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Waking up from the vaccine nightmare in Melbourne

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Sorry if what I posted offended you. That was never my intention.

It was not "me" that was stating China had an ebola like fever being spread through Sinovac, it was Dr. Robert Malone. He has been highly controversial so I won't bring it up again.


Also wanted to point out that those who attempted to discredit what Timothy Cunningham was stating, were not describing the mRNA vaccine, they were describing the tried and true method of a dead virus in the vaccine. The general public really didn't know what mRNA vaccines were ...but someone like Timothy Cunningham would have known. He was sounding the alarm bell months before anyone even knew what Covid 19 was. I just found it to be an interesting coincidence.


Also, I can absolutely relate to what you are conveying about having first hand knowledge and knowing that certain information that is being presented is an attempt to sway people's emotions/alliances. I like your example of how a person was trying to convince your gf to not date you - I am sure many people have experienced the same thing.


Here is my real life example - I lived in DC during the 9/11 attacks and then the following sniper attacks and then the following Anthrax attacks. I was an University student at the time.


Do you remember the anthrax letters being sent to Tom Daschle's office? The postal workers who were killed in the Brentwood mail facility because they handled mail laced with anthrax?


I remember all of this, because I lived in DC. My mail was sorted through the Brentwood facility. Everyone thought it was a biological attack from Muslim terrorists - because someone wanted everyone to believe this.

But it was not a biological attack from Muslim terrorists. The main suspect was Bruce Edward Ivins, an American scientist at Fort Detrick, MD. He committed suicide when he was put under surveillance by the FBI. Federal prosecutors have claimed he was the person responsible for the anthrax letters.

All of this happened in the weeks following the 9/11 attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon. So I know how certain people withing my own government are attempting to manipulate public perception of reality. I am aware that there are intentional "disinfo agents" so to speak, spreading disinfo.


That is not what I am doing. I am trying to see through the murky details in search of truth.

In addition to the above I would like to point this out too (about Timothy Cunningham, the CDC Epidemiologist who went missing and was found dead in the Chattahoochee River)....

Look at this picture from a google search and the quote in the screen grab. That quote was removed from the linked article. Why?


He told a neighbor that his patients were getting sick from botched vaccines. There was no indication what vaccines were used. But that quote cannot be found in the article. The only thing resembling that quote, in the article, was the neighbor mentioning Timothy Cunningham telling them to remove his phone number and text messages from their phone.


Odd ?


You bet.




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China is 100% vaccinated with the Sinovac. Many including MM has multiple injections of it.

There are ZERO cases of Ebola in China; a nation of 1.6 billion people.

Medical visits to hospitals and clinics are normal, and are at pre 2019 levels. Any spike in visits are monitored closely by AI, and followed up with by face-to-face visits.

The Chinese are at DEFCON TWO right now and monitoring all illnesses carefully.

Now, that being said...

... mRNA injections are not a topic for this forum. Let's kindly avoid posting things about them. We can broach things as a side issue but not as a major core issue, and please don't try to ram the mRNA vaccines into the forum.

Vaxx subjects are taboo here.


They are a vehicle for disinfo. Please kindly avoid talking about them, or anything related to them.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.

I agree with Mr Man on this one. There is so much disinfo about pretty much everything 'COVID' these days that it's hard to get a handle on it. That's what disinfo is; it's designed to prevent one from getting a handle on what's going on. And with COVID, it's been disinfo par excellence from the get-go over two years ago.

Clearly, the narrative is being shifted to something else; my guess is the 'environment' and preparation-- unreported-- for mass casualty events; and now there are even news reports in the Lame Stream Media about the Sputnik one-- similar tech to the Sinovac, right? (Dead Host; But because China is the real target and not Russia as most people seem to think, of late, they'd never admit the Chinese one even exists) being as 'effective as the MRNA' (😂). As Mr Man has been telling us for quite some time, now.

And besides, didn't the Domain tell us everything we need to know about the MRNA? (And what the plans for China, Russia and the rest of the Players in Muppet Land are?) What more is there to know? They, the Domain, even broke it down into little bitty pieces for you. Why on Earth have the Western nations began opening up and dumping restrictions? COVID A was never that dangerous, after all; the US is being taken down by some other new variant that's undoubtedly dangerous; but the rest of the world-- not EurAngloLand + Korea and Japan (those last two for now, at least), however-- they be fucked-- is moving into 2022 in style, having dumped the crazy elephant in the corner. Sure, the crazy elephant will huff and puff and won't be the least bit happy about being disregarded in this way. But what's done is done-- and the Domain kindly tipped us off on what's gonna happen in that corner, too. I mean, the other day, China-Russia vetoed new 'U.S. sanctions' against North Korea and 'Biden' quietly backed down. I'm guessing you didn't hear much about that slap in the face on 'CNN International', right? Up until just a few years ago that'd have been unthinkable-- and tells you all you need to know about who the new Sheriff in town is.

Hint, it ain't Bawwss Haawwgg.

It never was Boss Hogg. In non-literal terminology, even Boss Hogg was held accountable by someone.

Quote from congjing yu on January 22, 2022, 8:47 am


Nice avatar.

Am I interpreting that correctly as "Primal Wisdom"?

