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Here is another way to look at Dopamines’ cousin.

As Above, So Below.

The Constellation is out there. Literally in the Stars. And it corresponds to a place on your genome called the KLKB1 gene. It’s not TISSUE Kallekrein, but RENAL Kallekrien. That’s why people “miss” the gene when they fly DNA. It goes right to the stars. Constellations in the sky that correspond to physical places on your genome.

I didn’t just pull this shit out of my ass… take a look!

ALL of this I know to be True


Memory Loss and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Memory Lossxzianchow
Quote from pissedlizard on December 21, 2021, 12:32 pm

@DK - “why the fuck bother”?


Why bother? Why bother experiencing what we are gifted to experience? We are on this planet roughly 80 years - and look at all of the GORGEOUS scenery around us? Why bother allowing your brain to just “give away” dopamine every time we eat a slice of bacon? Ever wonder how much dopamine was given to our ancestors 10,000 , 20,000 years ago? How about 1000 years ago? It takes an extraordinary process to make that molecule. It has to pass the blood-brain barrier, burning even MORE energy.

That dopamine also projects your world around you, buddy. As Above, So Below.

We can do one of two things. Sit and bitch and mope - going into a lower energy state that other beings would kill for - OR grab that shit by the nuts and enjoy life! Not one second of your life is guaranteed. Not one.

Enjoy this Planet! It’s so fucking beautiful and awe inspiring that human fucking beings figured out how to create art!

Talk to tree. I do. All the time. I ask for their secrets if I am of honorable enough standing. Out loud. I could care less who hears. The Secrets revealed will blow your mind! Ask a cloud to show you where to obtain what ails you. Again. You will be amazed. Just ask. But living honorably within the realm of the Living is quite hard.

Quite hard…. In a low energy state.

Get up and seriously bathe in a river. Walk barefoot and listen with your hair and feet, not your ears. Again, amazement will be all around you.

Live higher energy every moment and THEN re-evaluate “why bother”? You are here for SUCH a short time, buddy.

Bother, my friend. Life is way to short.

@Ultan - I hope the move is going well!

This I know to be True



Quote from pissedlizard on December 21, 2021, 12:32 pm

@DK - “why the fuck bother”?


Why bother? Why bother experiencing what we are gifted to experience? We are on this planet roughly 80 years - and look at all of the GORGEOUS scenery around us? Why bother allowing your brain to just “give away” dopamine every time we eat a slice of bacon? Ever wonder how much dopamine was given to our ancestors 10,000 , 20,000 years ago? How about 1000 years ago? It takes an extraordinary process to make that molecule. It has to pass the blood-brain barrier, burning even MORE energy.

That dopamine also projects your world around you, buddy. As Above, So Below.

We can do one of two things. Sit and bitch and mope - going into a lower energy state that other beings would kill for - OR grab that shit by the nuts and enjoy life! Not one second of your life is guaranteed. Not one.

Enjoy this Planet! It’s so fucking beautiful and awe inspiring that human fucking beings figured out how to create art!

Talk to tree. I do. All the time. I ask for their secrets if I am of honorable enough standing. Out loud. I could care less who hears. The Secrets revealed will blow your mind! Ask a cloud to show you where to obtain what ails you. Again. You will be amazed. Just ask. But living honorably within the realm of the Living is quite hard.

Quite hard…. In a low energy state.

Get up and seriously bathe in a river. Walk barefoot and listen with your hair and feet, not your ears. Again, amazement will be all around you.

Live higher energy every moment and THEN re-evaluate “why bother”? You are here for SUCH a short time, buddy.

Bother, my friend. Life is way to short.

@Ultan - I hope the move is going well!

This I know to be True


Clearly you misunderstood... I was referring to the topic: reading; books.

I have been to some wilderness area locations that maybe a dozen people [accidentally] visited (on foot); I have witnessed huge wildlife so close you could feel them walking, stinking and snorting; I have viewed native born and grown Brook Trout that would amaze you with their beautiful black backs and pink and blue highlights in the blazing morning sun.

The TREES that I have seen, touched and held... just last Friday I was hugging and speaking to a huge Burr Oak, probably 250 or so, my arms could only reach about a third of the way around his massive trunk - he would likely respond sooner than My Mantid. The sequoias! I have hugged immense Douglas Firs way up high in the mountains... even my beautiful Pin Oak right here in my back yard. I talk to all my vegetables in my garden - my neighbors think I'm nuts.

You're preaching to the choir there Buddy. I've been all over this country - outdoors. This is coming to an end, correct? I'm just a wee bit pissed about that.

I will continue my outdoor activities until the day the bombs drop, or the waves wash over us - even beyond that if I survive.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Quote from Ultan McG on December 21, 2021, 1:25 pm

"Canopus in Argos" series by Doris Lessing and any sci-fi by Ian Banks. Especially his "Culture" series. It's clear that somebody sat down with both writers and told them all about the Domain, Old Empire, the real age of the universe and much, much more.

Oh and Name of the Rose by Eco, too. That'll tell you all about how there's knowledge and secrets, and then there's the Real Knowledge and Real Secrets (all hidden right under your nose).

Richard Thieme will tell you how the keepers of the Real Knowledge and Secrets think. At least how the Earthside ones do, anyway. (But not always, 😉.)

Sometimes I feel like such a dummasss... I actively search for stuff like this; HOURS; and I have never even heard of these two authors, let alone seen or heard of their books.

My wonderful LinkedLibraries have the first of both Canopus in Argos and "Culture"


Thank you.


@DSK - The first book of the Culture series is titled Consider Phlebas.

I will echo ML's recommendation of Terry Pratchett's Discworld. They are amazing.

