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Fate of the earth and humanity

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I took a closer look at Michelle Obama...she's a very tall woman but I don't think she has a masculine neck or anything. This reminds me of the time I stood in line at catering behind Sigourney Weaver (of Aliens fame). I did my best not to gawk, because she's SOOOO tall. I'm pretty sure she's over 6ft/180 cm. That said, I never had any doubts that she was a woman. She's just really tall. She's also super nice. I was kind of shocked that I was standing right behind her though! Unfortunately, I was way too embarrassed to ask for an autograph...

Quote from Old Wine on March 9, 2022, 8:27 pm

@justanotherasian I looked up Poy, the beautiful Thai actress in your link. I checked out her bikini pictures, and she doesn't have the "adonis" hips that western women who are "suspected" of being trans have. I wonder how they do this something surgery can fix? Also, I heard of that amazing kickboxer who used his prize money to get a sex change operation. I believe he (now she) is undefeated in his career.

My understanding is that the ultra feminine ones like Ploy started hormones therapy pre pubescent hence the lack of any masculine features. The only overt masculine feature left is the Adams apple. On top of that, at a very very young age, they were already showing signs of feminity.

Thais are extremely tolerant and accept this sub culture as they believe that this is the karma or life path of this person (very Buddhist philosophy).

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