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A cute book. I'll just cut and paste the blurb.  

E-Squared could best be described as a lab manual with simple experiments to prove once and for all that reality is malleable, that consciousness trumps matter, and that you shape your life with your mind. Rather than take it on faith, you are invited to conduct nine 48-hour experiments to prove there really is a positive, loving, totally hip force in the universe.

Yes, you read that right. It says prove. The experiments, each of which can be conducted with absolutely no money and very little time expenditure, demonstrate that spiritual principles are as dependable as gravity, as consistent as Newton’s laws of motion. For years, you’ve been hoping and praying that spiritual principles are true. Now, you can know.

E-Squared proves the following:

1. There is an invisible energy force or field of infinite possibilities.
2. You impact the field and draw from it according to your beliefs and expectations.
3. You, too, are a field of energy.
4. Whatever you focus on expands.
5. Your connection to the field provides accurate and unlimited guidance.
6. Your thoughts and consciousness impact matter.
7. Your thoughts and consciousness provide the scaffolding for your physical body.
8. You are connected to everything and everyone else in the universe.
9. The universe is limitless, abundant, and strangely accommodating.

Guys, read it and tell me what it says. I have too many books to read at the moment. See I have kindly uploaded it so that you don't have to search for it. 😬

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Old Wine, Goldleaf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Old WineGoldleafxzianchowgarrire
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Feal on December 28, 2021, 2:04 am

Thanks for the book suggestion, I managed to find an epub really quickly.

After getting another "Time to get your booster" text today, which included the absolute lie that I'd need the booster to protect against the Omicron variant, I wondered when will they make it mandatory..

As a lawyer, are there any chances that they won't be able to force injections?

So, broadly speaking, as it currently stands - No, they cannot force injections. The Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984 - pause to appreciate the irony of the date of that - s.45E restricts such measures. For a more in depth overview, check this page out.

However. Please note at the top of that article how it mentions the statutes have significantly changed since the date of publication.

So, the issue becomes one of a slow boiling frog.

If you've noticed, the cycle has been from the news and ministers, first, "We are not even considering this!", people get talking about it. Second, "We may consider this measure in an emergency", and people cry out against it on the news, and by the time it finally reaches "it is with a heavy heart, we're imposing this measure"... well, let us next consider what is happening elsewhere first.

At the same time, opinion pieces and talking heads are driving the narrative, TV shows are having the conversations to make it seem at first "Well yes such measures would be terrible!" but by the end of the week before the next announcement, the conversation has reached a stage where the talking heads have moved the Overton window to acceptance, then finally to the stage where if you're AGAINST the idea you're a danger to everyone and deserve your life ripped away from you. Even though the same talking heads were saying MORE extreme things against it to start with than you may say.

Pay close attention to how they do this. Watch carefully the tactics used, and how easily it is done. If you have social media, observe the bots at work endlessly, how narratives are pushed and side-lined - incrementally, slowly, from outrage to support.

Don't worry about the legislation, Parliament can change that at a whim overnight. A great example of my point long-term is the Terrorism Act 2000 - where the definition of "terrorist" is, basically, whatever the delegated government official says it is. 20 years ago, we all cheered and clapped in the wake of 9/11 and the London Underground bombings that such measures were being brought in. We were all more naive then, more trusting. Now, you speak against the narrative, ask questions, and they can label you a far-right extremist under that same piece of legislation and destroy your life. Without any real proof. Because they control the definition.

Watch instead, and take a stand against, the manipulation of the public opinion. Once you have an eye for it, you'll know exactly what you're watching. Someone posted some books, "The Matrix Revealed" Jon Rappoport interviews Ellis Medavory around here somewhere.

I recommend them after you've finished with TSB's stuff if you're really curious to follow this rabbit hole to see how the law is basically being used as a tool against us.

Sorry for the long response and the seeming tangent from your question.


So, by sheer coincidence this article was posted by the Off-Guardian which I believe will also be an interesting read for you. It does very briefly open the can of worms that "Human Rights" shouldn't exist, as a right granted and enshrined can be removed - again, if you control the definition, you control everything.

Would it surprise you to learn that most caselaw is an argument over definition of words and interpretation of legislation? Consider, then, the importance of controlling the narrative and it's impact on the law.

Feal and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
That article really shows how messed up this situation is. Us being the worst hit country in the Deagel report makes sense now. Good God we're a bunch of idiots led by an insanely inept gaggle of fools!
garrire has reacted to this post.

The Giver. Though I haven't yet read the book (which i have purchased) I have watched the movie. The book has apparently become somewhat standard reading for many elementary schools English programs the world over and has won a few awards (its aimed at that age group). It's about a village of people who have been dumbed down and become vacant of practically all emotion. They all adhere to a strict tradition which disallows them to leave the boundaries of the village. Anyone who starts thinking away from the approved herd mentality is frowned upon and ultimately shunned if that thinking becomes too problematic (punishable by death). They all have to take their "shots" every morning to keep them complacent and in a state of blissful ignorance. Every generation one person is picked to receive knowledge of the "before times" - basically what people were like before they were turned into these mindless drones, what life was like before they became bound to this weird floating village etc - this person is called the Giver. They are expected to live a lonely life out on the edges of the village and not speak of any of what they "remember" to the other villagers. The new Giver starts remembering a bunch of things he isn't deemed "ready to learn" thanks to the old Giver who realises the need for change within the community because of his gift. This leads the new Giver to break the rules and talk to one of his friends about everything he remembers; he persuades her to stop taking her shots and to help him venture out beyond the boundaries of the village in search for answers. Of course, this pisses of the one in charge of the village that insists tradition must be followed (no one knows why, it is just the way it "has" to be) so she orders her soldiers to hunt them down and put them both to death.

Old Wine and garrire have reacted to this post.
Old Winegarrire
Daegon Magus

Good find, DM. I just downloaded the omnibus. Another book to read haha.

garrire has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@feal Yep! But, honestly, don't worry about it. Learn their tricks, and take care of yourself and others. I firmly believe that the doom and gloom reporting everywhere is manipulating people to manifest the doom and gloom outcomes. Don't give them that satisfaction of buying into it!

@dori2190 So that's where Shyamalan got the idea of The Village from! Sounds super interesting.

@memory-loss I've bookmarked your E-Squared book recommendation for, well, whenever I can get round to it! Seems super interesting for a proof of concept for manifestation, may be a great introductory book for it!

Thanks for the book ML! Giving it a try now. That looks right up my alley.

Quote from garrire on December 28, 2021, 11:46 pm

Would it surprise you to learn that most caselaw is an argument over definition of words and interpretation of legislation? Consider, then, the importance of controlling the narrative and it's impact on the law.

They are then Terms.

I have to be so very careful when I write to my Human Resources department. They are nepotism hires in the first place, and just plain morons in the second. They have no idea how their presumed words will be adjudicated. The cooperate lawyer feeds them this shite, and they just pass it on to the serfs.

garrire and azark have reacted to this post.

@memory-loss Oooook! I read through the first experiment and got it started up this morning. I already had a hit this afternoon LOL You have got to try this book! We'll see what the remaining 48 hours brings.

And time to start experiment 2. Why not have them going at the same time 😀

garrire has reacted to this post.

Hey, how do I post a PDF to the Library?

How do I view the Library Contents?

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