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A Christmas Message From Oz

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Is not so much an internet thing but what the internet is becoming.

All I can say at this point in the game is that the way humans perceive WRITTEN language has yet to be discovered. It will. Likely now soon, but it has to do with the perception of the written word.

The way we used to read - light REFLECTED off the page to your eye is processed in your brain totally different than GENERATED light - like from a computer.

We only VERY recently in our evolution have been able to process the writing we do by a generated light source. Only in the past 10 years or so has generated light  been so widely available.

All someone has to do is run an FMRI on someone who is reading a book with paper and then later using an iPad. I will be proven 100% Right on this.

THAT is what those levels are for.

Soon, nobody will use paper. It will all be this. This is a MAJOR MAJOR evolutionary step. We, right now, are the ones getting weeded out. That’s what this Human Age is about. Who gets to pass on what genes.

Again, I can’t stress this enough - we are property. We are containers only to hold DNA. Be it in a prison or not - look at allllll the “kooks” who said the same thing. Other than Lazar - it’s becoming harder and harder to find them. Why? Because they are gone. They are waiting for the bus to leave. That’s what I have been presented anyways.

I have taken many paths in life. I am sure I have crossed many of yours out there.

Its good that you can see what you can see. Merlynn is very very right. Water, all compounds have memory. What ever you are being presented - take it as a gift!

This I know to be true.



I guess I need to start reading your stuff on MM. ☺️  I need to know more on this DNA container.

I don’t even know how I knew I was following you. I couldn't tell you what topic it was on, I just remember it was during a bout of my “madness” that I made a mental note to ask you, when I had sorted out enough stuff that I had in my head previous. Its taken months.... If that makes any sense to you, sorry.

Ok, so I have some more questions but.... hmm Ok, I want to know more on what I have experienced with my clouds. I haven’t had any luck in the past on any information on what I experience, which is maddening because it makes me feel more crazy. The closest I have come to, is cloud scrying. I have taken a good many pictures of the clouds, the pictures do no justice to what I see BUT it helps me process. Then, I have had people send me picture of clouds that caught their eyes. Their clouds tell a much different story than my clouds. Does that make sense?

Last question, (on this post 😉) are there such things as weather workers, or are humans able to change the weather or direction of winds with their thoughts and intentions? Just asking for a friend.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Hello, yes it will be necessary to read and understand this article of MM on the MWI and all that relates like universe and other quantum as well as former life, paradise and sky of the pets. To understand that roughly our thoughts and actions influences many and different ways our present and future. So I have long wondered how a being with no form of learning like a wild animal or a human living almost alone could have a comprehensive or just truth revelation. The answer that I have worked out with more or less flaws is: Weigh people with their bag. I explain that we all shape through our experiments trial and error the results. We learn from the values ​​that we maintain or throw away and all that in an environment. So as I am not the best intelligent, well I told myself that nature will not leave beings like me alone destitute. I put a dot on a thing me or whatever, which; and imagine the good and the bad generated like ying yang. So starting from this point that I respect whatever it is and expanding the effects or whatever it can generate and what it surrounds how I have to handle it. To be in agreement with the ying I have a point of honor to never kill or at least the last solution which always represents a serious error.The whole will be enforced by more precise or particular values ​​but will be just a shade of respect for the other and for oneself of course. The challenge that we will therefore have to go very far in the extension of this point to project the desired effects or not that we will generate with our thoughts and actions on this subject point target. Yes it is a lot to calculate less in the long run will become feeling and direct and intuition. A very important point is to redo this calculation path several times with some new or possible change of parameter. I learned something here is elsewhere and I made a point of seeing if it fits your and spirit domain.About the shadow characters, @Alice I don't know but I would be careful physically and not physically, I will establish some kind of protocol for interacting. But I warn before that I am well anchored with the values ​​that constitute me. Remember that these values ​​can be lost at any time if we are not vigilant and faithful, it is a constant struggle. And I believe that when MM said he must have forgotten something about him, maybe it was a nauseating mental agreement. But we are reassured humor is a weapon the yang also and we have free will and it is not a competition of who is the best but a long apprenticeship. I am shy but I love your group and try to overcome some weakness with and thanks to you. Thank you MM for existing.

pissedlizard and Alice have reacted to this post.

Seasons greetings to you and yours, too, DM. And may 2022 bring you many more fruitful adventures in the Real World.

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You make perfect sense. If I may make a suggestion- slow yourself down. Not much, but as if you are driving and coming up to a red light.

I do not know who or what is speaking to you, but there are only a few ways that I am aware of to be able to tune in. Meditation is 1. LD is another, plants are the easiest way for me - because that is how I am wired. People use all kinds of stuff, and this, fortunately, is one of those times where you can try as many as you want when you want!

But figuring out any message is always open to interpretation, and weeding out any interpretation requires tuning everything else down (NOT out).

Practice practice practice.

One of the other things is all of these supplements are great, but a lot may cause subtle reactions, such as being keyed up or beat down. I say this because when Mugwort popped up - my first instinct is THIS is going to prevent any dopamine or norepinephrine being dumped when it needs to to accomplish what you are striving for.

