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Christmas holidays

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@dsklausler, I thought much like you until last week. In fact I was going to write some crappy speculation and point out my suspicions. However a sequence of events which I won't go into occurred in 48 hours which I think was my mantid speaking to me in terms of action.  I'm not making any hasty conclusions right now anymore.

I think the mantids are crazy powerful and they can manifest things. But you can't ask them to grant your wishes even if you think it's for a super good cause. They have their own "agenda" which may not be understood from a human perspective. Using your PoV is quite unproductive if they don't consider it to be a good thing to do.

FYI, my mantid has not spoken to me in terms of electronic glitches but has manifested for me. And I think in the same area near my house, I was shown acts of kinds and physical objects 3 times. I just didn't know it.

congjing yu and Old Wine have reacted to this post.
congjing yuOld Wine
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Memory Loss on December 15, 2021, 10:06 pm

@dsklausler, I thought much like you until last week. In fact I was going to write some crappy speculation and point out my suspicions. However a sequence of events which I won't go into occurred in 48 hours which I think was my mantid speaking to me in terms of action.  I'm not making any hasty conclusions right now anymore.

I think the mantids are crazy powerful and they can manifest things. But you can't ask them to grant your wishes even if you think it's for a super good cause. They have their own "agenda" which may not be understood from a human perspective. Using your PoV is quite unproductive if they don't consider it to be a good thing to do.

FYI, my mantid has not spoken to me in terms of electronic glitches but has manifested for me. And I think in the same area near my house, I was shown acts of kinds and physical objects 3 times. I just didn't know it.

IF they are as they have been described, then they are necessarily powerful - nothing shocking or new there.

IF they have their own agenda - wait - of course they do... this is just a courtesy job initiated by The Domain, right?

"While you're taking a look at your mushrooms, would you mind checking in on those prisoners?"

"No problemo Commander, we'll get right on it."

I'm back to the pre-birth world line... IF it was an agreement between my ISBE and My Mantid, WHY WOULD IT ALLOW ANY CHANGES?

What if ME, and MY pre-birth plan are necessarily RIGID - for an unknown (to me) reason? Why would My Mantid even bother to respond, because as you say: "...unproductive..."

"Unproductive" for you? Or the mantid? If you use a humancentric point of view, then it's not going to work is it?

You could on a whim step in front of a truck tomorrow. Your mantid may, or may not save you. There is an element of free will in your equation. I don't know your situation, but maybe the answer will come when the time is right? Maybe you are of the view that you have the right to demand the mantid at least acknowledge your presence. But do you?

I said before that I suspect the mantids to be at the top of the food chain. Humans are somewhat lower or at best share some space with other sentient beings. But from the mantid point of view, they could be total STO sentiences and you wouldn't understand. Because you use a human eye to see.

Note: I edited for clarity on unproductive.

congjing yu and Old Wine have reacted to this post.
congjing yuOld Wine
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@dsklausler Well, I guess my attempt in bringing a little Xmas cheer to you kind of misfired. I don't know the trials and tribulations you endured, and I won't ask (I'm sure it's highly personal, as it is with all of us). When I was angrier, I felt like no one was there. I notice that things respond more to me now that I'm not so angry. To be fair, I have an advantage because I left a toxic environment and that's what actually calmed me down. I have a hunch that perhaps you are in a toxic environment right now, which may be unconducive to you having calm communications with your Mantid. Well, it looks like you have a loving spouse and did well with raising your kids to adulthood, so it looks like you have some really huge benefits going for you in that area. I'm guessing that you were calm at first when you requested communications, but got ignored and that's what added to the flames of anger.

I don't have much more to add than what memory-loss already said. Unless you're some kind of unrepentant criminal or something, I am also taken aback as to why your Mantid hasn't responded. I'm not going to say something cheesy like "don't give up", blah blah blah...but yeah...don't give up. Sorry, I really think that's the correct thing to say, even though it sounds so lame.

I have been conditioned to "give up" all my life. I've failed A LOT. While I wasn't tortured in Guantanamo or grew up in the streets of Calcutta, I've overcome lots of things and I've been down for the count more times than I can remember. I guess if you could rate my hardships on the scale of 1 to 10, I rank it as a 5 (I'd say being tortured as a political prisoner in South America is like a 9 or 10).

