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America today

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I don’t blame her. At least in my case - who am I? Some old fool yapping his lips online. I literally have no connections to that practice nor medicine. All of my notes, charts, everything belongs to a practice that bought the practice that bought ours. I am far enough away from that vortex of darkness that I can still get together with my buds but far enough not to feel the vibe.

I firmly believe that there is evil out there. But who is to say the info that she is physically attached to - isn’t NOT supposed to see the light of day? I mean not just the MWI vantage point but from the vantage point of loop quantum physics, you know? Who is to say all these crazy scenarios have played out IN the MWI, in all those scenarios, ONLY to try and try to get closer to “the Truth” or “Our Is-Be”?

And right now we are all supposed to do what we all have to do to get further from being lost.

MM thank you again for explaining Quantum physics to us. Just throwing that out. I’m forever in your debt. Even if things don’t turn out to be that way - at least it all makes sense while I am still on this planet.

I’ll say this final word on the subject. Doing that for the specific time that I did it (during the Obama administration) that I personally got rid of my DEA number and license and it really did a number on me, my partners and our families. I ended up in a messy break up and all that because the only vent we had was us in the practice. It destroyed one partner to the point a lot of drugs were involved.

We literally get together monthly to discuss world events and when weird stuff happens - like the green light on my iPhone turning on for 10 seconds yesterday (the discipline NOT to look directly at the camera when you see it go on - tested my patience. Only when O said ‘why is this green light on’? Did it go off. Stuff like that. Little reminders that we are NEVER off the radar.

I know, when I die going into the light is a trap for Christians. I ONLY hope that where I do go I actually forget the whole episode.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

And I just gotta throw this out there - this is why none of us really said anything to outsiders and we did everything together.


So here is an offer to anyone who can get that pitched to a tv producer. The top of the top of that world crying and spilling their guts to a bunch of freaked out psychiatrists. Go make millions. It will be our little secret on this board - but it may be the crazy reality I’m in - my life was to get someone in this group to be a millionaire. THAT would be a trip!

I AM a doc. I do have a little ego-but if iTunes is watching - who knows.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Quote from congjing yu on July 17, 2021, 10:13 am

America today is a mess. I wonder what the opinions are of MM readers inside the USA. Do you think that the worst is over, or that it is building up towards a very bad climax? The reason I ask this is because of the huge influx of steady visitors to my SHTF indexes.

It was a SHTF article that brought me to the site, though I stayed for the MWI stuff out of hope for the future as far as my family and I go.

I’m a Californian and I see the way that people in conservative states talk about seeing California license plates (and the people attached to those plates.) I think that in the not-too-distant future newly arrived Americans expats will be looked at in Asia, Eastern Europe and possibly South America the same way that Idahoans now look at Californians. That’s why I finally floated the idea of leaving to my wife the other day. We have family that does business overseas, so it might not be too difficult to make happen.

Right now I don’t get the feeling that most people see the looming disaster. There’s a weird fatalism on the far-right, but the vast center seems to be carrying on as normal. That said, once I stopped reading left or right wing news and social media the sense of dread was replaced with one of purpose.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Absolutely wonderful comment. Please focus on your MWI prayer affirmations for guidance, direction, support and assistance. You will get it.

Satellite Conspiracy has reacted to this post.
Satellite Conspiracy

I’m a Californian and I see the way that people in conservative states talk about seeing California license plates (and the people attached to those plates.) I think that in the not-too-distant future newly arrived Americans expats will be looked at in Asia,

There are big cultural differences between the US and SE Asia. My advice to those who are planning to come to SE Asia is to be humble, respectful, voice your opinions only when asked, especially negative comments(unless you are close friends with those you area conversing with).

Of course learning the local lingo, even if it is just "hello" and "thank you" and customs will earn you lots of brownie points.

But then again SE Asians are on the whole very tolerant, and your being a foreigner will earn you a lot latitude not afforded to locals who are expected to know the prevailing customs. What ever you do, do not be rude, arrogant or pushy, they have red lines too.

congjing yu, JustAnotherAsian and Satellite Conspiracy have reacted to this post.
congjing yuJustAnotherAsianSatellite Conspiracy

@keff You are absolutely correct. To say it another way; don't be the "ugly American". Other nations, other people, other societies have THEIR ways of doing things. You obey them or leave. The idiom "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" is very applicable.

As an expat in China, nothing irritates me more when a foreigner comes to China and says something bad about it. Or constantly says how their home was so much better. It really pisses me off.

keff, JustAnotherAsian and Satellite Conspiracy have reacted to this post.
keffJustAnotherAsianSatellite Conspiracy

Even American born Asians are not deemed locals as culturally, they grew up in a western culture. Their advantage, if any, is the ability to assimilate quicker due to being already exposed (somewhat) to Asian culture at home.


My advice is to get to know the locals, make friends, learn the local way of doing things from them and not be isolated within your own expat community. Initially, the local expat community will be helpful to set up your life here but in the long run, being isolated from the locals will be a mistake.


This is the same advice I give to Asian students who are going to study overseas. They're not just going to get a piece of paper but also to get an education in life (living in a foreign land and adapting to it. Learn what is good, discard what is bad.)

congjing yu, keff and Satellite Conspiracy have reacted to this post.
congjing yukeffSatellite Conspiracy

@keff The Americans I’ve known who had a bad time in any country outside the US usually went in with a big mouth and a wallet full of cash. People who are respectful and curious without being pushy don’t seem to have problems, whether it’s in SE Asia or elsewhere. Come to think of it, that’s one reason Californians have a bad reputation.

The main reason I think it would be good to get out of the US sooner rather than later is that at some point there will be a lot of people looking to leave, and the “ugly American” that @laoban4site mentions will be what people expect when they see us. At that point it will be good to already be established. That and if things do go to hell it will be a lot better to have already left than to be forced to flee.

At any rate, most Americans seem to be locked into the “if my party wins the next election, everything will be fine” mindset. That will remain true whether or not said party wins the next election. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to understand how people can still think this way.

congjing yu, keff and JustAnotherAsian have reacted to this post.
congjing yukeffJustAnotherAsian

"It’s becoming increasingly difficult to understand how people can still think this way."

Isn't it so?


A trick some of my well travelled American friends once confided to me. Depending which country they go to, they will say that they are Canadian. LOL.

But since, the Meng Wanzhou saga, I doubt it they will use that line in China anymore.

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congjing yu
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