Number has to balance. Me, personally, if I was going the route you were going - I would start slow. Take a step, see how it goes in a week, then adjust.

Mugwort shifts organic molecules polarity (grab an organic chem text) which affects what is made and what is dismantled to be remade in the brain.

All THAT said, I couldn’t agree with @azark more on this.

Not all that appears helpful - is. DEFINITELY establish protocols and set ground rules FIRST.

As I said - you are obviously dealing with VERY powerful forces that don’t always have your best interest in mind. If you do not have an idea how to contain what you want to deal with. It’s you they are trying to communicate with - nobody else has or will have anything close to an answer for you.

One important point. The Christian Lords Prayer is like sending up a HUGE help flare. It works and it’s why one religion makes certain that it cannot be uttered in public buildings here in America. It’s THAT powerful. It won’t beat them all, but it’s a start.

Its a lonely road. But SO fucking worth it.

As far as weather control goes - I have no clue. Who or what controls is none of my business, so I don’t wonder about it.

This I know to be true


Memory Loss, Alice and azark have reacted to this post.
Memory LossAliceazark

Yup. @alice, some supplements can kill or drive you nuts without anyone knowing. Without a safety profile, it's not for the sane. I'm exploring the possibility that I have had somehow bumped into some supplements by synchronicity.

Mugwort excited me because of artemisin. Artemisin is good for malaria, my curiosity is centered on the parasites generally plasmodium spp. In ancient Chinese texts, Gu Syndrome talks about invisible demons that cause problems. I'm looking at that in a literal sense. Meaning the parasites in malaria are a gateway for negative entities to enter the body. There's stuff in our reality that perhaps can be looked at with an open mind.

I will probably have to write my thoughts down but basically if one were to enhance consciousness, start with simple stuff known for a long time. And also start with amino acids, because they are also simple building blocks.

You have your dream journals which intrigue me immensely. If you are on chat I would like to ask you more.

And PL I would have love to have some input sometime. Once I get my thoughts together haha.

Alice and azark have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas


Your input is valued and appreciated. You ARE one in the group,  silly man. We are in this together. All different parts of one body(?). Wow... i feel like I have heard that before.

You are very right about the holding firm to values. Everyday is a struggle when a person integrated the amount of new knowledge with unknown variables. However, I am like the Domain in a way, I do my research and go over as many possible scenarios and then ultimately how it makes me feel. Instincts have saved me from a multitude of wrong turns.

@pissedlizard This is not the first nor the last of these experiences. What prompted me to ask you (because I have been meaning for a while) was what happened yesterday. I had bought the girls an air chair for Christmas. I was outside looking like a fool trying to run around filling these vinyl bags with air. As I was about to give up, a small gust of wind helped out more than all the running. However, I wasn’t  prepared for the help and didn’t wrap it up quick enough. I encouraged another gust but by watching my flag it was blowing west to east and my house was blocking the direction. I was jokingly telling the wind to move from north to south as well ad waving my hands “no, I need you to blow this way”. Not a minute later the wind picked up in my directions. (Yesterday was a lot of clouds, Nd moving at a fast past up high, but not a lot of movement closer to the ground.) Not only did the wind change directions, There was a split in the movement of the clouds above me. West to east further away and splitting off  in a SE to S.... I was standing there mouth gapped, when my mother walked out and said “well Ill be, Ive never seen anything like that” The wind corrected itself, so I encouraged it again. Same thing, so I got my chairs filled up, said ‘thank you’ and went inside.

This is not the first time this has happened, and it’s happened on a much bigger scale at the beach. Except that time, I paid for the weather shifting when I got home.

Anyhoo, thank you for advice. Calming my mind is extremely hard for me for many reasons- One, I am a Gemini, if you know anything about them. Second, I have a 4 & 8 yo that has ‘Mommy FreeTime Radar’ and will bust it up in an instant. So meditation has been hard to come by but, I am realizing its needs to be intentional and a daily priority.

Edited: I am interested in your plant technique, I talk to my plants often. They talk back.

@memory-loss I asked my Optimus to help me locate the specific one you have been asking for, and last night read an email in which it helped me narrow down which notebook and its contents is located. The thing is, that specific notebook is missing. I know exactly which one it is and have been turning my stuff upside down looking for it. Any other dream entries, I will gladly share with you. Every time I get in chat, no one is there. Give me a nudge and I usually can feel when I am being spoken about. That or we can set a time, and I will do my best to be present at the time.

azark has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice, I pop in for my breakfast reading. Around 0000 UTC. Test out your DM on chat.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas


I haven’t forgotten you, just been having technical issues.  I didn’t realize we had a DM m, coo.


I got some gifts from the Universe yesterday. One being a book, you’ll like this ML-  “The Game of Life and How to Play it.”  Good stuff there. Quick question, I have this imprinted on my brain and idk where it came from- binding box? I don’t know- its just been stuck there and I have been to busy to look it up.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers. Désolé ce qui peuvent l encoder pour le watch ailleurs,  encore un merveilleux cadeaux

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