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The world grows a little smaller feeling every day! People related to McDill AFB have been nearby and 2-3 degrees of separation away from most every part of my life. Funny.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

McDill would be great if it weren’t for all the narcissistic psychopaths running around the base.

What was REAL crazy was I was there practicing during the Obama purge. People were full on suicidal and meant it - from senior enlisted to officers - we all saw what happened so I won’t rehash only to say as these men and women were booted out they had no money to pay us (my whole office were veterans) so we just saw them pro bono. THEN Obamacare makes charity work within the USA illegal and that was that. Many, MANY ended up taking their final flight off the Skyway bridge. It was really sad.

NOW I can’t imagine it. Alllllll those people like the clown Milley or Miley or whatever the hell his punk name is. The Joint Chiefs Guy. If only I could get HIS psych chart because I bet he has a lengthy one.

Nice base though. Cant ask for a better location.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Thanks for that story, PL. In case you've never seen this before, Griggs will confirm everything you've said and then some.

Looks like you had some sessions with the Dixie Mafia crowd. And/or their victims.

Famous across NATO for being the dangerous psychopaths that they are. And that's some pretty competitive company.

You can download this and listen while doing the chores, or something. You don't need the video.

It will also indirectly reveal Q for the brilliant psychological operation that it was and still very much is. Reality, public impression; two very, very different things. As any of us who've been around the block a few times already know.

Also backs up Hastings' book The Operators, for which he paid the ultimate price for writing. Griggs has disappeared, too. Many have been looking for her this past while to interview again given what's publically come to light toward the end of Trump's presidency.

These guys attempted a coup intended to place Trump (some say, actually, Jared and Ivanka were tapped to replace him due to "health problems" early post-coup); and were just stopped at the very last minute.

I believe you 100%. The only thing that surprises me is how very few still get it. Thatd be the MKULTRA+++ style techniques deployed against Joe Public since the Obama era, especially, I guess.

The last 18 months have been verification of that, clearly.

Thanks again for the insights!

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Kay Griggs is 100% bonafide, btw. Dont worry about that.

@ultan-mcg THANK YOU for pointing her out to me!!!

Some of the shit that would come out of the operators mouths - out of either guilt or because a supervisor said “get help” because a line was crossed and that’s the best way to make something go away - the “we will clean this up but go get help or we can’t help you” would be how I would chart it (Yup - all of it would be charted - but in the then “new” electronic records system.

But the things they would describe - and I have interviewed the some CRAZY people - made me question wether I was hallucinating what they were saying. It was just that twisted and insane! One woman YEARS before Hugo Chavez died was blaming her breast cancer on - and I am NOT KIDDING - she carried a radioactive screw into South America in her bra to have placed - I guess by a housekeeper - in a socket next to where he slept. Freaking years later he gets brain cancer. She ends up killing her kid -    Out of the clear blue stabbed him- and we never saw her again.

This kind of crap made all of us in the office REALLY question our own sanity. Seeing someone say what this lady is saying is SUCH a relief! Some of the stuff they would tell me was so disturbing that I seriously used to get nightmares. Bad vibe stuff.

Thanks again!!!

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Exactly, PL. Griggs specifically refers to serious problems with drug and alcohol abuse by military types who were broken psychologically by the evil acts they witnessed and participated in. Or were forced to. Meanwhile, the psychopaths ran the whole operation and thrived. Ghastly stuff. She pulls no punches.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

And one other thing real quick as it does directly relate to MM and his site but I do not know if anyone read his article about the synthetic marijuana called spice. It’s a GREAT article. But that crap was straight up Obama administration. I had a patient kill himself he was so guilty and I personally treated more than 2 people that did not know each other was seeing me -as far as I knew. But that was a direct Obama directive. Spice and Bath Salts then blame China. They told us about the operation and months later people are eating faces off of other people - literally. But that was Americans poisoning Americans and blaming everyone else. Another country may, in fact be making the drugs - but it’s our people making them readily available.

