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Accepting questions for the next Q&A with the Domain Commander

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Hi mate, Please ignore my first question as it is only based on interest , I realise others have far more pressing questions they requiring answers for/ to.

Cheers MM and all the best man.

IBiY to man.

Ok, now I got one:

May you ask the commander if I am to help with the codework of your site?
(As you might already noticed, the stylesheets are broken since 2 or three days...)

Best regards, MT.

Ok, I have a question. It is in regards to star KIC 8462852.

Is this document legit or is it fake?



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"Extremely high amounts of ----------------n/m have been detected"

Pretty sure that is Unobtanium.

heh-heh... a bit punchy atm, I kayaked my ass off today.

Yet in seriousness, I await a more scholarly response.


Alice has reacted to this post.

Hello guys. I have a querry for the commander if this is still going on anyways.

In terms of trying to understand the involuntary body movements,  because as I have noticed there are different types of movements.

There are wave like "projections" lasting for a few seconds(about 3-4). Some are like small quick pokes(sometime single and sometimes multiple). They happen all over the body, from my arm, my back, legs etc.

What can I do to better understand the messages better? or what do they mean?

Querry NO.2: In the other solar systems in the prison complex, How far ahead of behind are they technologically?

Do they have cars or planes, cell phones like us, Mathematics, Chemistry do they even count years and months like us?

Thanks for your time.

I would like to say that things are different. I probably observe too much and usually am very keen. The bad is there but there is also some good. The dreams are still going on. Seeing some very unusual things but by now am used to it. I kinda like it though can't lie about that.

congjing yu, Alice and frannya have reacted to this post.
congjing yuAlicefrannya

Hello GuyfromAfrica, Hello Robert, Hello Everyone

I have a little theory that I observe on some patients regarding physical body tremors. During the care that I provide to a physical body,

I bring information in the form of frequencies emitted by my internal transmitter, the vortex of the heart. The person receiving this care sometimes begins to shake, or have spasms, they are somehow downloading new patterns of information.

At the end of these downloads then occurs a reinitialization of the "circuits" of circulation of information inside the physical expression of these people, carried by the nervous system.

The different rhythms of these tremors are due to different frequencies, some being faster, or of greater amplitude than others.

In other words, the new reality takes place after receiving new information that causes this change.

This is perhaps a small track to dig to put you on the big one

Good for you

congjing yu and frannya have reacted to this post.
congjing yufrannya

Many followers on this site share your belief system, and you can feel free to communicate with them using this venue. For many, seeing things as waves and harmonics make things easier to understand. (smile)

frannya has reacted to this post.

Will I be able to handle the consequences of disavowing James Rowe?


Context: James Rowe is my longest-standing adulthood friend, having met on a chat site back in 2013. Since we lived in New York, we met in person in 2015 and confided a lot of important matters ever since.


The longer I have been with him, the more disgusting and manipulative he showed himself to really be. He insisted I be fully employed despite having a litany of mental illness (that he downplayed or ignored altogether,) and even suggested to unironically whore myself out for money since I looked cute. He openly showed approval/sympathy for Nazis and White Supremacist groups, and himself lives a very hegemonic lifestyle.


The last straw, though, was when he had forced me to take the COVID19 Vaccine. Because he belonged to a powerful cult called the Secret Kings and also inducted me into it, he threatened to use his connections to Cornfield me for insolence if I did not do what their higher ups said: take the toxic, nanobot-laden Vaccine or face the consequences. I'm pretty confident that such a cult is not in alignment with Domain if they're going to command such a dangerous thing to me, gaslighting me into disregarding all the research I have partook in over how compromised and toxic all western vaccines were.


This destroyed any and all trust I had in him, as well as any desire to cohere with him in any serious capacity. I took the vaccine out of duress, and since then have begrudgingly kept contact with him because he is tasked with seeing my progress.


Now that I have found this site and have been doing prayer affirmations, I feel ready to disavow him and his Hegemonic, Magical Cronies who pushed this toxic swill unto me. What I want to know is whether I will be able to soldier through the consequences of blocking him on all fronts and throwing out the Anchor-Point of an Initiation pin his Psychotic Cronies have given to me, or if I'm not ready to make the leap and ought to continue to play along with James and his ilk.

My G why don't you PLAN then make a GREAT escape.

y me?

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