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Waking up from the vaccine nightmare in Melbourne

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Quote from Tas on February 11, 2022, 9:39 am

Also here in Australia, People are flocking to Canberra by the thousands from all over the country. The general media has had very little coverage of this event and what they have published is mis info such as Far Right Anti Vax extremists but in reality they are the mums and dads of this country opposing Vaccine mandates. I know at least two people who have flown over from Tasmania this week to attend. It's on going. Cheers DR

I will be giving a recorded speech at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in the near future regarding "medical tyranny". It will be during the trucker convoy protest in DC.

I will be touching on subjects such as the T4 Euthanasia programs of the Third Reich, and how they modeled those programs after Eugenics Laws passed in the United States (i.e. forced sterilization law passed in Indiana in 1907).

A forced vax sounds very Third Reichy to me.

Memory Loss and Tas have reacted to this post.
Memory LossTas

I heard last night the ACT police estimated there were possibly 800,000 plus protesters in Canberra over the week-end. The propaganda news stated around 10,000 right wing anti vaxxers, Bull Shit these people are Doctors, nurses, aged care workers as well as Australian mums and dads. Remember when this all started and the WHO stated children are not at risk but now with less deadly strains we are mandated to vax our fucking  healthy children. Excuse my foul Australian mouth but this is a crime against humanity IMO. Cheers from Tasmania. DR


Also good luck with your oration Geisterfahrer I hope all goes well mate. Cheers DR

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Here's another interesting collection of data. And again I only post this as it resonates strongly with what fhe Domain have told us the MRNA is all about. Strange stuff and hysteria free. As always, it's up to the reader. But independent, bona fide scientists are rapidly catching up with these monsters and that means they must be getting desperate.

P.L., you might find this interesting.

Cornered rats are still pretty dangerous. And even more so if they've everything to lose.

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This is interesting, in the last 2 weeks the following Australians have passed away. Shane Warne ex Australian cricketer 52 heart attack, Kimberly Kitching Labor Senator 52 heart attack, Darren Stewart ex National Soccer player 52 cause not yet reported and Dean Wallis former ALF player and coach 52 heart attack survived. How many who are not reported by the media (average Joes) have passed over this time frame (2-3 weeks). Coincidence maybe but I think not, Vaxx related quite possible.........


Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss

There's a new overview by Larry Romanov regarding covid. He sounds a lot like our Mr MM actually. Things he cannot prove, but sound damn on the dot.

Feal has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

There's an old saying  about 'the truth', M.L. I can't remember who said it, but it goes a liddle somethin' like this:

Truth. First it is mocked and scoffed at; then it is violently opposed; then it's accepted as self-evident.

Kinda runs parallel to 'serious' troofers-- ya know, the troofers who told us everybody who took the 'death vaxx', so called, would be dead by now; and the ones who refused to take it will all be locked up in prison camps by now-- serious troofers reactions when one attempted to float the ol' 'COVID is an American bioattack on innocent men, women and children of other sovereign nations gone very horribly wrong' kinda troof....

That one was a bit too big for all the Tucker and the Alex fans to swallow. (Surprisingly.) China and Russia are still evil and wanna take over the world because they're, errrr, evil, after all. Can't shift that narrative.

Now they're all catching up. Even though it took an admission by the US government itself about what's going on in The Ukraine and many other places before the penny dropped. In fact, it seems to me now that Truth, real Truth, can only be grasped by your average garden variety Normie after it appears on some kind of official social media site.

Unlike a Russian cruise missile up the arsehole. You only get to see that on social media after the effect.

Kinda like this one-- from a trusted source who's been very right about a lotta things all along, and of course got a lotta flack for it:

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that won't post for some reason. Too bad. It was a goodie.

@memory-loss thanks for the very useful post.


In fact, it seems to me now that Truth, real Truth, can only be grasped by your average garden variety Normie after it appears on some kind of official social media site.

Unlike a Russian cruise missile up the arsehole. You only get to see that on social media after the effect.

So true!

While visiting my mother yesterday I was once again subjected to the omnipresent TV news and it was ridiculous how obvious they were making the upcoming chemical weapon false flag. They just aren't really trying anymore. As MM explained, the people in control are no longer competent and it's just a matter of "diversity hire" lackeys toeing the line. Even my mother commented on how most of the presenters on TV now have black replacements, which is not representative of the racial make up of this country at all.

At least we now know that the utter lunacy results from some kind of self-destruct function that the Old Empire programmed into the Prison Complex, Feal. And we no longer have to expand energy trying to figure out how it could all have gone so horribly, horribly wrong to our once great Isles. I can get some comfort from that, at least-- but watching it all come apart is still painful. I only hope Vlad goes easy on them and shows some mercy. Given that we had that ghoul, Blair-- who they always seem to roll out when they're growing desperate-- on the 'news' today calling for NATO to get the gloves off, mobile tranny toilets loaded up, and buttonhole Russia once and for all, heh heh.

Vlad be like: ohhhh, shhhiiiiitttttttttttt, we'd better retreat.

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