World Health Organization chief given report on use of traditional Chinese medicine in fighting Covid-19
National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine says Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus received the study ‘with delight’
China’s leaders have promoted the use of traditional treatments in tackling the pandemic

Truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it. Let it loose and it will defend itself.

My response to the attempt to shame me from looking for the truth.... I will never be ashamed of myself for researching, on my own, into the information out there that is publicly available, and formulating my own personal opinion based on that information.


With that being said, this information isn't from "Langley" (You meant the CIA). This information is from the investigation of a German Attorney. He has no affiliation with Langley. He also has irrefutable evidence ...with credible witnesses .. not some conspiracy junk .. actual Pfizer CEO's and other pharmaceutical "insiders".



To drive this point home ... don't EVER tell me to be ashamed of myself again.

master_sidoshi and WaterTiger have reacted to this post.

I have to add something, here. I know about Fullmilk or whatever his name is, he says lots of interesting things about the Powers That Be and about the vaccines. He really does; and he's been on all the 'right' shows-- Odyssey; Bitchute; Rumble-- talking a whole lotta sense. Genuinely.

However, what he and his colleagues NEVER mention-- EVER-- is that COVID is a bioattack on China and other countries gone very badly wrong. In fact, they rarely mention COVID at all other than to say it's a virus. Many of them, in fact, say that it's a virus that originated in bats or the 'Wuhan Lab'. Or that 'may' have been released by 'somebody'.

That's the best you'll get from Reiner. And it honestly seems to me that his main concern is getting you focused on the vaccines. And not much else. There is no way he doesn't know about the bioattacks. No way. But I betcha he'll never mention them. He daren't.

You seem to imply that what Fullmilk and his colleagues put out there for our consumption should be taken as Gospel. Why? Because it tells you what you want to hear? Whatever, none of my business. How do you know he and his colleagues aren't part of a billion dollar cover up of a fucked up bioattack that must have been years in the planning? And you can bet your arse most of the budget-- the overall budget for the whole operation-- was spent on the cover up. (Just like with 911-- where one of the 'main voices' of the resistance movement pushing the 'nanothermite' theory-- whatever the fuck nanothermite is it doesn't go bang, I can tell you that-- was a nuclear physicist who actually designed the nukes-- originally, before they were stolen from U.S. stockpiles and reengineered for that task-- that brought down the two towers, even though he was all over 'alternative media' pushing the nanothermite nonsense.)

See how it works?

(There's even a guy named Cowan who'll tell you viruses are made up and don't exist. Perhaps, I know otherwise but am not a doc; however biological weapons certainly do exist. And have been used before and will be again in the future. Read up on Porton Down and Tblisi Georgia, some time.)

It's called divide and rule by means of a strategy of tension. All on the record. Well studied. Very effective, and keeps folks in the dark and terrified; oblivious to what's really going on geopolitically.

These perps will do ANYTHING to prevent the average Western Normie finding out the truth that bioweapons were used on the innocent in the name of demokkkwacy. (Or rather, a desperate attempt to preserve U.S. hegemony in the Pacific.)

I hope you're right and I'm wrong. I really do. But something about Fullmilk and his team gets my spidey senses a tingling for some reason. If 'they' really wanted to 'kill everybody off' wouldn't something added to the water or put in  food be a lot more effective? Not to mention cheaper?

The Domain have already told us what was in the MRNA shot given to American Puppet State clients only-- I've already said that above; yet you seem insistent on pushing the theory that the vaxxes are designed intentionally to kill everybody off. If so, there's a whole lotta countries gonna be spared, bro. Or what? They wanna kill off American Client States populations only?

What would be the point of that? It's all or nothing. And it'd also mean the Domain are full of shit. Mr Man, too. And I doubt sincerely that they are.

So I go with the Domain and Mr Man-- it's a super sophisticated, mass experiment designed to control Muppet Land populations in the most general sense and intended to 'protect' them when more bioweapons are released in the name of fweeedom and demokkwacy., and it's not working; and folks are dying in large numbers. Or were considered expedient for the sake of the experiment, anyway.

And we'd better hope that somebody stops these freaks before they release more pathogens. As the Domain have alluded to, also. Perhaps you missed that part.

Who was really meant to die were innocent populations of countries the U.S. doesn't like. And it didn't quite work out that way, did it. So I'll bet they're fucking delighted that there's a very successful live operation underway convincing 'everybody'-- read: EurAngloLand muppets and web-surfers-- that the REAL plan is to kill everybody and usher in a commie led NWO utopia serviced by sex slaves and robots or some shit like that. Anything to keep the Normies and the conspeewacy theewists and Fweemen of the Land distracted.

Nah. Scrub that. Maybe in the mid- to long term future. But not now. It's pie in the sky that Great Reset shit.

That's my ten cents, anyway. As for the demand made of Mr Man because you were butthurt? (And because I feel partly responsible, I guess.) I think it'd behoove you better to give the screen time a rest and get outside in the fresh air for a while. Because whatever's going on in that real world between the US Puppetshow and China-Russia and Friends, the last place you'll hear anything relevant about that is on the internet. Metallicman and a very few others being the very honourable exceptions, of course.

So I'd keep on his good side if I were you~ We need the intel to prepare for what's coming ourselves and in our communities, and not be relying on German lawyers to save the day. (Good luck with that, they can't even discuss WW2 history without being thrown in the slammer.)


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