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Accepting questions for the next Q&A with the Domain Commander

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Greetings All,

Just a recap first: thanks to MM, it may not seem like it, but I do appreciate all that you have provided me here. Also, I know that I have been brash with MM, DC and My Mantid - you may find my commentary all over this site if you wish. Finally, not only do I like the Multi-worldline view, I believe it to be true.

MM will have to stow his opinion on the ultimate matter here - and consider MY viewpoint.

Now then, every time I read the Q&A with The Commander I am reminded of my own disagreeable experiences surrounding it. So, accordingly, Part 13 triggered all sorts of frustrating memories. What follows I have not mentioned before (I bet some of you may share what I speak of). My memory is not perfect, and it is malleable in general for ALL humans, so my timelines could be wrong.

First though let me mention my favorite excerpts from the recent Q&A:

We welcome to assist any entity that asks for assistance, and also welcome participation with Domain in the form of volunteerism.
Still waiting for any acknowledgment at all.
Once a “curse” is placed on a targeted individual, it is often difficult to remove by the infected consciousness. They often require outside assistance which would have a degree of skill and ability in this matter.
I am supposedly cursed (see below).
To fully understand the answers that the questioner request of his lower mantid, the questioner must listen with purity.
Always, (preceding my eventual anger) I have been completely sincere.
You do so by your apparent understanding / misunderstanding of the situation, which is often wrong. So you provide a wrong answer to the question.
Perhaps MM has misinterpreted my status of "cursed".


Okay here we go.

I believe that it was in March of this year when I was contacted via email (NONE of you have my proton mail address yet that is the address to which the initial message was posted). Oops... MM has my Proton address. I interrogated at length to determine the authenticity of the petitioner. True enough it seemed to me - the simple human.

This human being claimed to be the husband of the Domain Commander - incarnated as a female here and now. We shared many things over the wire - mostly me bitching about this stupid life that I saw no purpose with and She/He saying that I was special - Domain-wise - history and other things from that realm.

IF you have read any of my comments over the years, you'll see that I DEMAND proof of such things... I do not have the skills of DM or MM... or ANYONE... I am in fact, a simple human. I relayed ALL of Me and my history here - what I think that I am.

After many attempts by me to make available my mind and body, I could gain no noticeable connection. Ultimately, again, I stated that if no OBVIOUS sign to this simple human could be confirmed, then Go Away. She/He claimed to have the ear of sources that could "look into" my case - such as it is - this may have even been The Commander but I am unsure of that. Ultimatum thus set, by time and date, and I received zip.

As far as I know, MM did not purposely reveal my address (he does know She/He) - but that is the avenue from which this being gained it. I asked MM to clarify a whole boatload of stuff after conversing with this individual in-depth. A LOT... and a lot of work for him.

The end result is continued dissatisfaction in my position in this world (which I DO NOT believe that I would have chosen to WASTE), disbelief in the purported altruistic "mantid" and "Domain", and finally ANGER every time I read these things from DC and MM that make it seem a hell of a lot more rosy than any of the mis/dis/non-information that I have been provided.

Is it really so much to ask that some entity simply speak to my mind thusly: "We are here, live your chosen life"? Better still would be answers to this "cursed" claim. Please don't bury me with all the begging and praying - I WILL NOT BEG. As a human being, I have been corrupted (Old Domain & indifferent mantid) - is that not the truth available deep in this site? Start by fixing that which has been corrupted - physically and mentally. I offered all of me - ALL... not a peep.

Prison Planet indeed.

Suh Seung Ji and WellBeing have reacted to this post.
Suh Seung JiWellBeing

I don’t think what you ask is unreasonable…or out of line.

I went thru what you are going thru, for about 70 years. In the end I decided to go my own way. I do not believe in the hogwash that some planetary rule says they can’t stand in front of us and talk to us like decent beings. But even as a child, multiple beings were always conversing with me in my mind.

I live next to Giant Rock in Landers, CA….and not too far away is the Integraton. The man who worked with “visitors” took actual pictures of said visitor and his aircraft.

