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A Christmas Message From Oz

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@daegonmagus, just got it. This amino acid boost for LD needs some study. Can you receive stuff from Alibaba? They have third party shippers, maybe can solve postal issues?

@alice, put that mugwort tea or smoke it as legal Marijuana lol. Your dream journals told me a heck of a lot from just 2 words. Super curious what the rest contain.

I need to proplift some mugwort cuttings from an unsuspecting neighbor haha.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Agin, Merry Christmas all, but if I may jump on the mugwort train…

The chemical in it you all are seeking is called Thujone in Mugwort.

Its a GABA ANTAGONIST- which gives it not only a “opposite alcohol intoxication” effects, but it’s a convulsant one high enough doses, which is why Mugwort is regulated in Europe and America.

Al little more of it and it’s an entheogen, more specifically a dark entheogen.

In those doses -high doses - it can kill you but it acts JUST like an Amanita muscara trip.

If it were me - I would stick with the tea and just order some Amanita. I have to order mine from Latvia as it doesn’t grow in the states, but that has the best “out of body” effects I have come across.

Thujone- isolate that and you got your GABA key -with mugwort anyways.

This I know to be True.



I'm thinking of using it as some sort of incense tho. I suppose should be ok?

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

You should be just fine! I used to roll it up and smoke it back in the day for ceremonial reasons - along with some other Spirits - and no damage (heh heh) that I can see.

Everything in moderation.

Another random idea - ask the plant you are using to reveal its secrets. Out loud - to the plant or teabag or whatever.

Did you read the MM article where he dies on an old ship and part of his spirit was there - on the ship? Think THAT.

This I know to be true!

Alice has reacted to this post.

Nope. Spirit on a ship? Never knew there was an article.

Was looking from the artemisin angle actually. Because I suspect parasites bring negative entities in, like a gateway thing. Just as methamphetamines is a gateway drug for negative entities. So artemisin kinda blocks that gateway. Now I have to look at thujones too. 😳

Just random ramblings, don't mind me.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas


Funny, I read this email as I was looking in my journals for that very thing. No luck yet, but what I did rediscover was a question I wanted to ask the Domain, before I got EGOtisical  and asked about myself. (I am the worst.)  The Domain says they are the highest powers yet Mirri’s “baker”was rescued from a power higher than them (I am paraphrasing) Something can’t come from nothing, so the Domain surely cannot think that we are that Rose colored in our “Barbies and Kens”. I wrote: if at the beginning, they began, then whom is the life of them?

I have grown a love for Hebrew, which was inspired by my keen eye on all the missing parts of the English translation in the Bible. Trust me, THEY ARE VAST missing/carved out scripture, textual misinterpretation on the translated words are almost laughable. Anywho, I go on these “rabbit adventures” where I chase a keyword, study it all the way down to the different translations and comparisons. This Domain ? prompted a search for the Hebrew of SPIRIT pnuema/ruach(almost) thats a MONUMENTAL word for me and others as well, because It gave me/us life, guides us in our limitations.  I will stop, I am rambling... sorry, I guess I thought it important to tell you because we were thinking the same thing, and my findings mean something. I wish I knew Hebrew better because there is much more to what I wrote down. I am hesitant because my understanding of the language is infantile at best.

@pissedlizard It’s time we have a heart to heart. I have a lot of ?s on various topics and things I have experienced in this life. I think you will be able to help a great deal. For starters... my TINGS! Its everyday for me now, so I need to now more for sanity sakes.  Thats just the tip of the “ship sinkers” I have mulling in my head, so bare with me. Maybe I need to start an Alice HelpLine thread, so I wont take away from Christmas Wishes.

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


If I may, to help save TONS of time - and all I can say is trying to identify different molecules and stuff is great, but a great timesaver is to look at the SPIRIT of the plant or fungi or whatever it is.

For example, in Mugwort there are MANY compounds that do may things - individually.

It’s how those components interact together with the person or people - to maintain balance.

Mugwort is great for menstrual cramps. It’s also great for burns. One you ingest - so the chemicals are going to your liver and getting MODIFIED or on the skin, where they are not.

On one Mugwort “plant” there are quite a few organic compounds used in herbalism. There is zero chance of knowing all of them and all of their interactions. Just knowing the SPIRIT of the plant is an entirely different thing. This is why medieval herbalist books are so difficult to follow for the layperson. They never separated the spirit out of the fauna before use. They asked HOW to use it.

How you get your answer depends on YOU. I usually go to a stand of whatever I need, ask, sit still for 300 seconds (5 minutes) then look at the stand.

I always get an answer. It my not be the answer I am looking for - but it’s an answer.

And full disclosure I did this BEFORE I learned how to meditate. The vibe is exactly the same.

@Alice -  whatever I can answer I will. Just ask.

I am telling you those things aren’t meant to annoy. At all. They are meant to get your attention. To what - only you can answer but it’s nothing about danger. That’s a different sound. You’ll know it when you hear it.

The last time it happened to me I changed my dog food and it went away. And my dogs started acting like normal dogs. That was the message as far as I am concerned - until the next one.

This I know to be true.



Well gracious @pissedlizard my Optimus is busy AF! He- She’s probably sick of my flightiness.

Ok, first. Do you know anything about cloud folk? Or the people/kings/angels/light and darkness and all things in that realm? I see them, I swear it and I am probably crazy but it doesn’t make them go away.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

And what do they say to you?

Seeing them is one thing. Them seeing you is another.

If they don’t say anything - maybe there is a reason.

Perhaps there are very powerful Forces - and I mean VERY powerful -  that humans should just acknowledge and walk away from.

I was given this advice what seems like long ago. What we see in the sky and trees we are slaves of. We do what IT wants. Not the other way around. We can’t summon the devil and tell him to be nice.

If they talk - cool. If not, cool.

That is all I know of this topic.

This I know to be True




You know I can tell when someone is not being all the way up front, in the most respectful way I can say it, from a computer screen? Ha! It took a lot for me to ask about it, but there is a reason. I hope you are made of aware of it. They dont speak but they see me and I them. It a very lovin interaction. I have had the same Kings face for the past 2 years. I serve no one, and they do listen when I speak. I dont summon, I ask and thank. My effects are feeble in comparison. Its only in my parameters.

At first I thought I was crazy. You cant find anything any where on cloud people. Then something MerLynn said about water having memories, stirred something in me. Then its possible for clouds to hold those memories.

It’s incredible feeling PL. To see what I see, to experience an intense connection. I understand you have your protocol, but something/one blew through my house when you were writing me back. I know this to be true.

PS- does your Emma/Emmt help people navigate the internet? Cause I swear I have followed your trail a few times... if thats possible?

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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