It sounds like you're gonna have a great Xmas! Your life can't be THAT painful, can it? Well if your mantid won't say Merry Xmas to you, perhaps mine will. BTW--pissed lizard said that my Mantid nipped his ear--his words, not mine.

congjing yu and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory Loss

Christmas tradition in the House of Goldleaf.

For our very first Christmas together, my husband was still in that mindset of needing to buy/do something grandiose to show his love for me and we were pretty darn broke that first year. Given our financial limits, he had no idea what to get me that Christmas and finally asked what I'd like. I told him I wanted him to ask his dad for the family lasagna recipe and cook it for me on Christmas Day. Seriously, that recipe is still the best tasting lasagna I've ever eaten. And yes, he did just that. He spent a good hour or two asking his dad a million questions, writing down ingredients and instructions, and made it for me as my Christmas gift. It was just as good as when his dad made it! Lasagna has been our Christmas dinner ever since 🙂 Sometimes we'll add an appetizer and I'll always make us some delicious dessert (I'm thinking dark chocolate cheesecake with chocolate cookie crust this year), but the main entree is always the family recipe lasagna. He's made it so many times now that his original notes are almost falling apart and I made copies, physical and digital, so they won't be lost! I am soooo looking forward to my Christmas dinner.

No, you can't have the recipe 😉 I'll try to get photos this year.

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congjing yuperolatorMemory LossOld WineDSKlausler

@geisterfahrer and remember instead of saying "merry christmas",  opt for ""yippee kayai motherfucker"

perolator, Memory Loss and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
perolatorMemory LossDSKlauslerGeisterfahrer
Daegon Magus
Quote from Old Wine on December 16, 2021, 3:38 am


Not bad... close to the truth.

Look, these entities, with the power you guys attribute to them, have to know that I AM A FUCKING HUMAN, with all the MESS that makes me human. Why should I repent?

I have nothing overly private... I have already discussed or itemized most of the things that make me ME. Besides, you guys could just dig into my eternal records and find out, right?

No, I have neither killed nor maimed anyone... but I do have those physical skills that I mentioned more than once. No capitol crimes; no [U.S.]  felonies. I will say that I am well prepared to defend myself with the tools and skills at my disposal - I am formidable in that regard.

No my life is not overly difficult... but it needn't be difficult at all - unless that danged Guardian Angel and I agreed on that plan. Actually, most, once informed, would consider my life easy... as in "shut the fuck up, you got it made - outside a few annoyances." Those annoyances wear on me. I especially dislike this idea of some thing controlling my life, this world as we know it... and potentially which way both go.

Again, if it is monitoring me, would it really be such a big deal, or script violation for My Mantid (I'll copywrite that) to simply KICK ME IN THE ASS and say "I am here; shut up and continue on the current path until further notice?"


Old Wine has reacted to this post.
Old Wine

@dsklausler  I had a few break downs over the last couple of days, I was angry at....everything? I found it extremly hard to read my affirmations and finally I yelled at my mantid to give me sign that he/ she's there. Well nothing.... normally lights would flicker, but maybe that's my husbands mantid showing. Ok so nothing break down came, angry again, after letting it vent out I closed my eyes and then when I concentrated on those colourful flashy blobs behind closed eyes, it was looking me eye in eye. The blobs formed those mantid eyes. It was there. So yours is there also! And tell me: When your kids yelled at you for something they wanted, did you really ALWAYS react emediatly? Or did you (on purpose) let them wait for some kind of "lesson" on delayed gratification? my guess is, that's what our mantids also do. And they know we are not on "receive" when we're angry or in some kind of strong emotional state.

Oh and on the controlling thing: YOU control your life!! Your mantids is there to take the records, and in my opinion you are SUPPOSED to control your life!

Old Wine and DSKlausler have reacted to this post.
Old WineDSKlausler
Quote from DSKlausler on December 16, 2021, 9:13 am
Quote from Old Wine on December 16, 2021, 3:38 am


Not bad... close to the truth.

Look, these entities, with the power you guys attribute to them, have to know that I AM A FUCKING HUMAN, with all the MESS that makes me human. Why should I repent?

I have nothing overly private... I have already discussed or itemized most of the things that make me ME. Besides, you guys could just dig into my eternal records and find out, right?

No, I have neither killed nor maimed anyone... but I do have those physical skills that I mentioned more than once. No capitol crimes; no [U.S.]  felonies. I will say that I am well prepared to defend myself with the tools and skills at my disposal - I am formidable in that regard.