My addition is the classic Hitchhiker's Guide trilogy. I was rereading that when I first stumbled across MM and saw several connections to that zany work. Just the trilogy though, I didn't reread books 4 or 5 so can't say about them.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Quote from Memory Loss on December 21, 2021, 2:24 pm

PL I am currently using rapamycin, now on off cycle. If the Domain is correct this is way, way before their expedition with the Lost Battalion. But might be a part of creation so to speak.

After out talk about rapamycin, I went and did an internet search. Look what I stumbled across

Their step 1 is rapamycin.

pissedlizard and xzianchow have reacted to this post.


If I am preaching to the church, then why are you pissed?  You should be celebrating.

You can go and see everything this planet has to offer a million times over. Those visits will only become memories to you. Nothing more and nothing less. Live the moment and not IN the moment and you will see that this life is a mere piss stop on a highway. You can walk in, do your business and leave or you can do your business and wander around, sit and meditate for a minute. Either way you are relieving yourself of the physical to make way for the emotional (feels good after emptying the bladder as it does being a Rufus.

Your Death is inevitable. You know that as well as I do. Embrace it, taste it, roll around in it.

Never let any other human or any circumstance that another human beings to you affect you. It’s a waste of Energy and a waste of Time.

If you cannot let it all go, I suggest taking that bad energy and figure out a way to focus it into one area. This way, at the very least, you can take something out as you die.

Let me tell you, I am NOT happy about seeing everything I love get taken out because of the Clinton/Bush team. It’s REAL easy to possess that bitch and really have fun. But that isn’t my role. So that anger, little by little, gets used in constructive ways. There is nothing we can do but take what is around us as a gift and prepare to fight then die.

Die honorably and it will be painless. It will feel like waking through cobwebs.

This I know to be true.


DSKlausler and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Quote from Goldleaf on December 21, 2021, 10:08 pm
Quote from Memory Loss on December 21, 2021, 2:24 pm

PL I am currently using rapamycin, now on off cycle. If the Domain is correct this is way, way before their expedition with the Lost Battalion. But might be a part of creation so to speak.

After out talk about rapamycin, I went and did an internet search. Look what I stumbled across

Their step 1 is rapamycin.

Goldleaf, I take it myself. I feel at least 5 years younger. And it took away a lot of pain that was left over from my stroke. Pain I thought would never go away. For dogs it quite incredible. Like night and day. 13 year old dogs behaving like puppies.


I want to do a cousin to books. Like articles etc. Time may be speeding up. Physics constants may be not so constant recently. And so on.

And more bizarre stuff that like

"One recent paper suggests that dark energy is actually a sign that time is about to cease to be time and turn into space instead. We’d then be frozen out of time, but be four dimensional..."

Totally bizarre stuff that might actually be true or happening.



Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@ML - You are quite the researcher! Your  nicotine withdrawal combination looks like a winner!

Keep in mind we NEED nicotine! Right where the nerve meets muscle - a nicotine or muscurinic (like the stuff tribes put on arrows to paralyze prey) receptor is there waiting to either be contracted (muscurinic) or relax (nicotinic). That’s why smoking a cigarette relaxes you a bit. Smoke a cigarette, flood the receptors with nicotine and you relax.

So says modern science, anyway.

What is really cool about your research is that what you are writing is actively being suppressed. The same reason that small powers that be took local science and replaced it with their twisted, disgusting ways almost 2000 years ago, they are doing the same with “modern science” today.

Have you ever thought that your Task could be to keep local science alive? You certainly have the brain for it.

I will go one further for you. Because you are SO on the right track.

There is an app called “Picture This”.  You take a picture of any flora and it’s AI matches (MOST of the time) to get the target plant correct. Use another reference to cross check, and literally take  12 steps out of your place of living.

Turn around and begin the task of identifying everything green. Then find out what local people have used YOUR plants for.

You don’t have to make anything, just identify and record.

This will do several things. First and most important it will show the Energy around you that you are willing to become a student of their Secrets. Second it will shape your brain structure to be able to “take in” those Secrets. Knowledge does not balance the Universe - LEARNING does. Your Life Force will start swinging in a more centrifugal and spiral outward versus within. Once that happens your POSTERIOR Pineal Gland will “soften up” and make it that much easier to “flip” your bubble while you meditate (using your ANTERIOR Pineal Gland.

Once that happens your life will completely change and you will find meaning in every little thing around you!

Keep going! Keep researching. Keep contributing. Keep being a Rufus to those who want peace and be Satan Himself to those who do not. Compassion to one group, hopeless misery to the other.

Balance. Balance. Balance.

And Happy Yule to those who worship the Stars!

This I know to be true


Memory Loss and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Memory Lossxzianchow

Hell yeah, a book thread! I'm actually looking at clearing a few shelves of my bookcase - stuff I grew up with but will realistically never read again, and don't want to be lugging around for the rest of my life. so I'm always up for recommendations.

For any of my UK based bookworms, from a professional standpoint I cannot recommend "The Secret Barrister - Stories of the Law and How it's Broken" enough. It's an insightful and vicious read that explains in a very clear way just how Parliament and the Media are marching in lockstep to lie, cheat and subvert the very rule of law they're claiming to uphold. TL;DR - access to justice has been irrevocably destroyed, and you're being played with to cheer it every step of the way.

The second book, "Fake Law", is basically a whistle-stop crash course through the laws of the land. I personally found it a bit boring, but, I covered it's contents the long way round at length so I don't believe I'm the target audience.

xzianchow has reacted to this post.

Thanks for the book suggestion, I managed to find an epub really quickly.

After getting another "Time to get your booster" text today, which included the absolute lie that I'd need the booster to protect against the Omicron variant, I wondered when will they make it mandatory..

As a lawyer, are there any chances that they won't be able to force injections?


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