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Waking up from the vaccine nightmare in Melbourne

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BTW here is a CLASSIC example of fear mongering control narratives. Again: ANYthing to keep the focus off China, bioweapons and what really happened. But folks would prefer to read this horse puckey, instead.

Well, Fullmetal shouldn't be taken as gospel. There's a bit of the psyop smell coming from him. But it's good that you two are prepared to go hammers and tongs. Just aim those implements at the wall of disinfo and not at each other.

Also that wall is just a thick fog anyway, so you won't make much headway. However you won't bruise your friend whose also in the same cage as you. If only I could get you two in a room together lol. Any takers for a cage match?

Keep bashing, guys.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

No one is going 'hammer and tongs', M.L.  Or 'going at each other'. Or 'bashing '. Nor are we in cages.

It's actually called making a point. Or debating one.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.

But I like cage matches. So, disappointed. Pump up the volume!!

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Ahaa, I see. A gallery dweller, eh? Well, sorry, but my weapons of choice these days are limited to a condescending tone and general smart-arse-ery, only, 😁. But only where I feel it's warranted, mind you. Not as messy or entertaining, granted; and certainly won't win one any friends as we've noticed before; but extremely effective nontheless.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. And most of the time these days that's lacking. Odysee videos wont cut the mustard unfortunately but hey, maybe that's just me.

And huffing and puffing because somebody doesn't agree with you is old hat, too. Welcome to social media, I guess.

Not that the Metallicman Forum is 'social media', per say. But you know what I mean.

JC Soulwood has reacted to this post.
JC Soulwood

So my loose understanding of this is that a bio attack was unleashed on China. With awful effects. I saw some of the videos of people dropping in the street in China took them with a very large grain of salt because you can't believe a 1oth of anything you see on MSM or the conspiracy circles. At any rate the clips I saw were so brief the 'drop' could have been caused by anything. Here in the US they were used explicitly as MSM fear porn.

Then Covid rebounded to the United States and abroad.

My understanding is that Covid was an awful and insidious disease with high virulency and transmission rates in China.

Here in the US it's hard to make a determination or measure anything because the data is so distorted. Everything has been relegated to Covid. Break your leg in an auto accident = Covid Case. Die of Cancer+ Test positive for Covid = You died of Covid. Not to mention the monetary incentives for hospitals that treated 'Covid' patients and the huge monetary incentives for hospitals that had a Covid fatality. If your medical company gets 40k everytime someone dies specifically of Covid it seems an incentive to let people die.

We still cannot get a grip on what they are testing for or how.. A coronavirus? They are pretty common but don't mean Covid. The loose classification of a virus and the conditions they cause are wildly variable. It could be a cold or it could be a SARS type condition.

Exposure to Covid (to anything really) doesn't automatically equate that you will get the illness but you will test positive for antibodies.

Testing positive for antibodies doesn't mean you will get the condition. It means your immune system is working. T Cells and antigens are usually the result of having had the condition and you are apt to have natural immunity. But if testing for t cells comes up positive then its still counted as a Covid case.

I don't disagree that it is a nasty bug. Here in the US it effected people differently from being 'no big deal' to being deathly ill  but we still don't know what the actual death rate was from Covid because everything is and was classified as Covid. To this day its still not the illnesses, or the fatalities, its the number of 'cases' (testing positive regardless of if you get sick or not ) that sends everyone stampeding. Thats in the MSM public sphere. In real life situations you test positive for Covid at work and they will do anything to keep you on the job. We have a rule that if someone tests positive for Covid, anyone they were exposed to must be quarantined. I have been exposed to dozens of people with active cases of Covid and not once has anyone insisted that quarantine. On the other hand people have been exposed to Covid and have had to be quarantined a dozen times. It's crazy and senseless how they apply these methods of virus containment. I might add this year all of the people that I know that have come down with Covid at work have all been masked, vaxxed and boostered.

But I am digressing. My actual question was. Is the virus that effected China substantially different from the one that affected the United States? It seems that way to me but I'm not really clear on the why of it all.





"That's the best you'll get from Reiner. And it honestly seems to me that his main concern is getting you focused on the vaccines. And not much else. There is no way he doesn't know about the bioattacks. No way. But I betcha he'll never mention them. He daren't."

Interesting, could be like that, very probable. But still there is interesting information out there.

@qurow - like this Chetty who is interviewed by FillMe, tells that indeed the virus changed, engineered - first wave in the west affecting black people, then second wave Indian people, then muslim and white and so on.  See from 1:27. These sessions are very long, so I don't really follow it, this guy was the only one I watched. Still doesn't explain the why (your question, Crow). 

congjing yu and Qurow have reacted to this post.
congjing yuQurow


I was the guy, MM here, who first broke the news about the bio-attacks. And from there the message was suppressed. No one dared try to "debunk" me, as that would bring attention to me, and no one wanted to do that. Not the CIA, not the NSA, no one. They were just happy to stay far, far, FAR away from me.

My article on the subject and my video on it was widely  dispersed and shut down in the West.

Please watch my video on it. Jeff Brown video interview.

JustAnotherAsian and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
JustAnotherAsianMemory Loss


You asked:

But I am digressing. My actual question was. Is the virus that effected China substantially different from the one that affected the United States? It seems that way to me but I'm not really clear on the why of it all.

And my answer is...

The West got the COVID-19A (mild), China, and Iran got COVID-19B (lethal). The idea was to have all the pro-america nations inoculated from covid, and all of the "enemies" suffering from the lethal B version. I wrote about this in great deal. It's really a very dastardly plot.

Trade Wars Index

And all those videos plus many more. I completely documented what happened when Covid-19B Lethal hit china and it went into DEFCON ONE. In fact, many of my posted videos were subsequently banned by the Trump regime as "National security threats". You just cannot make these things up.

COVID Videos

You should browse through the main index. I've covered all this and much, much more.

JustAnotherAsian, Ultan McG and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
JustAnotherAsianUltan McGJC SoulwoodWaterTigerQurow

Thank you. The alt perspective on China is very interesting although unfortunate in this case.  Nor am I surprised the MSM version of China is vastly different than the reality.

And this variation between how people/ countries are affected by CV causes mass confusion which I'm sure fits right in with the plan.  On one POV it's a serious disease with deadly effect and then from another's perspective it's a mild cold or flu like condition. These folks are clashing horns although as contradictory as it seems they are both correct.

But it's multiplying the chaos, mayhem and anger.

To add more fuel to the fire, here in the States anyway, was the fact that CV19 was clearly emphasized to be caused by the very common Corona virus. Yet people were being urged to take antibiotics which is direct and polar opposite to what we have always been told: Don't take antibiotics for viruses. Still the antibiotics worked. More confusion.   However they are now not being urged on people anymore.

Yeah I'll look for the articles mentioned.  I'm reading like crazy. I've been down the rabbit hole before but this place is the ultimate rabbit warren where you start off in the Mandela Effect and end up in China.  Everyone's been great about answering my 'new to the forum' questions.  Thank you.



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