No my life is not overly difficult... but it needn't be difficult at all - unless that danged Guardian Angel and I agreed on that plan. Actually, most, once informed, would consider my life easy... as in "shut the fuck up, you got it made - outside a few annoyances." Those annoyances wear on me. I especially dislike this idea of some thing controlling my life, this world as we know it... and potentially which way both go.

Again, if it is monitoring me, would it really be such a big deal, or script violation for My Mantid (I'll copywrite that) to simply KICK ME IN THE ASS and say "I am here; shut up and continue on the current path until further notice?"


Yeah, quoting myself here.

I really feel bad about taking over the "Christmas" thread; Admin, move all this junk if you can.

It's not unusual for me to wake up mid-night; even a couple of times.

Anyway, after staring at my eyelids for a while just now, I realized that I did myself a little injustice with the description of how easy my life is. Let me qualify that. Another long and winding road (man, I love that song).

I am angry; no shock, right?

I might have mentioned these things before.

I am an athlete - or maybe was is more appropriate now. Given my sterling operational health; my structured, disciplined and dedicated exercise routines; my way above average nutritional intake; and my highly skilled and relatively stress-free professional standing; I figured to always be able to do what I want [physically] at a high level. This has proven to be untrue. My degrading eyesight, hearing, and joints, have greatly disappointed me, but most of all it's my degrading spine... the stenosis, disk and nerve failure make it impossible for me now to run distance, be thrown to the mat, to split wood of any quantity, just fucking WALK 10 miles - unless I am willing to cause [more] permanent damage, and remain completely dormant for days after a session. Most would simply attribute this to age, and be happy with what I can STILL do (90th percentile on anything you can pick physically). Fuck that... I worked incredibly hard (and still do) to get to this point. THIS status angers me. I see the american couch potato everywhere... it's pretty aggravating to see these things ignorant in their bliss, whilst I work my ass off, and am rewarded with pain and limitations. Ah, but still my choice, right?

Finally, I likely share something with you all... and that is greatly limited "friends." My intelligence, my fitness (still), and my informed opinion on a great many things, has left me with just a few close associations (unless I want to act fraudulently). This scamdemic reduced that to almost no one; It is extremely difficult for me to accept the gullible, and the weak-minded fools who actually believe that "doctors" are necessarily intelligent, or at least actually know about our bodies. They are nothing more than memory machines - like lawyers. Or that "government" has our best interest at heart. They, people, have lost the ability, if they ever had it, to discern fact from fiction.

Just piling on now... I just do not like this world, and most of the inhabitants seem indifferent to the declining societal structure and the whores that presume to run the place. Ugh.

Any little additional [negative] item just reminds me of how bad this shithole is.

Back to bed... 1:40am here.

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Old Wine

@dsklausler, I'm not lucky enough to have the signs that @mirri and others get. And in many respects I'm resigned to not getting a break that normal humans get. So I don't know if I control my life.

What I can do is observe. The little signs in life that make you ponder. Like maybe there's good stuff that you have. Like great health that you have and other people don't.

I'll tell you what I think the mantids do (if they exist). For most people, they are not there to give you a good life or even to help you. They are there to provide a possible path in life that you experience and possibly grow from. And the path you have may actually be so tough that it could break you but you still have to observe.

I don't mean to take a superior attitude but at my bottom, I lost sensation over half my body. On bad days, I was a drooling idiot literally. And there were many, many bad other things that happened and are still happening. I wasn't really bitter then for the simple reason that thinking itself was a struggle. But I remember feeling grateful I was not fully paralyzed. So I learnt to keep myself alive on a day to day basis. I'm still learning to listen to the world in a different way.

It's like MM and his Christmas eve episodes. Now his mantid had a wicked sense of humor. Try viewing the world from another perspective, even an alien one if you can. I'm not a mantid so I try a smaller scale. I try to think like my cat and what she sees or feels.

DSK, your thoughts and emotions are not all yours and they don't have to belong to you actually. Keep the good stuff and throw away the bad. That's all you can do in the end. I focus on the rufus thing and ask my mantid to let me do stuff, but I have no positive reply. In fact, I am not allowed to help in the way that I know will work. So I go back to the drawing board and try out a new variation of my proposal.

Ok, I'm off the pulpit mode haha. Come guys, let's be in a happy and merry mood.

Edit: we cross posted. But that was a very interesting post you did. And it very much resonated with me. Maybe we can put up another thread? @dsklausler, you are not alone.

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Old WineDSKlausler
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