of the factions pulling the strings in the shadows. Kind of like other secret agencies, I don't think they themselves would want the spotlight. I could be wrong though. And since, at least in the US, most people who make it to the highest levels of government are sociopaths, they could just be some of the very bad prisoners working with the old empire or even a mix. Makes them hard to tell apart.

@memory-loss if you were to hide in a prison, you would need to work together with the guards so you're safe. We know now that's the Mantids. I was wondering if the hiding guys would also need "connections" to the outside, to get their special amusements and luxuries? And how would they pay them?

And another thing: what if they try to escape by "flooding" heaven, the Commander mentioned. At least that's what i would try, hide in the masses!

About the Domain and the resources, please correct me if im wrong, maybe I read too much into it, but my understanding is that they ampt up the game since they know about my Baker.

And it's something you got me thinking ML: The Commanderand PL said something about time/space being cycles. Is there a connection to theDark Middle Ages when the Pest hit and they burned the witches? I checked the time periods and it's not exactly matching, i just thought that we MM members have STO, Rufus, cats, discernment and MWI in common. What i've read so far is, that that must match "witches"(and there are males included) aswell.... And well...the plandemic.... I have the "feeling" about a repetion of the past.

I know what it is! This feeling!!! Airl said in the Alien Interview they defeated the Old Empire around that time!!!

@goldleaf, funny you should say that. I was just writing about the possibility that we know Old Empire culture and behavior VERY intimately. And we can actually predict what they are or will be trying to do.

Because the human race has been shaped and ruled by the Old Empire for a long long time. Any role play is easy when we can see the psychotic and psychopathic nature of the elite. We can extrapolate both the reasoning and consequences. That is the window into Old Empire behavior.

You don't look for your car keys under the street lamp. You look for it when you think you dropped it. So where you think the human race has lost it's bearings, you pay attention. We lose our bearings where our leaders steer us in the wrong directions. That tells us our leaders are very tied in to the Old Empire. William Gates is carrying out the works of his ancestor. Their works go back to the Spanish Flu. Family business.

I mean, we can wait for the Domain to rescue us. But we can also try to understand the Prison Complex. Understanding the Prison Complex as best we can, will help us break free. And this may be a multi lifetime thing. So we study our reality as best we can.

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Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memory-loss if you were to hide in a prison, you would need to work together with the guards so you're safe. We know now that's the Mantids. I was wondering if the hiding guys would also need "connections" to the outside, to get their special amusements and luxuries? And how would they pay them?

@mirri, exactly. Old Empire people are not ascetic. They are hedonist and anti-empathists. Look at Obama and his Uber expensive pizzas. These people need their fix.

For me once I tried to think like an OE entity, stuff out of the ordinary made sense. These are psychological markers for the psychopathic behavior of the Old Empire. Obama and Hillary are Old Empire. It's a big club and we're not in it. But we can see the music. We can see the pizza deliveries.

As an example, from the above email we can gather clues. The Old Empire still runs the show. There is an inner core (or many inner cores spread through out the world. They cast votes in those cliques. Etc etc..

So we see glimpses into their little world on occasion. Then the media shuts the door. I am leaning towards the probability that the whole of the western elite are compromised. (Once you put on those glasses from They Live, every weird thing makes sense. But you need to put on those glasses to make any sense of our weird world.)

In fact the dominant culture in many parts of the world is Old Empire in flavor. And that culture is anti empathy and anti human in its nature. MM had a Rufus article that struck me. A video by one woman who observed that people cared for stray cats and dogs in America but they don't even acknowledge their homeless. BUT if you try a Old Empire Larp, then it's perfectly natural.

Training manual for Old Empire newbies:

People in Old Empire land do not acknowledge other humans because they are programmed to NOT care. We must ensure they are kept drugged and ignorant. 

Our programming is extensive and blatant at the same time. But our weakness is that the ordinary humans must not even suspect the truth for one moment, for they will rebel. 

So countries that try and implement ways to help improve the lives of people must be destroyed. This must be done before the population notice that our way of life is hopelessly flawed for the slaves. For the time, we must censor and provide disinformation. 

Our ultimate goal is to render the masses completely under our control. Why the mRNA vaccines are crucial is explained in the Old Empire Dummies Guide to mRNA vaccines. Get your copy today at a special rate. Click on the link below! 

Click here for your special offer


And your mantid speculation, I have thought about it but currently am actually leery to go there. My ideas at present is that mantids are much higher up the food chain. And we simply do not know how the Mantid Primes allow the Old Empire people to prosper.

But my thinking clicks with yours. I would like to hear your thoughts tho on the Mantids.


Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memory-loss Well to refer to the imaginary prison, we know from the Commander that the Mantids are something like wardens and parole officers, genetically manipulated by the OE. The Domain is working with the Mantids on Earth to break the system, but it's too dangerous for Domain IS-Bes to enter our heaven to work with the Mantids there.

If I was to hide in a prison, I would get myself into some isolated cell where only the guards get, so other prisoners don't notice that I get my luxuries. Hence I agree with GL that the politicians and high officials are NOT OE. Maybe their puppets, but I strongly believe that the real ones are not known to us. I think there are enough very very wealthy that hide in the shadows, afraid of what would happen to them if people knew about their names and whereabouts.

Why don't we take that into our affirmations? Something along the lines of " All Old Empire Entities step out of the shadows and the Domain can seperate them from the earthly population" ? @laoban4site Would that help the Domain?

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