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Fate of the earth and humanity

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@goldleaf yes. planning on doing one about the ashtar command and the Nordics soon

Goldleaf has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Cool! I'm looking forward to it.

Looks like Putin didn't like the idea of those biolabs at his border. Hence the "special military operations" and "denazification" stuff. Putin must have read Mr MM's covid bioweapon article 😁.

Guy at Twitter had his account suspended, nuked his article. @biolabclandestine is his new handle.  I came to the same conclusion independently last night. picked up what he wrote.

American Biolabs, Putin and Ukraine.

A little excerpt from biolab guy:

10) I’m not sure what is going on, but in the past 4 months, Russia and China accused the US of creating bioweapons at their borders and none of us heard about it, and our media wrote it off as “disinformation” and didn’t report on it other than to call it a conspiracy theory.

11) For all of this to make sense, you must be privy to the reality that the US NIH did indeed create C19 in Wuhan. Which has been largely accepted as the reality and confirmed in the emails released by congressional oversight between Collins, Fauci and world's top scientists.






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congjing yu, Geisterfahrer and Tas have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGeisterfahrerTas
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

That's interesting. Cheers for posting ML.

Have a good one


The only thing that can be certain now is what Metallicman and the Domain have been telling us for a while: major events/incidents involving pretty serious damage and loss of life are coming to pass and most if not all of it will go unreported. (And I don't mean just in the Ukraine. I reckon the Russians are going for NATO facilities in places like Georgia, Romania, Poland and the Baltic States, too, as we watch Muppet Land scramble for an angle.)

As for the breaking of old agreements and formation of new and for now secret ones? Well, that is definitely underway.

The financial sanctions are pretty serious for now though, right? 😂 and of course they're dawdling on SWIFT. Go figure. Putin has them by the balls. And this is likely the end of NATO and a likely US withdrawal certainly from Eastern Europe if not further. Unless insanity prevails. Always an option.

Definitely going for the biowarfare facilities wherever they are, too-- Western Sahara Africa, Angola and elsewhere; that's a given.)-- these are being neutralised. Very hush hush, too, obviously.

May you live in interesting times!

congjing yu, Chromacat and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuChromacatGeisterfahrerTasDingus

and an hour later this pops up on my very limited newsfeed. Another Mr Man classic line: watch for what's not being reported.

What's the betting this is the REAL reason for the Russian move on Ukraine? And an expedient one given that Bill Gates practically told us at Munich the other day that there's another pandemic on the way. And that people will 'take notice' of this next one. (He actually said that on stage just last weekend-- check it out. He also said something similar with his ghastly 'wife' in an interview early in 202o, too.)

Maybe they weren't counting on Vlad. Or were they?

Somebody please put a cat in charge.

US Bioweapon Labs in Ukraine, What will Russia Find?

Memory Loss, Chromacat and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Memory LossChromacatGeisterfahrerTasDingus

Yup @ultan-mcg, looks like something is going on. It's good to see Dilyana on VT now. And @biolabclandestine is suspended again. In 24 house no less, so the Deep State is well and truly awake on Twitter over the allegations.

There is another weird theory, one that MM people might like. Unfortunately Michael Salla has only made a bald assertion.

Ultan McG and Dingus have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGDingus
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Oh well, ML. Looks like we misjudged everything because the Western legacy media are all reporting that yesterday Friday the Ukrainians have managed to regroup and are inflicting "heavy losses" on the Russian invaders by heroically defending Kiev with rifles and molotov cocktails.

Those Spetznatz paras are amateurs, anyhoos. Everybody knows that.

😂. That's about as funny as Ze and friends being actually still in Kiev.

Back to the drawing board for dsstardly Vlad and his Chinese collaborators, eh? The French Foreign Legion are now in Poland. That'll scare em all back to Moscow by the time the weekend is out!! LOL. I just hope those pussies haven't forgotten their ear warmers, tinned mange tout and wooly gloves.

Oh, God-- I couldn't resist posting this one, sorry, y'all,,,

I'm reminded of that goofball friend of Sadaams' when the tanks were rolling into Iraq back in '90, remember? The 'we're pushing them back into the desert and destroying them in their airplanes before they even take off', guy?

And this when you could see the U.S. tanks' dust cloud in the background approaching Baghdad.

I can't believe they're rolling out this old playbook again. Goes to show: psychopaths really are devoid of imagination, and are no doubt as we write preparing some kind of massive counter to the Russian forces involving the deaths of innocents, as they always do. Smallpox or Ebola, anybody? Would they even dare?

But somehow I get the feeling that this time, Putin knows what's gonna happen in advance. Domain Advisors would kinda have that effect, I guess-- small hurts, not big ones. Fingers crossed for you all, guys. And for the innocents caught in the middle.

Because the Russians know exactly why they're there. And then some. And they haven't wasted the past twenty years blowing up corrugated iron sheds and murdering stone aged peasants armed with 1970s Soviet 'tech'.

I wonder when they're gonna drop the 'we know all about COVID' bombshell? That one will get the panties streaked if they aren't already. No wonder Pompeo has lost all that weight, LOL.

Feal and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.

Here's a very interesting piece of propaganda countering Russian moves. As Metallicman has said over and over: war isn't pretty and predictable; and, these guys really have no idea what they're dealing with.

Incompetent generals terrified of Putin. Yeah, right. Nice try, VT. The Russians obviously have y'all very, very scared. And about time, too. You'd swear these guys have watched too much CNN video wars over the years, when in actual fact-- and again as Metallicman has predicted in his SHTF articles-- whole cities get flattened and nothing wins through in the end except brute strength, force of arms and determination.

Does this guy honesty think the Russians are stupid enough to get bogged down in a Chechnya part 2? Or that they're gonna wait around for the NATO forces to figure out what to do and pack their nail varnish? I mean, the French Foreign Legion have been freezing their arses off in Poland for the past few months waiting for the go ahead to attack the far west remnants of what was The Ukraine.

Good luck with that, mon amee.  I don't  think the Russians are interested in mosquito ridden central European swampland, so knock yourselves out, lol.

Clever piece of writing this, though. Believable too if one has been reading the Guardian and the Financial Times for geopolitical insight.

Putin played into the Western trap

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