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Fate of the earth and humanity

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Bloody HJ flag, the flag that indoctrinated millions of young boys through hate, fear and false promises. The flag that was key to the longevity of the NSDAP, indoctrinate the young and you have them for life, sounds like climate change hey. The bear crushed the eagle once and will do it again, christ how to invigorate a Russian, tell them your a Nazi......

Meanwhile in the Koreas, 'a new situation' is being discussed.

Any guesses what that could be, heh heh. I think Russia's curveball in the West is soon going to be matched by something in the East. Talk about a hidden message. Will N Korea announce a new partnership with China? Economic and social development for the North as Anglo Muppet South Korea gets nervous across a very undermanned border?

Maybe a military alliance between NK and their Han brothers?

I'm thinking about P.L.'s prediction of a great push forward for the Koreas while Japan sees sense and finds a place in a developing Asia Pacific situation.

But first, The Domain warned us about some events that will require a change of tack for SK. Let's see what that involves. We're stocked up with rice and cat food just in case! May be dining on both soon enough for a while, but hopefully not!

Either way, this is a tantalising report and certainly does auger something new or incoming. I've watched SK and China relations for over a decade now and the language in this report is something very new, indeed.

Feal and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.

I think most people that are outside of the corruption of the "empire of lies" is well aware of what Putin is attempting to accomplish.


But ... it is becoming more and more dangerous to say anything about it ... especially in a country that has prided itself in free speech.

Feal, Ultan McG and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
FealUltan McGChromacatTas

Yes indeed. And a mighty hats off to Bo Chen if he's reading on kind of a related matter, if I may.

We've all seen the masks come off and now there's little doubt about who and what the New new world order are up against. I haven't always agreed with Bo Chen because hey, it's a forum, after all, and we all have our own experiences of life, and bring that to it, but on one thing he was totally spot on well before I realised it, IMO, BitCoin, and probably a lot of the crypto sphere in general is a Western run psyop of some sort.

How do i know that? Easy. All the big players and websites have been coming out in support of the poor, assaulted fascist lunatics in The Ukraine, and just the other day Binance donated 10 million bucks to these scumbags to buy more US munitions.

Crypto is a way to defeat the Banksters!

Crypto is all about fweeedom!

Maybe, but the gateways to it are fully under control of the legacy powers that much is certain, by now. And it also sounds to me like the crypto moon boys and shills on YouTube are nervous about something.

And maybe it's time to take another look at crypto. And who exactly are behind your assets of choice while funneling your fees to criminals in Ukraine and their Western suppliers.

Nice call, Bo Chen. And given that a lot of crypto is tied in to the US dollar outside of the controlled exchanges, I wouldn't like to make any solid predictions about the financial future that is fo' sho'. The useful assets will always be valuable of course, but getting access to that value especially if you're in a system tied up with Eurangloland Muppets, will not be easy.

Feal and paraic have reacted to this post.

Ive seen a bit of chatter on the internet this week about people swearing they've shifted timelines and/or lost track of time this week. Things we'd consider like a slide. Anyone else seeing similar or experienced anything themselves?

I personally have not noticed any time disruption though two coworkers I was planning out a schedule with could not remember what day it was. At the time they swore it was Wednesday though when were talking it was Tuesday. After I convinced them to check all their devices for the date, we all got a good laugh and they were still confused but adjusted fairly fast. Now it's making me wonder.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG
Quote from Goldleaf on March 4, 2022, 4:34 am

Ive seen a bit of chatter on the internet this week about people swearing they've shifted timelines and/or lost track of time this week. Things we'd consider like a slide. Anyone else seeing similar or experienced anything themselves?

I personally have not noticed any time disruption though two coworkers I was planning out a schedule with could not remember what day it was. At the time they swore it was Wednesday though when were talking it was Tuesday. After I convinced them to check all their devices for the date, we all got a good laugh and they were still confused but adjusted fairly fast. Now it's making me wonder.


I have to get a physical every 2 years for my job. My last physical was in May nearly 2 years ago. This year I was told to have it done by March 17.


They are wrong's always been in May. Apparently the "time line shifted" and now it's in March.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Yes. Apparently, the movie "Seven days in May" is about the Cuban Missile Crisis. However, now in this revised timeline, it occurred in October. Not in May. And the movie is now altered with a change in character as well.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Hmmm, then major major changes in the MWI are happening right now. Meaning where there is a crisis, there is opportunity. A good time to jump timelines eh? War is bad for most people, but perhaps the minority ones who are focused (in a new affirmation campaign tailored for the shifts, who knows), luck can change. In a major way.

MM, can we do the opposite of your MWI anchoring? We lift anchor instead on the tides of time, float or jump elsewhere 😁. This may be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Adapting your topology explanation, I think the water has gone up, and we are floating. The many MWI are in Flux. Lift anchor and make for the highest peak haha.

Ultan McG and paraic have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGparaic
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Yes you can. But beware of what you wish for. Watch the old 1980s movie "The Lathe of Heaven" (free on you-tube) , and pay attention to what happened at the very end.

Here is what happened when the world-line templates were reverted to the pre-birth template.

Oh Jesus!

Seriously, watch the movie.

perolator, Alice and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

whatever is happening of late, the worldlines certainly seem to be all messed around. On one hand you have the German 'leader'....

....(I'd love a kirlian readout of him, because his facial features are really fucked up and distorted, and that suggests to me something malevolent hiding behind the facade-- he just doesn't look like a 'German chancellor', more like some kind of low level stooge; just like Bite-Em does, too)....

.....publicly stating that Germany needs Russian fuel, and can't keep open for business without it-- and that he's gonna keep buying it-- and that Russia will keep selling it; and on the other hand, he has also said that he intends supplying (what was known as The-) Ukraine with deadly munitions in order to kill Russians with. So either it really is all kabuki theatre-- after all, pretty much nothing we see on media or internet reflects reality-- or these idiots really are desperately confused and shooting themselves in the foot, while Vlad and his Chechen special forces, Spetznaz and columns of professional infantrymen and gunners take their time grinding down the Main Target. (A Russian speciality-- as the ghost of Von Paulus will tell you.)

What if Russia just shut off fuel supply tomorrow? It'd be Mogadishu, not Munich; Bangui, not Berlin. Maybe Russia really is holding back and looking forward to some kind of reconciliation process in the future. Or a criminal procedure. Maybe Vlad knows a lot we don't. Probably.

Another odd thing is all the liberal politicians encouraging 'volunteers' to head to the Ukraine-- complete with face-masks on, 🤣-- and go up against crack Russian troops, paratroops and their armour. Not to mention total air dominance with 5th Gen fighter and bomber cover.

So what gives? Kabuki? Mental breakdown on the part of western 'leadership'? Shit gets confusing-- and the Muppets are shrilling louder and louder. I even came across a Q fan the other day-- don't ask-- who says Donny will be back in 2024-- possibly with Pompeo-- to take on the Russians.

So yeah, maybe it is all kabuki. And the laughs on us. One thing is for sure, though, I'd be stocking up on my supplies as Metallicman has been suggesting-- and there's always those SHTF articles he's written. And nobody needs a reminder of what's in those about things really going south. History is far from over, after all. And people are really good at killing people when there's nothing left to lose. Sticks, stones, stand off munitions, berserking crackheads, or what ever.

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