I could go on and on about this subject….but since I have gone my own way for 10 years now… life is just the same…so all those supposed gifts I was receiving from some unknown entities STILL occur.

What helped me was reading The Selfish Gene. It connected all the dots for me, made sense and answered my questions I had had since birth. Then I ran across The Naked Bible by Biglino and that pretty much cinched it for me.

Yes, I am of Elohim genetics…and “perhaps” there is communication between my genes and theirs on a constant basis. But bottom line is I am the captain of my own ship and I engage with those principles I remember thru out my eternity of being in every in-breath and out-breath.

As a child, and it seems there was consider external aid in my earlier years…..but now I am an adult, I don’t need training wheels any longer.

It is interesting though…..about ten years ago when I got fed up with no real evidence other than it seemed I lived under a golden canopy not tied to earth, one day I distinctly heard someone say to me “you are ready, you no longer need our guidance”.

Dear MM:

I have two questions that  should be easy to translate into images for your communication with DC.  I hope they can be of some value:

1:    The book:     My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla   ,   should we believe in everything written inside the book?

(Background information for the question :

I did find some similarities between the autobiography and a Q and A article here on your site, in which the Domain Commander advised us how to live a healthy life.  However, I found some parts of the book questionable , such as his discussion of his childhood.   Understandable, because he has to disguise himself while on Earth. But clarification from DC may still be important, because we don't know for sure where he lied and where he was honest in the autobiography.

If DC can tell us which parts we should deal with seriously, then a lot of time for everyone can be saved. A systematic manual/ book straight from a Domain officer is very precious material.         )

2  : What/Who is the entity operating behind the email:

It would be great if the DC can elaborate on the entity. The more information, the better.     I suspect the person/ indiividual owning this email right now is capable of changing certain people's world line in a bad way.

(Background information: this is the email address contained in the novel : The Domain Expeditionary Force Rescue Mission.   If you send an email to this address , you can see that the receiver "read" your email, meaning there is still someone operating this gmail account.    Should MM readers avoid sending any messages to this address in order to not become a target?                 )

Thank you for your efforts , MM.






I am sorry. I forgot MM said only one question is allowed each time . If only one question can be asked,  then it is up to you(MM) to decide which question to ask DC. The two are only my suggestions.


It will happen man, yes it will. You will have a defining moment that will bring clarity. It's happened to some of us lately (I wont go into other peoples personal experiences), things that cannot be denied. They mostly involve the Greys and Domain. I started to doubt MYSELF, am I making this shit up in my head, am I being led? Then I started receiving messages from trusted friends, I saw this, I was visited by a grey and felt unconditional love, my 85 year old dad has just seen a grey looking through his window at him. These are people I trust, really trust. It's no coincidence it's clarification of my beliefs I feel, defining moments that cannot be questioned. Your moment will come man, just hang in there.

Love to you big fella.

Also mate maybe that's your test, to have belief in something you cannot pin down with fact or defining moments. Pure unconditional belief.

Go well cobber

Pure unconditional belief based upon intuition...


I believe that thoughts travel faster than anything in the cosmos. Also, they can be like a double edged sword. Be mindful of that. Anger or negativity distorts. Love and positivity is clear and defined. Therefore, be careful with thoughts.


Tas has reacted to this post.

Expand upon consciousness in this framework. Light above multiple 2 dimensional slides of a being. The light moving from frame to frame, wide white light then narrow warm light. Light to the side going through all slides. Wide white, then narrow warm light. Light above observing consciousness repeats initial movement that was done over 2d slides.

Hi MM,

Question in relation to your latest Patreon vid (Call for questions).

I see all physical ET's in the physical reality universe as soul containers (as you have stated many times re domain greys), souls that are gaining experiences or for filling a physical mission in the PRU. They are complete souls (not fractionalised like us here in the EPP) and are "aware" of what they really are unlike us. They are connected to their ISBE and come and go back to the main universe at will. It's what we were before fractionalisation. We are the same as them when in our complete soul state, a physical container for ISBE soul constructs to gain physical reality experiences, be them good bad or indifferent.

Is this correct in principle?

Cheers Tas

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