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A Christmas Message From Oz

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@congjing yu @alice @pissedlizard @memory-loss @goldleaf @old-wine @geisterfahrer @merlynn @xianchow @feal @kman @ohio-guy @berkant @dsklausler @azark @ultan-mcg @fifth-eschaton @mirri
....the lurkers, newbies, and anyone else i have interacted with but forgotten to include.

I know it is premature for most of you but....

YIPPEE KAIYAI MOTHERFUCKERS..... may your Christmas be more enjoyable, less chaotic and less filled with drama then John McClane. Here's to it (hopefully) not being the last one not had under a nuclear winter/summer
.....and here's to it hopefully not being 42 fucking degrees celcius where you are.

Image result for John McClane Christmas Meme. Size: 128 x 100. Source:

With much love


pissedlizard, Feal and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus


Hoping you're having a great one too DM!

Enjoy the kiddos unadulterated fun at Chrimbo.

Making some great memories that will last a lifetime and more (obviously:-)


pissedlizard and Alice have reacted to this post.

Merry Christmas to you all! Enjoy your time with whoever you find yourself with!


@feal yeah was having a fun with minecraft a little while ago. Got the kids an xbox for xmas and the game was part of the present. Thought i'd try it out so I can teach them how to play......2 hours later lol

Feal and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
FealMemory Loss
Daegon Magus

Hey @daegonmagus, merry Christmas to you and your family. Hope things are ok with you. I had 34 degrees yesterday. In the shade 😜.

Your email has been taken over by gremlins. Or maybe mine has. Because I don't see mail from you and I'm pretty sure that you sent me a reply or two. So I will put it here where the chances of it disappearing are lower.

I will pop over to the post office after Christmas and check out how I can actually post something to you. I don't like the idea that things are marked return to sender lol. And courier wouldn't work in this case, probably get confiscated.

@daegonmagus I'm testing some ideas. Lucid dreaming may be a form of consciousness. And a number of amino acids appear to boost that consciousness. If we are biological machines then it makes sense that certain chemicals (especially essential and semi essential ones) are needed for optimal functioning of our consciousness.

@goldleaf has gotten me really excited for mugwort (artemisia vulgaris). Enough to consider writing something nonsensical.

I'm thinking that in your family's case, the biological and the psychic world are intertwined. I blame (or credit I don't know) that lizard because he's pretty insidious. Merging totally different fields to arrive at one answer is quite interesting.

Alice has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

you too @pissedlizard.

Alice has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

@memory-loss check your folder now, I just sent a new one. I can't remember what was in the other emails.....maybe we should swap names ahahahah

Memory Loss and Alice have reacted to this post.
Memory LossAlice
Daegon Magus

Thank you very much for all these thoughtful gestures, I also wish you a wonderful Christmas (even if we should celebrate it every day). I sleep 50cm from the fireplace hoping Christmas Mom goes through my device but I don't remember anything so maybe next year with less rum will have a better memory. Lol ... I wish you all beautiful and happy future days let's be the universal rufus.

Alice has reacted to this post.

Its Christmas 🎄 nuh nuh nuh nuh.... I hate I can not remember that song its my favorite/only Christmas song I can stand on most days. MERRY CHRI-MUS as some say it in the South US. Thank you Dae 🤗 and Merry Christmas to all and to all GOOD DREAMS THAT YOU CAN REMEMBER AND DISCERN. (Now wouldn’t that be a Christmas miracle 😉)

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Oh and @memory-loss Merry Christmas on Etsy. They even have a lucid dream gift box!? Now I need to try this-



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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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