Just thought I’d throw that out there - again - if anyone had a loved one have a bad experience with it, now you know.


I wrote an article about spice. It's how to experience HELL. It is HERE.


I will tell you I know - like KNOW know - one of the people she talks about - no question - it’s him. Others she talks about - she could have been in our office.

I do need to clarify to EVERYONE how I can LEGALLY tell you what I told you.

First, as long as patient identifying info is not included, I as a doc or you as a non doc can discuss anything about anyone’s personal medical history as long as no names, etc. are used. I didn’t even use anyone’s initials or age.

A normal presentation would be “patient X X is a 44 year old male presenting with —-“ . With my 2 examples and the one I have to pretty much explain as well, I didn’t even mention an age or initials - nor will I. They may be incarnations of Satan himself, but they were my and my partners patients.

We also had a VERY strict “No classified info allowed in the building” The reason for that was one of them left a freaking gym bag in the office that had classified info. I wasn’t there that day (THANK GOD) because the contents were so disturbing that one of my partners had to go on vacation and we had to close the office because the other 2 were just that jarred. And I am NOT kidding.

Nobody ever said “this is classified” because we would stop them right there. The assumption is when you come to a shrink your chart has more than the average HIPPA chart. But as I said anyone can present any patient as long as identifying info is not there.

The crazy thing was they would go back to THEIR work, frigging read our charts - then come back with “proof”.

I’ll give an example. The “official” narrative is that Hillary Clinton slipped on ice and hit her head. It’s why she couldn’t perform her duties as sec of state and wore those crazy glasses for a while, remember? Keep in mind this was LONG before the official “Iran deal”. Years before it.

Ok so patient X walks in. He tells me that he was a part of a group in one of the -stan countries - Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan - one of those - who was paying a group inside Iran to shoot down an airplane that had Hillary Clinton and another high ranking officer - and Obama’s staff members among others - to shoot down this plane and blame Iran. You see, he explained, Hillary and this General - were negotiating in secret with Iran to ally with the USA and behind the back of Israel to boot.

This group did, in fact, shoot this plane down and some rescue team had to get them. Not all lived.

To a normal person - this is f-cking delusional. 100%. Hillary, secret deal - with IRAN - and nobody else survived and this “group” he paid shot the plane down? Seriously.

So in his chart in the diagnoses or at the time “Axis V” I wrote what I thought. One of which was the diagnosis “Rule out delusional disorder not specified”.
RULE OUT. Normally it’s hard to do and in this case impossible, right?

Ok fast forward a month. He comes in with TONS of pictures, video of what looked like her - being pulled out of a small plane. Nothing was MARKED classified. Nothing. But he tells me he wanted to prove it to me to show he wasn’t delusional. Now how would he know what I wrote?

This became common. Any of us would chart “Rule out delusional disorder” and in came what looked like “proof”. Always. It’s like they would go back and see what we were writing (at the time we were still paper charting but I had a dictation service where you call a number, say your note in the phone and it’s emailed the next day)

Now again the above is an EXAMPLE of the typical McDill CENTCOM and SOCOM people.

After that I never charted “Axis II - Narcissistic  personality disorder” on any of them. I watched what I wrote but left nothing out

so that’s how I can write what I did without bringing heat to this board.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

And doesn't it all start to make a certain kind of sense in light of what Arl said about the Old Empire control grid, too?

Are what we think of as "demons" actually some kind of AI bots or other manufactured entities used to manipulate perverts and miscreants into positions of great power and influence wherefrom they're able to create as much chaos and destruction as possible in order for other entities in turn to feed off or harvest?

No matter what these creatures in uniform are, they're certainly not gonna save you.

Great story, PL. Glad you found Griggs of interest. I'd say she's lying verrrry low, of late. Or hopefully even under some kind of protection. The alternative doesn't bear thinking about really. A bit like the CARAT scientist who blabbed just a little too much.


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