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Effective Past Life Regression Technique

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My wife recently taught me this trick she picked up off one of her online friends. You are supposed to do it each night until you have a vision, but I only did it once the other night and seemingly started to get really intense "scenes" playing out in my head almost instantaneously of really weird things. I actually forgot to keep doing it, and plan on trying again soon.

What you a need; a fool card (or picture of) of the Rider Waite deck - don't ask me why but it supposedly works better from this classical deck. Check the image below for reference.

the fool card in reverse - Bing images

Study the card for a good few minutes at bedtime, and note everything from the Fool's clothing to the dog next to him; commit as much detail to memory as possible.

Now imagine the Fool walking backwards - go through the entire scene, of where he came from, and the dog walking backwards along with him. Imagine him stepping back over the rock his feet are on etc.

Do this for 10 minutes or however long you feel comfortable doing it, for at least a week.

This is said to bring about incredibly vivid dreams of your past lives. They might not necessarily be in human form.

If anyone has any success, please by all means post below or in the dream thread (mention you tried the technique though)

congjing yu and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yuAlice
Daegon Magus


What in the world? I just tried it cause why not?

It was odd because in my head the Fool can only walk backwards to the right. So I’m trying to move him backwards but in the center. I am struggling to keep the image focused. Every time I would focus and restart an aspect would fade. Like the dog would drift, and I would focus on getting him back and moving, and then I would lose the flag staff... ugh! With my amateur mental picture in reverse, I began to see trails of spiralling rainbow lights but they kept pooling up on the right  side of my mind 🙄 and then like in some dark water there was ripples, and an crystal clear image flashed and it was so unexpected I opened my eyes.


The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@Alice yeah it is surprising. I started getting these weird cartoons. Then I was in a cavern of what appeared to be hell with some random demon thing. Just heaps of flashes of super vivid images very shortly after doing it. I don't know how the hell it works, but was cool regardless. Apparently if you do it consistently for a few weeks it induces very vivid dreams that are supposedly your past life

Daegon Magus


Thats cool... I think? 🤔 HA! I mean, it could be what’s guarding our memories Or your “PCs antibodies” trying to scare you away.

This demon thing wouldn’t happen to have wings? My mental flash was of the top right of, what I thought to be, a dragon wing. I really wasn’t expecting to see anything. Kind of glad I am novice mind animator.... May need to brush up on my FOOL combat skills, or do you think this demon thing likes white roses?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


Ahh! So I just tried again. (This is not for the weak visualist) I saw symbols or hieroglyphics? They were moving like I was walking past them but didn't want to stop because I worked hard to move that FOOL. 😜   Get this- my dog, who is asleep at the foot of my bed, started whimpering and moving her legs. Like she was dreaming of running. whaaaaaat do you have me doing??

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice, so you now dream share with your dog¿

Can you move the Fool sideways or have him hopping around? 🤔 This tarot card thing looks like really interesting.



Alice has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@Alice ahhh I just looked something up and it makes perfect sense. i am going to have to write an article on this. it is all related to the kabbalistic tree of life

Alice has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus


LMAO Well I got to dream with someone because I only had those 3 dreams with our group.

It’s not so much a dream, it happens during my shotty (southern for shitty) attempts to visualise him walking backwards. I am unsure about the results in placement while walking him backwards, as both times I tried REALLY hard to back him up at his angle. I had him going back over a bridge this time. Like one of those questionable bridges in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, where there are planks held together by rope and wobble while you hold your breathe and pray your next step doesn’t plunge you to your death. Let me know if you see anything doing it another way. It makes my brain hurt focusing so hard.

@dori2190 Interesting. What are you waiting on?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Huh. I've been debating trying this and have held off because I'm unsure I'm ready to know yet. Definitely watching this thread with interest.

@Alice in the middle of two articles one of which is LD training #3 and the other an update on the mysterious chicken bird that scared my kid the other week. It gets complicated, but basically the Tree of Life is said to be map of how consciousness solidifies as it descends through the three non physical worlds into the fourth world of material manifestation after it comes from the source light - Ain Soph Aur. What many people don't realise is that the Tarot deck is a pictorial representation of the tree. The trump cards are representative of the 22 pathways the light/ consciousness descends through - the Fool card is on of the two cards that connect the first non physical world to that Ain Soph Aur. Given that the tree of life is basically like a giant filing cabinet for the human template, making the Fool walk backwards is literally telling your sub consciousness you wish to reconnect with the Ain Sop Aur. You are walking yourself back to your original, uncorrupted, higher self, hence the past life regression thing.

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Daegon Magus
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