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Waking up from the vaccine nightmare in Melbourne

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Using a chemical weapons false flag to attempt to get NATO involved really is suicidal.

I refuse to believe that the military would willingly go up against the Russians.

It all seems so farcical. It's like they imagine the various European armies would be chasing Vlad around the Ukraine as in the end of an old Benny Hill episode.

Looks like we may have an interesting weekend ahead of us. Will they pull off the false flag or will the whole thing just go up in smoke and be quickly forgotten?

JustAnotherAsian, Ultan McG and paraic have reacted to this post.
JustAnotherAsianUltan McGparaic

They're done, Feal. Only question is how much damage they intend on leaving behind as they run for their bunkers like pussies.

Benny Hill, indeed, LOL. Except Putin won't be the little bald guy getting head slapped by Benny this time! He'll be celebrating with the leggy Ukranian blondes, instead.

JustAnotherAsian, Feal and paraic have reacted to this post.

What’s happening from my perspective is Western governments and employers have ordered their people to commit suicide. The safety signals from these shots are so shocking that no reasonable person could look at them and consider them safe.

The best explanation for “why” someone in leadership makes a certain decision is always this: because that’s what they’re told to do. You go up the chain, and there’s always someone above giving orders.

this isn’t so different from what prior generations have faced. The decision of people (many of whom were my friends and classmates), to join the Iraq war and kill innocent Iraqis wasn’t a rational one. They had no personal knowledge of the situation. Rather, a man in an electric box told them something, and they believed him. Not very wise. Now many have blood on their hands.

JustAnotherAsian and paraic have reacted to this post.
Quote from johnsmith on March 18, 2022, 11:28 pm

What’s happening from my perspective is Western governments and employers have ordered their people to commit suicide. The safety signals from these shots are so shocking that no reasonable person could look at them and consider them safe.

The best explanation for “why” someone in leadership makes a certain decision is always this: because that’s what they’re told to do. You go up the chain, and there’s always someone above giving orders.

this isn’t so different from what prior generations have faced. The decision of people (many of whom were my friends and classmates), to join the Iraq war and kill innocent Iraqis wasn’t a rational one. They had no personal knowledge of the situation. Rather, a man in an electric box told them something, and they believed him. Not very wise. Now many have blood on their hands.

Americans are just so incredibly ignorant... I did my best to first dissuade, then inform my nephew [now] the SEAL that things are not what your brainwashers tell you.

He got in the [very long] line that says Dave is nuts.

JustAnotherAsian has reacted to this post.

The upper echelon will send young men off to fight & die but surprise surprise, not their own children. Best example, Bush Jr happily served in Texas Air National Guard but didn't serve a single day in Vietnam.

Here's a bigger picture insight from a UK family doctor with vast experience.

Covid, The Strange Death of Medicine

JustAnotherAsian, Feal and paraic have reacted to this post.

@ultan-mcg wow, that was quite the critique of our current NHS insanity.

The whole system is collapsing due to the corrupt idiots in charge. If only there were more people like him.

@dsklausler The line just got one person longer.

Quote from congjing yu on January 18, 2022, 7:14 am


Yes, I believe that you are very correct when you wrote...

Just let me say this ....if I felt the vaccine was safe, and that it worked, I would have taken it. However, there is a report from the UK indicating that if you have been double vaxxed, and are getting boosters, you are destroying your natural immune system. I personally think that Big Pharma found a way to make your natural immunity a subscription service (a booster every 6 moths).

They are like a drug dealer ... the first few times are free (to get em hooked).

And, perhaps this is why most of Asia are relying on FREE "dead host" vaccines. Not mRNA injection booster schedules.

🙁 I knew I was right. I remember saying. I only really trust the china vax.. I am sad now... This sad. Why rely on america to do it when they produce things poorly 🙁 I knew I was right. Had that feeln

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Quote from Rayun_jinping on October 23, 2022, 6:21 am
Quote from congjing yu on January 18, 2022, 7:14 am


Yes, I believe that you are very correct when you wrote...

Just let me say this ....if I felt the vaccine was safe, and that it worked, I would have taken it. However, there is a report from the UK indicating that if you have been double vaxxed, and are getting boosters, you are destroying your natural immune system. I personally think that Big Pharma found a way to make your natural immunity a subscription service (a booster every 6 moths).

They are like a drug dealer ... the first few times are free (to get em hooked).

And, perhaps this is why most of Asia are relying on FREE "dead host" vaccines. Not mRNA injection booster schedules.

🙁 I knew I was right. I remember saying. I only really trust the china vax.. I am sad now... This sad. Why rely on america to do it when they produce things poorly 🙁 I knew I was right. Had that feeln

Jim Jones was an American.

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